
  1. K

    Help! Silver Tetra Bouncing Straight Up And Down

    Hey, I've been searching the forum to try to figure out what's wrong with my wife's fish without much luck. So I thought I would post about it and see if anyone has any ideas. Our silver tetra has been having trouble swimming for a couple months now, and getting worse. He started out with just a...
  2. fropuf

    Help First Time Doing My Own Tank!

    Hello everyone! I have plans for a new 55 gallon freshwater tank. Money is no factor right now, but I want to see if my idea is even feasible.   The tank will be 55 gallons, but can be upgraded to 75 gallons. Bottom substrate is probably going to be gravel with sand covering it. Plant life is...
  3. cooledwhip

    Treating Ick/ich Help

    I discovered last night my tank has ICK in it, it took my pleco and I moved my guppy to a quarantine tank. There is no fish int he tank now only a lot of plants and my drift wood and substrate. I turned off my filter, I have my heater and air stone still going tho. I added two tablets of Tetra...
  4. W

    Tetra Ideas For 20 Gallon Tall

    I have a 20 gallon tall planted tank, thats been dirted with mineralized top soil with peat added and pool filter sand as the cap. I also have some bunches of Anacharis growing. Its only stocked with 4 cory's right now, but i have a pair of German blue rams i'm adding soon. All that aside, I'm...
  5. A

    New 10 Gallon Tank

    im starting a new freshwater tank and i was thinking about doing 5 black phantom tetras and 5 von rio flame tetras with various live plants. tetras are usually middle level and i have no high or low level fish, i thought about some guppies or gouramis but im afraid the tetras would fin nip...
  6. B

    Honey Gourami, Khuli Loach, Neon Tetra?

    Hello,   So I posted a few weeks back asking for advice to stock a new tank. I have now purchased a new tank and it is the 100 litre Aqua One UFO-550 corner tank.   I've put this into aqadvisor (as best I can because it doesn't really accommodate for corner tanks) and this seems to fit. Just...
  7. W

    Pale Serpae Tetra Not Eating?

    Hey, so one of my eight serpae tetras has looked a little more pale and ragged than the rest of my serpaes for a while now, and I noticed today that it was going after the food aggressively but would spit it out immediately after trying to eat it. I used the flake food that I give to my serpaes...
  8. G

    Banjo Catfish With Neons Tetra And A Betta. Safe Or Not ?

    I have a 30 gallon with 10 neon tetras and a betta. I'm thinking about adding a banjo catfish to this tank, but I'm not sure if they banjo would eat the neons or betta. Is it safe to keep a banjo catfish with neons and a betta ?
  9. W

    White Spots On Serpae Tetras

    My Serpae (or red minor tetras) seem to have white spots on them but each only seems to have one on their mouth or near there. Could someone identify if it is a disease or if it needs to be treated at all?  Tank size: 55 gallons pH: 7.0 ammonia: 0 nitrite: 0 nitrate: 0 tank temp: 74 Degrees...
  10. E

    Cardinal Tetra Has Become Deformed

    Hi Can someone please help me. I have one cardinal tetra in the shoal that has suddenly become deformed. It has a weird shaped body and has developed what looks like a lump under its mouth. It's tail is also looking very thin
  11. H

    55G Aquarium Stocking

    Hi everyone,   I'm new to this forum and the hobby itself :fish1:. We recently got a 4ft 55g tank and am currently aquascaping it.    I did a run on an online stocking calculator to check the compatibility and stuff for the fish I wanted. The results are as below, My Tank: 48inch x 14.5inch x 18...
  12. G

    25 Gallon Tank Setup.

    Do you think A pair of german blue rams 6 neon tetras 4 cory cats And 2 ottos would be fine in a 25 gallon tank?
  13. S

    Neon Tetras Missing Tails

    Hi guys, I haven't seen this problem before and I'm a bit baffled. My sons 150l tank has various guppies, platies, swordtails and neons. There is also an oto and bristlenose plec. The conditions are all normal and i do regular water changes every week. There are also hundreds of mts in...
  14. O

    Tank Stocking Question

    I'm re-entering the hobby and have forgotten much of what I learned when keeping fish about 15 years ago.    Aging sucks.  At any rate, I went to my LFS and inquired about fish to cycle my tank.  I was looking to create a peaceful, colorful, yet active community tank.  In the past I've kept...
  15. K

    Hey! New Here And Ready To Talk Fish

    Hi!   I just joined this fun forum. I am not a complete new person to fish as I have worked with fish a lot in my life. However I wouldn't call myself a professional. Anyways, I am excited to get back into the hobby at my new place.    I am working on trying to get a 20 gallon tank (the one I...
  16. B

    What Kind Of Fish Is This?

