
  1. J

    Help! My New Fish Are Struggling ---Flukes?—What Should I Do?

    Hey everyone, I could really use some advice regarding some serious issues with my recent fish order and tank losses. Here’s the full story: Two days ago, I received a group of fish, including: Dwarf Neon Rainbowfish x2 Emperor Tetra x12 (+2 extra, so 14 total) Rummynose Tetra x9 (+1 extra...
  2. C

    Stocking Ideas

    Hi, I'm looking for advice/opinions on stocking. I've posted before about having issues with live bearers due to soft and acidic waters. Instead I'm going for different fish and so far have had a lot more success. Below I have included my stocking, and was thinking of adding albino Cory's to...
  3. Tacocat

    emaciated rainbow tetra swimming weirdly

    What’s with this fish? He’s been like this for a week and he got better so we didn’t think much until today, where all of a sudden he’s much worse. I’ve been trying to feed him but he’s not eating at all. I suspect worms so I dosed the tank with 1 tbsp of aquarium salt per 5 gals. Any advice?
  4. R

    Adding fish to an established tank

    I currently have 15 neons and can't decide what fish to add to the tank. My options are: 1. 8-10 ember tetras/gold tetras 2. 2-3 honey gouramis The tank size is 60x30x40 cm with an eheim 2213 filter. Nitrates are 0. The tank is running for 2 years with the current stock.
  5. Tacocat

    Rainbow tetra lopsided and breathing fast and floating on surface

    I just bought 8 rainbow tetras and upon acclimating I noticed one of them looked sickly and lopsided. We think it’s about to die, but we’re not sure what to do about this fish. Please help. They’re still in the bags floating btw
  6. I

    One neon tetra in my tank is turning white and it looks like the scales are falling off

    I have 6 neon tetras 2 platys and a beta fish in a tank of about 15 gallons. I bout the fish about 1,5 months ago and suddenly I have noticed that one of my tetras is staying a bit away from the others and is turning cloudy white. Does anyone know what the problem could be and what I should do...
  7. H

    Strange lump on neon tetra

    Recently this weird bump on one of my fish appeared and I want to know how I can care for it
  8. J

    Is she pregnant or bloated

    Hello again Family! My tetra is huge but I’m not sure if she’s filled with eggs or just bloated. Now if you look at the background those are all OLD dead eggs from some time ago. But when that took place, she was no where near this big. Also, I do have a male tetra in the tank with her.
  9. S

    Why is my Tetra Glofish so huge compared to the others.

    My purple glofish is like unnaturally huge compared to the other tankmates. Is she eating too much? I don’t think she’s pregnant…
  10. J

    Lemon Tetra Lost Control of Movement

    Hey everyone, I have had this lemon tetra for about 6 months and everything was fine until about a week ago, it started swimming in circle and spinning and such, it only did it for about 5 minutes so I wondered if maybe it had just hit its head or something. It was acting normal for about a week...
  11. L

    White spot on black neon tetra

    Hello everyone, I'm fairly new at fish keeping I set up my tank last October and then hadn't put anything new in for a good long time until about 10 days ago when I added a Betta, 2 new plants and a piece of drift wood. I just noticed that my black neon tetra has a white spot on his head and...
  12. V

    What kind of fish have you kept before?

    I just want a general consensus as to what's popular in this hobby.
  13. R


    Consider all as group of 6 are gold tetras as nippy as Silvertip ? Are bloodfin tetras nippy? I know all tetras can be nippy kept in small numbers, however I'm talking about in general. Are black line tail tetra anymore nippy than any other? Are they as nippy as silvertips?
  14. R


    Looking at getting more fish for my community tank. I currently have a lot of tetra such as black neon, gold, redline, white fin, green neon. ect all community. I was looking at getting Cochu blue and silvertips. Good idea ? Or will fin nipping be an issue. I also was wanting dwarf pencilfish...
  15. N

    EMERGENCY- tetra having a white patch on side???

