
  1. Halie201

    Ideas for stock?!

    I have a 90g I finally moved from my mom's house & I'm trying to finish stocking and was just looking for suggestions. Current stock: 1 blood parrot cichlid 3 clown loaches (had 5 but two died over the past year under my brothers care) & will be adding 2-3 more. Please don't start your comment...
  2. W

    Semi Aggressive Stocking HELP

    Hello I have a 37 gallon freshwater tank ready to stock. My water is slightly soft and the tank dimensions are 30"L x 22-1/2"H x 12"W. My tank would be semi aggressive and I know I want... -7 Tiger barbs -3 of some kind of loach I would like a main attraction, very colorful and bigger. And I...
  3. LyraGuppi

    20gal Stocking Questions

    I'm (at long last) getting ready to move and swap tanks around, I need some advice on stocking my 20 (US) gallon. I'm hoping to make it heavily planted with a single betta. The dimensions, L/W/H, are 24/12/15 in. Should I put a bottom dweller in this tank? I was looking into kuhli loaches or...
  4. D

    Yet again another stock question

    Hi guys Was wondering if someone could give their opinion on the following stocking level. I have bought a Fluval Edge 57L (15G) but it's not set up yet. The cycling process is starting this weekend. I manged to find some Dr Tims One & Only Freshwater plus the Ammonium Chloride which I plan...
  5. K

    Angelfish Stocking in a 45 gallon?

    Hi everyone! I have a 45 gallon tank (36 inches long, 24-ish inches tall, and 12 inches deep) and I am almost ready to add fish. Could I put two angelfish in, or just one? Are angels compatible with dwarf gourami, if they were added into the tank at the same time? I plan on having a moderately...
  6. D

    Stocking for Fluval Edge 46L

    Hello... I'm new to the forum and also petty new to fish-keeping. I've had a tank before (a biOrb Flow 15 which wasn't what I thought it would be so it's being sold now) but in the research stages of getting a new tank. I love the look of the Fluval Edge 46L (12G) tank but read that it's not...
  7. AXsmasher

    Large 150cm * 150cm * 50cm tank (1125L) Stocking

    Hi, I'm pretty new to this forum so correct me if I have posted in the wrong place : ) thanks. I am setting up the above tank and it will be quite heavily planted (I am very experienced with planted tanks just not the fish). I would like a huge variety as my family would really like "Lots of...
  8. HarpyFishLover

    Stocking a Baby BiOrb

    Hello again! So I recently acquired a Baby BiOrb aquarium. It's 4 gallons, with a filter cartridge (no filter...) and an airstone/air pump which circulates water to the cartridge. I (and my brother) love it, even without fish in it. (It's not cycled yet.) So I decided to get him (my...
  9. A

    Community fish ideas for new tank?

    I am thinking about upgrading my 16 gallon tank to a 50 gallon. I already have 4 male guppies and 7 diamond neon tetras, but i would like to keep a tank with much more types of fish. Anyone have any suggestions or ideas? my most recent plan is: 4 male guppies 10 neons 6 cory catfish 4 platy 6...
  10. nortonmad213

    What should I put in here

    Hi all, so first bit of a backstop cut short, my other half was complaining that we had no cupboard space and so wanted to swap the stand we had for my 3ft tank to a larger one. I explained to be safe we should get a tank stand so that it would take the weight. went shopping and just so happened...
  11. Waterfins

    Stocking a 20 gallon aquarium

    My boyfriend is planning on setting up a 20 gallon long soon and doesn't really know what he wants in it. So I'm here to ask if anyone knows fish that thrive in a 20 gallon aquarium. Note: The aquarium is NOT set up yet so please don't ask for the PH of my water or something similar to that. I...
  12. J

    New To The Hobby, 20 Gallon Long Stocking Ideas?

    Hi, I am very new to this hobby, and I'm going to get a 20 gallon long soon, and I need stocking ideas. 2 fish that I would like to keep are a dwarf gourami, and neon tetras. What are some other fish that will get along with them and not overload my filter (I plan on over filtrating). Thanks!
  13. chrisdenyer

    10G Tank Stocking

    Hi guys, so I have a 10g tank which currently has 5 rummnynose tetras, and I really want to get a cockatoo apisto, or a pair since it seems pretty hard to find them for sale singly... I've read a lot of stuff saying that the apisto can work in a 10g with a school of tetra, wondered what you guys...
  14. B

    Honey Gourami, Khuli Loach, Neon Tetra?