    I bought these 4 fish to give to my friend but now I'm keeping them. There's two tiger barbs and two other fish that idk. I have a 1 gallon and they get along but today I'm going to pet smart to buy a $15 ten gallon. Ik tiger barbs need at least 20 gallon now after purchasing, but ten is the...
  17. T

    What To Add To My 200L Tropical Tank

    Hi   I have had tropical fish tanks for quite a few years now but have all been 100L or less. I now have a 200L tank and would like some help with what fish to add.    It is a planted tank that currently has the following: 2 Bristlenose plecs 5 corys 9 zebra danios 6 golden barbs 3 tiger barbs 3...
  18. AeonMapa

    Neon Tetra Lost An Eye!

    So I came home tonight to see one of my neon tetras floating strange. It was asleep but they normally are tucked into the plants. On close inspection is saw that he was missing an eye! All that was left was a bloody socket :( Tank mates are: Severum Geophagus Rams White cloud minnows guppies...
  19. S

    Is Anything Wrong With This Fish?

    I have a tiger barb that is starting to take the form of a previous large tiger barb that ended up dying. We did not know the cause. It almost looks like the fish is pregnant. Does anyone know what it could be or do tiger barbs naturally take this form? Please follow this link. My pic will not...
  20. B

    My 38 Us Gallon Tank (144 Liters) And 8G

    So!!!!! I have posted on here before about my 38 gallon tank.  But I stopped because of camalanus worms that infected my fish.  I believe that they are all gone, so lets just hope for the best!    Last night I moved about 17 guppy fry, all ranging from about 1cm- 1.5cm.  In the tank there is...
  21. S

    Fin Nipped Tetra And Nippy Guppy

    So last night I spent hours moving my fish and setting up a new 75l (20gal) aquarium which was an upgrade of a 34l (<10gal) one. One of my Serpae tetras has been severely fin nipped and has difficulty swimming around. I was wondering if I was able to put just that one tetra into a small qt tank...
  22. Aqua Marine

    Re-Stock In Progress - Cheap Community Fish

    Hi Guys,   I am in the middle of getting a new tank and therefore want to re-stock with a larger group of cichlids, so my community fish are in need of new homes! I am based in Peterborough, Cambridgeshire and would need pick-up as would be unwilling to post!   Reason for Sale:            ...
  23. argoma

    Ich, Help!

    Hi everyone, I am in need of major help. I have a 18 gallon tank with 8 neon tetras, 1 betta and 1 pleco. Yesterday I noticed that they had ich and I rushed to add treatment to the water (EXIT is the name of the medicine). Today I also realised that the betta has fungus so I added medicin for...
  24. mrstwalker

    Tanks And Paradise?!

    My interests are Tetra tanks, breeding tanks ect. I love community tanks! My new loves are the Bala Shark!    I am a huge fan of Betta Splendens!    My husband and I travel to Key West often to snorkel (why I named this post Tanks and Paradise)   Visit my page to learn about my fish and tanks!
  25. T

    Bacterial Disease In Tank?

    Hi,   I am hoping I may be able to get some help.   I have had a problem in my tank for a while now........it seems to never go away. I have had fish deaths and currently have 4 tetras and male Beta that seem to be having some trouble (the beta seemed to have fin rot when I got him - I didn't...
  26. A

    Help, Odd Fish

    Hi,   I have just come back from my local tropical fish shop and started acclimating my new fish when i realised that i have an odd fish, it think its a tetra but it is on its own as it was in a bag of ottos can someone tell me what to do???   Thanks in advance  
  27. krusetanks

    Massive Lump On Brilliant Rasbora?