    Hi, I recently got 6 tetras and when I checked on them tdy, i noticed that one of the big tetras had a white spot on his side. The white patch was mot fuzzy or anything but I’m thinking that it may be neon tetra disease. The tetras r also in a 10 gallon with 6 other guppies. The water quality...
  16. D

    Fish ID. Tetra

    This is the fish tank at my work and I think these little black ones are cute but I can't find them on Google. I'm assuming they're some kind of tetra
  17. C

    African Cichlids vs Planted/Tetra Tanks During Power Loss

    I recently bought my first house, so my wife and I are excited to get our first aquarium together (I kept aquariums for 10 years from middle school through college). We are looking to get a 125 gallon aquarium and are trying to decide between doing a 'typical' Mbuna tank (just sand/Texas holey...
  18. R

    Lone tetra

    Hi everyone, I'm new to this forum and looking from some advice. I have a lone tetra in a 30L freshwater tropical tank. He has been on his own for probably about a year now. I had 6 of them in there but in time (5 years or so) the other 5 died and with lockdown and the rest of it, I didn't get a...
  19. F

    Betta + other fish?

    Hi, I'm new to the fish world! I currently have a Siamese Betta fish whom I just adore, and have recently purchased a 45L biOrb Life (+ a heater) for. I wanted to get him some companions, so I looked online and thought that a sailfin pleco and maybe half a dozen cochus blue tetra fish would be...
  20. S

    Suspected egg in tank

    Hi, new to fish keeping literally only had fish for a week and I already have so much going on. In the tank I have 2 x Cory catfish, 8 x pacific blue-eyes (1-2cm fish), 6 x male guppies, 6 x female guppies, 6 x neon tetra, 1 x male gourami and 1 x snail. This is in a 100L tank. They all seem...
  21. D

    Tank Capacity?

    Hi All, I'm thinking of getting the aquastyle 620 tank dimensions are 62cm W x 52cm H x 39cm D. It says the capacity is 90L but when I put it in to Aq advisor it says it's 120L and I'm mega confused. Would this stocking work? My tap water GH is 1-2 and PH is 7.56 - 8.01 2 Dwarf Gourami 6...
  22. Z

    Suggestions to build out my community?

    Just got my tank established and cycled so I am not running out to do anything immediately but want to plan next steps. I am definitely new to this so I want to keep it simple and hardy to begin. Tank conditions: 20 gallons, pH ~7.5 (trying to get this down), temp ~78 F. Soft water Fish that...
  23. H

    Can I add these fish to my 55 gallon?

    Ok so, I used to have a 10 gallon tank for a few years, but I recently (like 3 months ago now) got a 55 gallon. It started out with 5 Harlequin rasboras (plan to get 5 more) + 1 bristlenose pleco + 4 Kuhli loaches (all these from my 10 gal). Then I went to my LFS and bought 12 Longfin zebra...
  24. ellamay

    Frozen brine shrimp vs bloodworms

    I have ember tetras, cory's and a betta in my 105l tank. I was thinking about adding some frozen food to their diets. Is there any nutritional differences between the frozen bloodworms and brine shrimp? I'm mostly thinking about the frozen food for the betta to be honest, I was thinking...
  25. J

    Is something wrong?

    One of my daughters glow fish has what appears to be a small raised bump on its bottom fin. It’s the same color as the fish. It seems to be eating normally and the last water change was almost a month ago. The other two fish do not have a bump. It’s kinda hard to tell since I can’t get a good...
  26. kapsey

    Why is my Rummy Nose Tetra's head white?

    Hi all, I have a freshwater tank with 6 rummy nose tetras and a betta. I noticed today that one of my tetras has a white head. He isn't acting funny, but I'm worried that this may be a disease or infection and I don't want it to spread to the other fish. Water has no ammonia, nitrates, or...
  27. Pidge1992

    Poss. gravid tetra?

