
  1. Emilee Maphui

    Tetra fat or Pregnant?

    I have a 5.5 gallon with four tetras to start, a mystery snail, I think its a pond snail, and a cat fish which i believe is a Cory. I also have one Live plant. I previously has problems starting a tetra school, but they had all died. I also had a gourami that died this morning. All the sudden I...
  2. Annemarie

    29 gallon stocking

    Hi! After a long wait I’ve finally convinced all those I live with to allow me to keep a larger tank. It’s goimg to be a 29 long and I was going to take a look at filters later depending on how the stocking idea proceeds. I’ll have smooth pebble substrate for the loach (mentioned later) and I...
  3. W

    Neon Tetras not eatign

    Hey guys I got some new Neon Tetras 5 days ago and they haven't been eating no matter how many times I tried to feed them. I've been giving them different foods, including frozen worms, pellets, flakes, freeze dried worms, bug bites, but they aren't taking any of it. It just falls to the bottom...
  4. T

    So Serpae Tetras...

    Ever since we added two serpae tetras, they have been very happy fish. However, we noticed that the smaller tetra (not THAT much smaller, maybe like a millimeter or two) started hiding a lot and began having trouble swimming. Many people online assumed that it might just be dying, however it’s...
  5. J

    Help with stocking tank/ Questions about a few fish!

    Hello! I'm Jacob, and I started my first aquarium around a month ago. My current lineup of fish are 3 Clown Plecos and 6 Neon Tetras. My tank is a 20 Gallon, and I can get the measurements right quick if I need to. Originally, I was going to find some Khuli Loaches and use them in place of the...
  6. Fish345

    Stocking Ideas For 55 gallon

    I have so far... 1x Angelfish 2x Dwarf Gourami 1x Rainbow Shark 3x Mollies 6x Albino Cory Thinking of maybe some tetras?? Idk. The tank is planted with sand and manzanita wood.
  7. E

    90 gallon stocking?

    i recently set up a 90 gallon aquarium with a fluval 405 and a fluval 206 for filtration. I already have 5 red eye tetras, 2 red minor tetras, a silver flying fox, and two uaru. Is it possible to have 3 angelfish in this setup, or will it be overstocked?
  8. G

    Fluval Edge 6 Gal with fish

    When I was up in CT cleaning out my Mom's Condo I was originally keeping a look out for a 5 gal tank for a Betta that I ended up not getting. I did get a Fluval Chi 5 gal for $20. But before driving up 2 hours from NY to CT I saw a post about the Fluval Edge with fish and supplies for $150. So...
  9. A

    Upgrading tank - CAE with amanos?

    Hi all, I've been in the tropical fish keeping hobby for a little while and I've recently ordered a 230 litre (~60 gallons) tank to upgrade from my biorb - I know people don't like these, I found it to be okay but not great. Anyway, a relative of mine is moving house and currently has a 100...
  10. E

    90 gallon tankmates

    What tankmates would work best with red eye tetras and a Senegal bichir? (90 gallon aquarium) I would prefer large tankmates, either one extra large centrepiece fish or a couple large fish. Possibly larger peaceful chichlids?
  11. E

    Uaru tankmates

    What tankmates would work best with red eye tetras and a Senegal bichir? (90 gallon aquarium) I would prefer large tankmates, either one extra large centrepiece fish or a couple large fish. Possibly larger peaceful chichlids?
  12. shikarii

    Glo Tetra bloated

    Currently have 5 glo tetras in a 10 gallon tank. Ive had the tank for a year and a half. Water levels are fine, I noticed my yellow one is extremely bloated, the others are fine. Any advice on how to fix this? He eats and swims normally.
  13. A

    Tank Stocking Aggression Issues & Fish ID help?

