
  1. N

    Swim bladder - nothing has worked

    We believe our neon tetra has swim bladder. We have tried Melafix, stress coat, withholding food, peas, general tetra antibiotic treatment, aquarium salts, and even bought a new warmer to make sure the temp stays warm enough. Our poor tetra is still floating at the top and topsy turvy. He’s...
  2. Gemmsy

    Neon Tetra breeding finally!

    As is the way with some things, as soon as you stop trying you succeed ha. I have been trying to breed neon these tetra for the past few weeks. Feeding bbs, pairing off at night with a slight temperature drop, into slightly softer water etc... no use. I think they found the move and netting...
  3. L

    Help, Algae eating fish needed

    Hey, I have a 56 litre tank but I can’t seem to find any algea eaters that’ll be okay with the fish I have in my tank. I have 3 Electric Blue Rams, One Dwarf Gourami, and 5 Serpae Tetras. I had otos before but they keep dying. The tank doesn’t produce that much algae it’s quite far away from the...
  4. E

    Glowlight Tetra weird behaviour.

    I have 10 Glowlight tetras in my 160L aquarium. One of them has been acting very odd recently. It is moving very slowly and opening and closing its mouth a lot. It has a slightly enlarged stomach that seems more white. It also has a weird white thing coming from its underside. It moved to the...
  5. R

    Adding White Skirts and Serpae to Blackskirts tank

    Hi All, I currently have a tall 30g with the following (ammonia 0.00, nitrites 0.00, nitrates 0.20ish currently, run water changes weekly if not more frequent): 6 julii cories (love these) 6 glo danios 7 black skirt tetras 2 mystery snails (thinking about moving one into a 10g I have so that...
  6. Jan Cavalieri

    Recovering from a disaster

    A while back I forgot to turn off the heater during a water change - I caught it pretty quickly but the shock killed most of the fish in the tank. Looking at the heater filter cord and all the other cords around it - they basically melted. Then, around the same time, we were working on my new...
  7. Ellie Potts

    Community Tank Advice Needed

    Hey everyone! I'm relatively new to this forum but was looking for some advice. I'm setting up a 55-gallon tank (48" x 13" x 21") and would like it to be a community tank. I've recently been really into schooling-tanks with many different kinds of schooling fish. For example, one fish keeper...
  8. M

    Filter too strong!

    I recently got my first fish, 6 cardinal tetras. However one of them actually got sucked into the filter and unfortunately passed away, and they had been swimming mostly at the bottom of the tank which I thought was due to not being comfortable in the new environment yet but when I turned off...
  9. J

    Unusual Fish

    Hello! I am not great with this forum stuff, but I really cannot figure out what this fish is! We were given some more Tetras and some Guppies too. Amongst those was this strange fish. I’m not sure if I’m being stupid or if it is genuinely an unusual cross breed. Does anyone have any answers for...
  10. R

    Tankmates in tall 40g: Black Tetra and Julii Cories

    Hi All, Pretty new to the fish hobby. Got my hands on a tall 40g tank that I've had running for the last few months and has been running really well (hope I didn't jinx it). Details: Sand substrate Live plants and non live tall plants (fake driftwood as well) Pretty high water flow coming...
  11. K

    Need Help with Glofish Tetra

    I cycled my 10 gallon (https://www.petco.com/shop/en/petcostore/product/glofish-glass-aquarium-kit-10-gallon) tank for about 3/4 weeks and saw the spikes of nitrites and ammonia then both hit 0 and the nitrates were at a pretty good level. From what I had read, it seemed like the whole cycle was...
  12. Tegz

    First fishy friends

    Hi all I hope that everyone is well. I'm a28 year old graphic designer from cape town south Africa and this tank sits on my desk I got my first tank 2 weeks ago and have loved every second of having it. It's a 3.2 gallon (not a great start I know but space was very limited I have a bigger...
  13. U

    Another one bites the dust :(

    Hi all, I’m new here and am hoping some might be able to help. Over the past month we have lost 3 guppies, and all 6 tetras - the last one tonight :( The other fish seem healthy, and happy but I’m concerned it’s only a matter of time and I don’t know where we went wrong. here is our set up...
  14. F

    Need Glow Light tetra help!!!

