
  1. jwalser18

    Needing Some Stocking Advice

    Okay, So here's my delemma.   I had rushed into this hobby about 5 months ago, and didn't know what the hell I was doing. This is probably going to be horrifically long, so i apologize now.   My stocking was: -10g with 6 tiger barbs -20g with 1 convict (f) adult 1(f) 8"red devil...
  2. Danielhorvath

    Need Help! Sticking Background Scenery To Inside The Tank!?

    Help! okay my fish are in a bucket and need to put them back in the tank as soon as possible, I just cleaned the whole tank and the waters been drained out,  but yesterday i bought some background scenery picture that i want to put on the back,but it has to be on the inside because the back of...
  3. M

    Difference Btween Male And Female (Tetra)

    hello, im ali new in this forum and fishkeeping !!!     I WANNA CHECK IF THESE FISHES OF MINE MALE OR FEMALE ?>   THERE IS 1 BLUE AND OTHER 1 IS LIKE DARK BLUE FROM TOP TOTAL 2 FISHES    ....i know these fishes are actually dyed fishes this is not there real color blah blah...   go ahead   p.s...
  4. Danielhorvath

    Setting Up A Tetra Tank:)

    Hey Guys   So I'm thinking of setting up a tetra tank, I want it to be a bigger tank that can hold neon tetra, cardinal tetra and penguin tetra. In at least groups of 5 each because they are schooling fish. Will those fish school together though? as they are all relatively the same size? I'm...
  5. Danielhorvath

    Tropical Fish Tank Help

    Hi, okay so I got a new tank from my friend, which has been up and running for a couple of years, so don't need to worry about nitro cycle and stuff, I love fish! I am studying to become a marine biologist and am in year 11 Measurements are: L 58 H 30 W 30 52.2 L tank 13.789 gallons It came...
  6. ellosunshinee

    Setting Up A New 55 Gal..need Advice

    Hey everyone. I am new to the community. Hello! I currently have a 10 gallon aquarium. I acquired this aquarium from my parents who did not take care of the tank at all. They really knew nothing about fish it seems. They had one of each species. I tried to rid this tank of problems but I am not...
  7. R

    Need Advice With Fish

    Hello.  I have 4 African banned barbs, 4 zebra danios, a 3 inch redtail, 2 silver tipped tetras, and 1 dwarf pleco.  I have a 30 gallon tank that's in very good shape.    All fish are healthy.  I need advice though.  My tank, though active, visually looks a tad empty.  My question is, given the...
  8. David J

    Pale Lemon Tetra

    Hi I have 7 lemon tetra and 6 glowlight tetra in my 90L. The lemon have been in for 1 month. They were quite pale when I got them which I know is normal until they settle. After only a couple of days they all coloured up nicely and now look stunning. For the last couple of days I've noticed...
  9. bloxplayer992

    Help! My Fish Have Ich!

    my fish have white spots! so far my neon tetras keep dying from it and one of my otocinclus appears to have a white spot on it's head.im extremely panicked since ive added that green super ich cure. i really dont know much about my water quality since this is my first tank and i need to know...
  10. I

    Tetra With Carbon Dioxide Poisoning...

    Hi everyone; We got some fish from a friend today who is shutting down his tank. Two of the Serpae Tetras have the signs of carbon dioxide poisoning. They are both relatively minor cases and I will keep a close I out to see if the situation gets better or worse. I know he was really good at...
  11. D34DLY

    Brand New & Boxed Tetra Tec Ex1200 External Filter

    Equipment: Tetra Tec EX1200 External Canister Filter Quantity for sale: 1 Reason for Sale: Doesn't Fit Inside My Cabinet. :'( Delivery or Collection: Collection Preferable. But Delivery Is Optional If Funds Supplied. Sales price: £100 (What I'd Paid For It) Postage & Packaging: Buyer Will...
  12. Aqua Marine

    Various Shoaling Fish For Sale, Peterborough

    I am currently rethinking my tank scape and its inhabitants and therefore am clearing out all current stocking to make room for a new stock of larger and more territorial fish. I am therefore selling the following fish. I will not post therefore pick-up is needed if you intend to buy. Location...
  13. jellychris

    How Can I Make My Tetras Shoal Together?

    I recently added 8 neon tetras into my 52 litre tropical tank which has a few guppies and cories. The tetras shoaled for the first day - still scared I assume - but now they have settled in they are all over the place. I much preferred it when they where shoaling but how can I make them shoal...
  14. K

    Swim Bladder Or Kidney Turning Green?

    This is a bloodfin tetra that has been in the tank for 6 days. Tank size: 29g tall; Eclipse; over 3 years old. pH: 7.4 ammonia: .2 nitrite: 0 nitrate: 5 kH: 40 gH: 50 tank temp: 78 Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): the fish was fine...
  15. Spaino

    Sick Neon Tetra & Mollie

    Hi guys - new to this forum and to fishkeeping. We bought our first tank in January this year (2012). We bought a 30L BiOrb (not the round space helmet looking one). It has a rock base (not sand) and various ornaments and plastic plants. We have a heater and use the air filter that came with it...