    Hi All, Tried my hand at salt water fish a few years back and let's just say I'm better off here LOL! Any how, I've had my 29g Biocube running for about 2 months now (recycled from the saltwater experience) About a month ago I stopped at Petsmart and bought some cheap fish in case any died in...
  14. H

    Tetra white snout

    Any advice would be appreciated. I have 1 neon tetra with a white, lumpy looking snout(pic attached), one with whitish lips. All 3 of my original tetra have some signs of fin rot but the 3 newest tetra, 3 guppies, 11 cherry shrimp, plants look good. History: Planted 20 gallon tank Original...
  15. Brendt

    Tetra tank

    Hi guys, I’m still cycling my tank but today added decorations to it, the picture of my tank is attached. I wanted to go for a natural look and wanted to know how I did as I’m a beginner... also if you think my tank (when cycled) will be good for a couple tetras and if they will be happy. It’s...
  16. Theresamarie93


    First of all I would like to start off by saying I am a veteran at keeping fish. I've been very successful at it over the years. Ive been on break but I recently just got my daughter a 10 gallon aquarium with artificial plants. Currently I have to Glow tetras one Cory catfish and one male platy...
  17. N

    My fish are sick and dying!

    Yesterday, when I came home from work, I went to feed my fish and they were all sick! I look at and feed my fish every morning before work and before I go to bed. They seemed normal to me and then suddenly my whole tank was infected! I did reasearch and believe my fish have the "ick". They have...
  18. D

    Cardinals hiding?!

    Hi, I have a new tank with Cardinal Tetra's. They seem very happy, playful and feed well. However, when it comes to water changes it becomes an absolute disaster. A few of them decide to bury themselves in the media and get stuck. On this occasion I had no choice but to remove them all from the...
  19. B

    Congo Tetra eats Neon Tetra

    So I had a couple of Congo Tetra's for a while, and have now finally got 12 Neon Tetra. There are plenty of plants and hiding areas but the Neon Tetra's are very small and the Congo's being fully grown have become a decent size. After a few hours I saw one of the Congo Tetra's eating a Neon...
  20. L

    Silvertip Tetra- Behaviour question

    Hi All! Recently (Approx 2.5 months ago) I introduced six Silvertip Tetra into my (new) community tank, they live alongside Paul (BN), 10 Neon Tetra & 8 Raspboros. They've all been living very happily but the last few days one of the silvertips is in my opinion acting a little weird. This...
  21. L

    Glowlight neon tetra - swimming jerky & lump on stomach

    Hi, my glowlight Tetra was lurking around at the bottom of the tank hiding, shaking a bit but seemed like it was just eating food off the bottom of the tank. A while later it was doing the same thing so I thought it can't be still eating, it was almost like it was vibrating/jerking (with its...
  22. S

    What are my fish doing? Help?

    Is this a mate dance or a hate dance? Only had Betta fish before. I don't want my fish killing each other (or making more fish, honestly my tank isn't big enough for that)
  23. Tyler_Fishman

    Anubias help

    finally I got an Anubias. But I don't know the species. Any ideas? It has its emersed leaves on as it was grown in a tissue culture
  24. R

    One fish is acting weird.

    I recently bought some white skirt tetras and one of them is swimming all around very fast up and down the tank. I was wondering if this is odd behavior because she is the only one doing it. Is this normal? And if not what should I do to help her?
  25. Tyler_Fishman

    What is this??

    I came home today to find my rummynose with a lump or light patch inside it? Not sure, I would like some clarification on this, cant test parameters atm besides ph which is at 6.8 not sure of the cause? Possibly my betta got it while it was sleeping? The cardinal it's with bullies it to no end...
  26. E

    Aggressive Fish, goldfish, and tanks.

    Hi! I'm posting in a bunch of forums because I really need help... At my job we have a fish tank and its not doing well. They have had it for years, far before I started, and the staff who used to take care of it left. Since then it was periodically taken care of by someone else, but the tank...
  27. C

    Serial Fish Killer

    My husband promised my two kids a fish tank and in true kiddo form, they never forgot it. So yesterday evening we went and picked out a 3 gallon GloFish tank, a bunch of fake plants/rocks for the bottom, a filter, water heater, air pump, Aqua Safe, Safe Start and a thermometer. The water we put...
  28. M

    black skirt tetras killing neon tetras.