    Would anyone be able to help diagnose this glow light tetra? (I’m very new to this). Thanks so much in advance!
  15. Rdoran88

    Esha exit with carbon filter. Help needed

    I have recently had white spot break out in the aquarium so I have collected some Esha Exit for treatment. I put the required dosage in this morning and whilst at work realises the filter cartridge has carbon in it. Does anyone know if the carbon will have taken out the meds in a period of 8...
  16. Circus

    My Tanks!

    In my circus of an apartment I have several small and medium tanks. This will be a collection of pics of my tanks and fish. This first one is of the fish in my "Red" tank. It has cherry shrimp, ember tetra, a female betta, and temporarily some pygmy corydoras.
  17. A

    Need help emergency! Betta and cardinal terra

    Bit of a long post but please read all PLEASE NOTE I am brand new to this and have only had my fish for around 1 week : I Have got a 30L tropical tank, which was left cycling for nearly 2 weeks before any fish went in. There is lots of live plants also some plastic ones, lots of hiding spots...
  18. L

    Help! Everything in my tank keeps dying after getting cardinal tetras (TW - Dead fish pic)

    Hi everyone! I'm posting this again as the previous one seemed to disappear. Quick backstory: I'm quite new to fishkeeping, but I've made an effort to do everything correctly and I've done a lot of research on the right procedures. I have a ~30gal tank, and after it was fully cycled I added 6...
  19. Z

    Dying rummynose tetras and kuhlis

    I have a cycled 360l aquarium with kuhli loaches, Cosby gouramis, plecos and snails. This Friday I added 20 rummynose tetras. I bought them from my LFS which is highly regarded around here as having good stock and being safe to buy from (and giving good advice etc). Starting yesterday they began...
  20. LexiLex888

    3 Guppies dead, is this a disease?

    So two nights ago I realized that one of my guppies had died. I didn’t see anything wrong and I figured that it was just of old age or something since he was an old fish. Then another one died and another! I have recently added two new lamp-eye tetras (in addition to my one already in the tank)...
  21. C

    Guppy Dieing

    Hi So I have a 105 litre tank, in it is the following 3 neons (less than there should be but I currently can't change that given lockdown) 1 adult female molly 6 molly fry (around 3 months old) 1 guppy My issue is the guppy has come oddly docile, barely moving and barely swimming. I found...
  22. D

    40 gallon pearl gourami

    Would a pearl gourami be fine with a small shoal of Buenos Aires tetra in a 40 gallon breeder?
  23. T

    Something is very wrong in my tank

    Ok. This gon be long. I tried to get good pictures, but fish b fish ukno I've had 5 (6, but one died already from whatever it is that's wrong) female guppies since january. I bought them online from a good seller. They came healthy (and preggo :D), totally fine these past few months. They were...
  24. U

    Mass terra extinction

    We had three of our four rummynose tetras die overnight last night. The tank has been very stable for months as is. The tetras shared a tank with a beta, two khooli loaches, and an Apple snail. I added some zucchini steamed in a bamboo steamer last night for our Apple snail, which was unusual...
  25. suyantank

    Help please! Tetra fading and turning all white! (with pictures)

    Hello everyone! Since the brown algae bloomed in my old setup, I have removed nearly all the plant and had a new setup. Around 50% of the water is from the old tank, with some new and old plants put in. However, once the setup was done, the blueness of one of my twins tetra (blue Harlequin...
  26. A

    Tetra inflammed belly

    Hi everyone, i’ve been keeping fish for about two years so really not very experienced. I would normally go to my local supplier for questions but because of the coronavirus threat felt it more appropriate to join a forum. I have a community tank with a RTBS and a gourami, five penguin...
  27. S

    Pregnant tetra or bloat?