    Hello everyone! I’ve got a question... I have a black skirt tetra that I think is just carrying eggs but wanted other opinions. She is one of 6 fish I rescued from horrible conditions. Subsequently she was treated for parasites, fungal, and bacterial infections right after acquiring her. She...
  28. A

    40 litre tank - what type of fish and how many?

    Hi all, I’m new to fish keeping but I’ve been trying to educate myself as much as I can. I’ve set up a SuperFish Home 40l planted heated tank and was wondering what fish you would recommend and how many. I’m leaning towards neon tetra as they seem the easiest to take care of and lovely and...
  29. S

    105 litre stocking

    Hi all, I currently have a 105 litre planted, community tank that houses 12 cardinal tetras, 7 ember tetras and one male betta. The tank looks a bit sparse so I was wondering if I could fit in any more fish (tetras if possible)? Thanks in advance!
  30. G

    My cardinal tetra looks strange

    I’ve noticed my cardinal tetra, Timothy, is looking a little tubby. I was wondering if he is actually a pregnant girl or if he is constipated
  31. Falconwithaboxon


    I just got 6 black skirt tetras for more tank. I was going to get 6 gold or white skirt tetras as well. Will all 12 school together or will it be 2 schools of 6?
  32. Howlybobowly

    Unknown Tetra Species

    Hi there! I am new to this website and was hoping someone could help me!! I have issue in that I bought these tetras a couple of years ago from a pet shop, and the person selling me them didn't actually know what breed they were so gave me them for free with the other fish that I bought that...
  33. Falconwithaboxon


    It has happened again. Another Tetra has been chomped on. I got a new tank that I will be moving my Angelfish into do they can't chomp my little guys anymore. The move is tomorrow. I am worried if the Angelfish will survive the move but I have to try. The water is how it should be. PH of 7.4...
  34. Guyb93

    What’s wrong with my tetras eye ????

    Fed my fish this morning and being a Sunday I don’t have work so sat and watched them for a hour and noticed this eye of one of my Colombian Redfin tetra, it’s not effecting him immediately but what is it ? His right eye is normal
  35. Falconwithaboxon


    Hello guys, So I got home today to find one of my Neon Tetras dead. Usually I wouldn't be super worried, it happens sometimes, but he had a large chunk taken out of him. Something ate part of him but I have no idea if he died first or died from the bite. I have Angelfish and Dwarf Gourami in...
  36. MrSix18

    10 years into the hobby, and i’m LOST!!

    hey guys! new to the forum as i’ve completed gave up trying to figure out the issue myself, and my LFS is absolutely zero help. currently have over 600 gallons of tanks ranging from 3 125 gallon tanks, 2 75’s, 2 29 gallon, and a 40 breeder hospital tank all in my detached garage/fish room.. i...
  37. A

    Fat black neon tetra

    Hi there, I have a really fat tetra, been like this for about 2 weeks now but really seems to ballooning now, also more on one side than the other. Water parameters are all good. Iv given them peas and starved the tank and still the same. Still is eating. I have a couple of photos, tried to get...
  38. MagicGirl33

    Tetra for my Aquarium

    I also want at least 2 different schools of tetras in my aquarium. Please vote!
  39. R

    Black phantom tetra acting different

    Hi I have about 12 black phantom tetras..there is one acting strange in the tank never seen it do it before but it will put its nose up in the air and looks like it prancing around and about a group of 4 tetras will just watch him and follow him “prance” around I’m just not sure if I should be...
  40. lighthouse

    Breeding Zebra Danios Glofish + Tetras in clay pots

    Hi there. I’m a newbie in this. I keep my fish in huge clay pots —there to get rid of the mosquito larvae— but now I’ve got into it and want to breed them. Guppies and Swordfish aren’t a problem at all but I cannot manage with Danios and Tetras. I know these two do it through eggs so I keep...