    Hello, I have a 55 gallon aquarium with 3 black skirt tetras and got 5 neon tetras. I put in the neon tetras and they acted okay, and all day the fish were in the tank with no problem. At night I turned off the lights and went to sleep. When I woke up I checked mt tank and saw one neon tetra...
  29. J

    What Kind Of Tetra Is This!? Help!

    I bought a school of Diamond Tetras, which were mixed with I believe 2 other Tetras. I think they may have accidentally gave me a different kind, but I'm looking to confirm. I've attached pictures of the fish. He/she seems to be swimming alone mostly, while the others are schooling. What kind of...
  30. A

    Neon Tetra Rough Looki Fins

    I was gone most of the day yesterday and my fish were fine when I got back this morning from what I could tell. About half an hour ago I was watching them and one of them looks like it's fins are torn up and there is a silvery string hanging behind one of it's fins. All of it's fins seem to be...
  31. A

    Moving To A Bigger Tank

    I've had my fish for just a little over a week now. Unfortunately, it wasn't until after I got them and the tank that I learned a 1.5 gallon tank was much too small. I'm looking to upgrade to a 20 gallon as soon as I have the money and can clear out the space. I've been looking around on the...
  32. A

    Problem With Neon Tetras

    I'm new to this and I've learned a lot in the last week, but I'm sure I've already made more mistakes than I realize. I bought a 1.5 gallon tank because my parents told me that would be good for the five tetras I was getting at the time. I got them and set everything up but I only had one fish...
  33. J

    Need Help With Neon Tetra

    Hello,   I need help with my Neon Tetras. I had 4 to begin with, one died the same day we got it. The others lasted about 5 months. One about a month ago started doing barrel rolls and couldn't swim straight, darting around really fast. He died a week later.   Two days ago, our 3rd fish began...
  34. S

    Tetras Dying Off One By One

    Hello Everyone,   I'm new to this forum and relatively new to fish keeping (a tank when I was a kid that got neglected doesn't count).   I recently dove head first into this hobby and I love everything about it.  I have decided to keep angel fish as my main focus for my new tank - a 37 Gallon...
  35. A

    30 Gallon, Mixed Wrong Fish

    I know now to read about things myself before heading to purchase fish. My daughter and I relied on information from a Petsmart employee to recommend fish to add to our group of 2 cory catfish and 1 dwarf gourami (powder blue). They were calm and happy.    Now, our 30 gallon tank is home to 2...
  36. B

    What's Wrong With My Neon Tetra?

    I'm not exactly sure what is wrong with him but he seems bloated possibly. 
  37. S

    New To The Hobby, Fish Are Dying

    Hi everyone, so I am new to the hobby of keeping fish, and also new to this forum (I hope I'm posting this in the right topic) So we've had fish since somewhere in September 2015. We bought a 17-litre tank (4 gallon) and 12 fish. What we got: 3 livebearers, platy's to be exact, one of them a red...
  38. P

    First Time Seeing Fish Eggs. What Laid Them?

    We have a 65 gallon tank, fully cycled but not fully stocked. It's an upgrade from a 20 gallon which was an upgrade from a 10 gallon. We've been novice aquarium people for 2 years. We've never seen eggs until now.    Our new tank contains:   - 3 Albino Cory catfish (1 we've had for a year+ and...
  39. chrisdenyer

    10G Tank Stocking

    Hi guys, so I have a 10g tank which currently has 5 rummnynose tetras, and I really want to get a cockatoo apisto, or a pair since it seems pretty hard to find them for sale singly... I've read a lot of stuff saying that the apisto can work in a 10g with a school of tetra, wondered what you guys...
  40. MylesVinno

    Is My Pristella Tetra Fat Or Pregnant?

    Hi everyone,   I have 3 pristella tetras in my tank and one of them is very large. I have had it for 4 weeks and it was like that when I bought it. Does anyone know if it is pregnant, fat or just bloated?     Here are some pictures:  ...