    Hi, I’m looking after my cousins fish. He has some guppies and two tetras. I noticed one of them has a very distended belly and wondering if it’s pregnant or bloated? If the latter, how can I get it’s stomach down. He feeds tropical flake food. In photos is the size difference between the two.
  28. B

    Stocking 65l aquarium

    I have a 65l planted tank currently stocked with 6 cardinal tetras, 6 orange eye lemon tetra and a panda gara. Do you think I’m fully stocked or is there any room for more? It’s been running for well over a year and I’ve had no problems so far I was thinking about a dwarf gourami or maybe a...
  29. A

    Urgent help please suspected neon tetra disease

    Hello I just purchased some guppies from store and a few hitchhiking tetras got in the bag however I am unsure if the tetras have neon tetra disease as they have a bent spine and are really skinny can someone advise if it is in fact this or something else as I am unsure thanks in advance
  30. Barry Tetra

    Help my splashing tetra have a little bump on his mouth

    My splashing tetra grow cyst on his mouth and it getting larger and larger pls help.
  31. R

    Tight schooler that breeds on the tank!

    Hey everyone, I am setting up this new tank and I'm looking for a tight schooling fish, Cardinal or Rummy-nose alike, that will breed easily on the tank. I love my tiger barbs but I never got them to breed... Do you guys know any that I could try? If it can survive (at adult size) in the same...
  32. S

    Unexpected death of my tetras

    Yesterday one of my tetra died and today another died. I have a 10 gallon tank with live plants(amazon sword, java fern and a plant that resembles cryptocotyne a littlebit) and driftwood. There are 5 pond snail's in it as well. Two days before I got 5 cardinal tetras and 2 guppies for my...
  33. S

    Stressed fish

    Hi I recently built a tank which is only 10 days old. I cycled the tank with bacteria in a bottle and fish food flakes and I added 5 cardinal tetras and 2 guppies in my 10 gallon tank. I have driftwood and a stone along with 7 Amazon sword stems, a java fern and a species of plant that somewhat...
  34. F

    Betta with Harlequin Rasboras and?????

    This is my fist time setting up a community tank with a male betta as the centre peice. I have 3 other successful community tanks right now! I have a 26 gallon bowfront tank that is currently cycling and im having trouble find accurate answers/find alot of mixed answers to a few questions i...
  35. HalfTailedOwner

    PLEASE help!! My tank is at 8.0 ppm...

    Hi, just need to put some information before I start. 10 gallon tank 72 F water Has a filter, and an air stone water is conditioned I originally had a male doubled tailed betta in the tank--and everything was going smoothly. He is still alive after a month after I got him. However, my dad...
  36. T

    Can I feed Betta micro crisps?

    Hello, today I bought a Betta for my aquarium and was wondering if I can feed them micro crisps by the brand tetra. It says on the side they are for all ornamental fish. Thanks .
  37. E

    Stocking 200 Litre

    What do you guys think of (for a planted): 8 x Cardinal Tetra 7 x Silver Hatchetfish 6 x Emperor Tetra 5 x Pentazona/Odessa Barb 6 x Adolfo Cory 6 x Bronze Cory 1 x Siamese Algae Eater (True one, not false or flying fox etc.) Ramshorn Snails Cherry Shrimp
  38. S

    Black Skirt Kept Alone - Advice?

    Hi! I recently acquired a new tank on Craigslist... it is a five gallon with two Mollies and one Black Skirt Tetra. I bought the tank for my shrimps, wasn't told it already contained fish. I know that the black skirt is a schooling fish so I was planning on moving him/her to my 10 gallon when...
  39. E

    55 Gallon Stocking

    Hello, Just wanted to get some opinions on my stocking for a planted 55gal: 2 x German Blue Ram 5 x Pentazona Barb 6 x Silver Hatchetfish 8 x Cardinal Tetra 6 x Bronze Cory 6 x Adolfoi Cory And then if this goes well and I want more, I'll probably get a pair of Golden Rams. Thoughts?
  40. Annemarie

    29 Gallon stocking

    I know I’ve done a few of these regarding fish that would be okay but I’ve finally decided what I really want. I was thinking... 1: Pearl gourami 1: electric blue ram 3: Albino cherry barb 3: Cherry barb 5: Kuhli Loaches 4-5: Emperor tetras 4-5: neon tetras 1: Diamond Head Neon Tetra I...