    Hello,   So I posted a few weeks back asking for advice to stock a new tank. I have now purchased a new tank and it is the 100 litre Aqua One UFO-550 corner tank.   I've put this into aqadvisor (as best I can because it doesn't really accommodate for corner tanks) and this seems to fit. Just...
  15. J

    Stocking A 90 Gallon

    Hi Fish Forums! This is my first post and I'm excited to get feedback!     I am restocking my 90 Gallon aquarium and need some advice on compatibility and overstocking. I am running 2 canister filters on my 90 and have 6 Silver Dollars. I want to have a somewhat peaceful stocking and have thrown...
  16. A

    Stocking 125 Gallons Freshwater Tank

    Hello Everyone, I am new to the forum, I had been using another fish form for discussions, suggestions, and ideas. I was searching about stocking ideas for my existing 125 gallons tank (60" x 30" x 18") and I found this forum very active and full of useful information. So here I am :) I need...
  17. Fiji

    55 Gallon Re-Stocking

    Hey everyone!  I've had a 55 gallon tank set up for about 2 years now (ph-7.9ish) running a Fluval 406 and Fluval U4 that had about 5 rainbowfish, 1 bn pleco, 2 juvenile clown loaches, 1Synodontis Angelicus, and 1 elephantnose. About a week ago my tank had a heater AND filter malfunction/tragedy...
  18. D

    Mixed Malawi Tank

    So i want to know if i can add these fish to my current tank, Lemon Jake Peacock, OB Peacock, German Red Peacock and Blue Dolphin hap.   So my tank is a 72 gallon bowfront with a 55 gallon sump.  In the main tank i have tons of rocks for my Mbunna and swimming space for Haps and peacocks.  Also...
  19. M

    Need Some Planning Help

    Hi all,    So I am moving into a bigger apartment in a few weeks, hoping to have everything in and sorted mid Jan, at which point some space will be measured up and a new tank will be ordered.    Because I am super stressed about moving, I am preoccupying myself with what I may want to run on...
  20. Ellphea

    Stocking For All Male Mbuna Tank

    I have a 55 gallon all male mbuna tank. I am looking to add a few more fish species to the mix as mine are all still juvies.  Here is what I currently have: Melanochromis johanni (electric blue johanni) Labidochromis caeruleus (Electric yellow labido) Melanochromis auratus Maylandia zebra (red...
  21. F

    Questions Before I Begin

    Hello all,   I am getting ready to start my first fish tank and believe I have a plan in place but would appreciate any comments/advice you can give.  Also, let me apologize for the length of the following post as I have many questions and am a bit wordy in general.     I will be getting a 29...
  22. LyraGuppi

    45 Gallon Stocking Ideas?

    I have a 45 gallon tall tank that I plan to put mollies in. I wanted to do a tank of lyretail females, and one large "centerpiece" fish. I have been thinking of a gourami, but I would like something more in the middle area of the tank. What do you all think? Do I have room for a centerpiece...
  23. LyraGuppi

    87 Gallon Stocking Part 2

    I'm really sorry if this isn't allowed, but my other thread for this topic in dead. Here is the measurement for this tank: 50 inches across the front, 27 inches tall 12 1/2 inches wide on the side.   I have a new plan for the tank: 5 or 6 pictus cats 1 or 2 BN pleco 2 rotkeil severums, M and F 4...
  24. L

    Please Help ! Tank Stocking Ideas For Fluval Edge 46L

    I have recently invested in a fluval edge 46l tank. Right now it has 2 plants in but I will be adding more. While the tank was preparing to be stocked I was won spidering what I could put in it. I would love a small fish shoal with neon tetras in or maybe mountain cloud minnows but would also...
  25. J

    Stocking Tank Help

    Hey guys I am new to this site! I have a 29 gallon tall tank. It has been cycled and it is planted with anacharis! I have 7 Zebra Danios in it and I just recently added 6 Leopard Danios, for a total of 13 fish. I am wondering if this is to many fish for a 29 gallon tall tank? I hope not because...
  26. Ellphea

    Mbuna- All Male Or Mixed?