    I have noticed in the past couple weeks that one of my brilliant rasboras has been growing a massive lump on its side/stomach. It has been growing for almost a month. The fish is eating normally and is still schooling with the rest. It sleeps normally and swims just a little crooked. Any ideas...
  28. G

    Stocking Advice

    i have a fluval roma 125 which has been running for a month and slowly adding the fish into the tank to help with the cycle and would like some stocking advice???   i already have;   1 GBR 1 Honey gourami 3 Rummy nose tetras 2 Cardinal tetra      any ideas of what else i could add or how much...
  29. T

    New Here

    I have a 55 gallon tank. In it I have Opal gourami Blue gourami Pink kissing gourami Gold gourami Dwarf fire gourami Dalmatian Molly Black skirted tetra Neon green tetra Silver dollar Denison bard Blue mystery snail It is a very lively tank. All the fish have there own personality. I...
  30. D

    Tail Nipping Mystery

    I had a small tail nipping problem in my 55 gallon and figured it was my skunk loach because they are known for agression and fin nipping, but i got rid of him a few days ago and it seems worse... As of now I have: 2 white skirts A 1 inch EBJD A 3 inch Blue Acara 3 clown loaches 3 corey cats 1...
  31. S

    Different Tetras Schooling Together?

    I've currently got 3 Neon Tetras but would like to get more as I'm aware they're more comfortable in groups of 6+. I'd like a bit of variety however. If I got 3 Glowlight Tetras and 3 X-ray or Black Tetras, would there be any chance that they would school?
  32. CrazyDiamond88

    Ember Tetra Nipping Betta! :(

    A few days ago I put my betta and 6 newly bought ember tetras into their 12 gallon tank.   All was well except just now after I fed them, I was watching them, and one of the tetras was following Kasai, my betta around, and nipping his tail Kasai seemed pretty flustered and flashed himself away...
  33. N

    Community Tank Focused Around Discus, Rams And Schooling

    Hi all,   I'm keen to get opinions on suitable tank mates for Discus.   My current set-up: 200L tank, 2 striped Dora, 2 guppies (at least what I was told were guppies although mine are extremely "square" looking) and a Golden Loach (that I hate) - These fish all came with my tank and were not...
  34. B

    Betta And Tetras Does It Work?

    I'm thinking about keeping a betta and tetra community tank. I was wondering what people who've had experience with this set up think. I've kept bettas and corydoras before and they got along but at feeding time the betta would eat all the corydora food and the corydoras would get almost none...
  35. X

    Which Tetra Should I Choose?

    I have recently have had some deaths in the tank do to a fungal infection and now that it is taken care of, I would like to add some new tetra fish to the tank. We are deciding between   White skirt tetra Red Minor tetra Orange von rio flame tetra   Which do you think?   Tank mate are currently...
  36. BlueOrchide190

    Hello From New Brunswick, Canada! :)

    Hello there!   I've got a couple questions to ask that motiviated me into making this account, but I figured I'd pop in here and first introduce myself! My name is Christina, and I'm from a small hub-city in New Brunswick, Canada. I have just a 5 gallon fish tank so far that I've had for about...
  37. S

    **urgent** Fish Slowly Dying...

    Hi,   One of my Silvertip tetras had been fin nipped about a month ago, was growing back fine and then it was nipped again a week later. So far it has not grown back but that isn't my issue. 5 days ago it started to swim sort of on it's side, and then eventually was just laying on the gravel on...
  38. S

    Corydoras Eggs?

    I have peppered and Julii corydoras in a 120L tank aswell as a some Rummynose teras. I have recently found some yellow spherical objects which I assume are eggs, the peppered cories eggs. Somehow I'm not sure whether or not these eggs will survive. Any help would be greatly appreciated
  39. TallTree01

    Troublesome Tetra!

    Some background- tank is a fully cycled and heated biorb 105. Stocking is a bristlenose Pleco and 7 neon tetras. I had 9 neons but a couple died of unknown causes. I have since learned that neons have become weak due to breeding and have become interested in other tetras. So my questions: 1...
  40. S

    Neon Tetra Help! Disease?

    Hi there,   I have a problem, one of my tetras is sick and I do not know what disease it is. I need help. I thought it is ich and have been treating for ich for over a week now. the funny thing is that it is the only fish infected in the whole aquarium even if they were together over 3 days. I...