    I am setting up a 55 gallon mbuna tank and I am very curious as to whether it would be better to try for an all-male tank or to go with the conventional method. There are some key points I would like to point out to keep in mind.    1. I live in a rural area and the closest (good) LFS is a hour...
  27. K

    Stocking Question

    I have a 10 gallon (filter, sand, airstone, decorations) I currently have 4 leopard cories and was wondering if I could add a betta or better yet if I could have 6 leopards and a betta????
  28. K

    Stocking A 29 Gallon In A Month And Need Help

    I am purchasing a 29 gallon aquarium soon and will cycle it according to the page that everyone keeps using on this forum. I am trying to figure out the best way to stock the tank though. Here are some of my ideas. Please let me know what you think or if any of these are a horrible idea!    7...
  29. F

    Fluval Edge 46L Stocking?

    Hi guys, i've bought the new fluval edge 12g/46l and im really not sure what to stock it with. I was thinking some guppies with endlers and cardinals maybe? I know it a small tank you dont have to tell me that. Its all cycled and all the tests have been done. Thanks :)
  30. haleem8777

    Help, What Size Tank Do I Need?

    Hi. I have been looking through the internet at ways in which to calculate the stocking of a aquarium, and different methods have given different sizes. For example one method says about a tank 185 liters while anothere method gives the answer of 300 liters. So the stocking that i was using is...
  31. FlakeyBiscuit3.14

    Stocking Help Again Please, & Dwarf Synodontis Petricola?

    Is it possible to post to much? To ask too many questions? I think I may be   Anyway! I'm working (very slowly) on stocking my new 29G aquarium. I thought that I had cycled properly...but now I'm wondering if maybe I did not.... But I currently have 6 bloodfin tetra and 3 ghost...
  32. Dandx13

    Research Paper On Stocking My Tank? Help!?

    I am currently writing as research paper on stocking my 125 gallon tank. I would like to add 5 angelfish to this tank plus some other fish. The dimensions are 48" x 24" x 24" so this would be perfect for angels. I have plenty of caves and driftwood with some plants (definitely not heavily...
  33. noobgamers

    20 Gallon Stocking

    hey guys at long last i have some to the end of deciding the stocking for my new 20 gallon i was thinking (dangerous i know) 6 julli corydoras 6 hatchetfish 9 neon tetra 3 apistogramma trifasciata (1 male 2 females)   my thinking was that the hatchetfish rarely leave top levels neons and dwarf...
  34. A

    Is Advert For Another Forum Removed Wrong? - 55G Stocking Questions

    My Planned Stocking: (9) Odessa Barbs (7) Cherry Barbs (1) Gold Nugget Pleco - l177 (1 - Pair) Dwarf Flag Cichlid First of all, I know that Advert for another forum removed isn't always perfect, and I only used it as a last resort. Although I didn't expect to see this either:  Warning...
  35. F

    Decisions Decisions - Choosing My First Tank

    Hi There Everyone,   Recently became interested in keeping fish. I have never done this before but am fascinated by many aspects of it and can't wait to get started. I'm a biologist, so some of the technical stuff I understand, but there's no substitute for experience and that's why I'm here.  ...
  36. T

    My 12 Gallon Fluval Edge Aquarium

    Hello        My name is Kari ,  I live in Ontario  , I recently had a 6 gallon fluval Edge Aquarium set up , and decided it was too small for the fish I had in it and wanted...   So I purchased the Fluval Edge 12 Gallon,  and I transfered all the fish I had  plus  partial old water and old...
  37. J

    Fish Ideas?

    Im getting a 30 gal tank for some smaller fish because they wont last a hour in my 250 gallon tank with oscars, bichirs. So what are some good schooling fish/ community fish tank mates? Im defenatly already doing to get some tiger barbs and angle fish. If u could leave pics of your suggestions...
  38. GuppyGirl20

    Stocking Question For A Small Tank

    I have a 5 gallon tank and I know you can't keep much in them I have limited space available so it was the best option for me. I currently have two male guppies (my third just died :( ) and a tiger snail. I was wondering if there is any one fish that grows no bigger than and inch and a half that...
  39. Dandx13

    Stocking Ideas? 125 Gallon Tank

    Hey everyone, I am currently cycling my 125 gallon tank (about 48inches x 24 inches x 24 inches). Im trying to decide what to stock it with, which seems to be the hardest decision! So far i am interested in Angelfish, Plecos, and Bala sharks. I would like to choose larger fish because i have a...
  40. Dmbandstef

    What Else Can Go In My Tank?

    What else if anything can go in my 55 gallon aquarium? Right now I have: 1 blue acara 1 rainbow shark 8 black skirt tetras 4 green corydoras I have an aquaclear 70 HOB as well as a homemade internal filter likely rated for around 10 gallons give or take. I was thinking of maybe an opaline, gold...