
  1. Quin

    Help with pond stocking?

    I'm cleaning up my grandpa's pond as a side project to get myself out of the house during quarantine. Once it's cleaned up we are considering stocking it, but I'd like to find what will work there before proposing anything to him. Separated list for easier read. -pond is not circular. It has 5...
  2. Meg0000

    Plant identification + fish stocking

    Hi, I would like to know what is the stem plant on the first picture, I think it is hygrophila angustifolia but I am not sure. Also I posted a thread not so long ago to identify the plant on the 2 picture but it was the emerged form of the plant so now it looks different so I would like a second...
  3. Geordie Paul

    Stocking ideas

    Hey all, another quick question! I'm finally ready to complete the stocking of my 33 gallon long! I'm looking to add a small school of mid level swimming fish but I want something colourful and not too small like tetras. Currently in my tank I have 7 corydoras and a bristlenose so I need fish...
  4. Meg0000

    Tank temperature+ stocking

    Hi, I would like to make sure the temperature of my tank is ok and if I can lower it a bit because I would like to get another school of corys in the futur (probably not so soon as I have other fish I want to get in that tank before) and the temperature that my tank is at now limits my options...
  5. SRbettas

    Pygmy cory in fluval flex

    Hi I'm trying to decide the stocking for my fluval flex 15 gallon/57 litre So far I have decided on: 1 female betta 4 endlers And pygmy Cory's Some say they need school of 6 others say 4 is fine. I want them to be happy but also keep stocking levels relatively low. Also what do you recommend...
  6. B

    Stocking my tank

    Hi guys, I just wanted to see if anyone had issues about how I want to stock my tank, and any way to resolve them. I am getting a 34L tank (almost 8 gallons I think), and am hoping to put in about 5 cherry barbs and a few platys, in that order. I think I would rather have the platys but please...
  7. T

    Lots of Aquatic Plant Questions

    Hi, I'm planning to start my first planted aquarium but I have alot of questions even after doing a week of research. I wanna make sure to do this right, so if anyone could answer some of these questions that would be great! 1. What hardy beginner plants can I tie on wood and rocks? Is there...
  8. Barry Tetra

    5 gal stocking questions

    I recently move betta from 5 gal to 3.5 gal, any ideas on stocking 5 gal tanks? I need mosquito eating fishes.
  9. T

    55 Gallon Stocking Ideas

    Hi, I have a freshwater 55 gallon tank that im re-doing and am uncertain what to stock it with. Here are some of the ideas I'm playing around with so far: - Discus with some sort of tetras - Angels with some sort of tetras Maybe add loaches too. Are these good combinations? What would be your...
  10. D

    Buenos Aires Tetra

    I currently have a 30 gallon tank with 5 BA tetras, I am ready to add more fish to it I’m not sure what to add, is there any other slightly bigger fish I could add other than tertras, I am also upgrading to a 55 gallon towards the end of the year so is there anything I could add as a juvenile...
  11. Meg0000

    New 50 gallon stocking ideas

    Hi, I bought a 50 gallon (4 feet long) used tank today and I would like your ideas for a peaceful community aquarium! I got a really good deal on it, it came with 2 fluval c filter, 1 marina filter, 1 fluval air pump, 2 fluval heater, the light, the stand and the aquarium for only 175$ CAD. That...
  12. Barry Tetra

    Help with stocking problem

    This is the tank I have 55 Gals; 4 discus and 3 angelfish 55 Gals; 3 common pleco, 1 (L001) pleco and 3 black ghost knifefish and 3 kubotai loaches (cant find them on day time) 17 Gals; 2 rosy barbs 3 swordtail and 1 mollies and a ram cichlid 20 Gals; 1 oranda and red cap goldfish 5 Gals betta...
  13. Meg0000

    corydoras or loaches + stocking

    Hi I am planning the stocking of my futur 30 gallon and I would like your opinion on the best fish (corydoras or loach) I could have. My dream aquarium: -There will be the paradise fish I already have (female so less agressive and territorial) -I love biotope aquarium so I think I have a...
  14. Barry Tetra

    Tank stocking

    I have 15 gallons tank with 3 swordtails 1 ram molly and rosy barb 6 kuhlis which live under the gravel, I know i should have at least 6 of them, I once had them and they fin nipping to death. So what can I add next?
  15. O

    I need general advice!

    Hello! I am completely new to fishkeeping. I mean, I had a goldfish fish when I was 5 that my father took care of but that is it. I am most likely going to buy a 16.5-gallon nano tank, that I will put saltwater fish in. I have read lots about fish in the last few weeks so I do understand the...
  16. T

    29 Gallon Tank Stocking Question

    I just bought a 29 gallon aquarium from the Petco dollar per gallon sale, and I was wondering how many fish I could have without overcrowding. Would it be fine to have 2 Angelfish, 2 German Blue Rams, and 2 Apistogrammas?
  17. Too Many Hobbies

    Stocking Ideas 20gal/75l

    Hi! I’m new here and to the hobby and have had many questions but been too shy to post in my local fb group. Ive been running a 5gal for the past 3 months and I want to upgrade to 20gal. Currently I have 5 espei rasboras, 4 Pygmy cories, and maybe 4 rcs (usually hiding). my mom complains that my...
  18. F

    Stocking 105L/27 Gallon Tank

    Hi, I have a planted tank that’s in the process of cycling so while I wait I’d like to know how many of each type of fish I can have in my aquarium. Please let me know how to adjust my numbers so that everyone has room and the bioload isn’t exceeded. I have the tetra ‘starter line’ 105L/27...
  19. O

    36 gallon stock?

    hi. I'm not technically new exactly, I've currently got a 10-gallon betta tank, but definitely not experienced. Anyways, my cousin might be upgrading one of her tanks from a 36 gallon bowfront to... something bigger come spring. If she does, she says she'd be willing to give me the old one. I...
  20. F

    Stocking for a 78 Gallon Tank (350L)

    Hi everyone, Getting a big brand new tank in January and obviously I'm thinking ahead here. Before I list my proposed ideas (and I would really value any advice whether it's good or not), just bear in mind I've quickly thought this up and it should not be overstocked (considering its 5ft long...
  21. SRbettas

    Stocking and tankmates for betta

    Hi, Ive recently moved my sorority of three and my trio of kuhli loaches to a 15 gallon tank (57 litres). I was wondering what other fish i could have in the tank preferably something not red or white as tyat is thd colour of my bettas and i want all my fish to stand out. Would Endlers...
  22. L

    55 gal stocking ideas

    Hello I have a 55 gal with an albino rainbow shark, 5 serpae tetra, and 5 albino cories. I’m looking for some other fish to add in. I really like white and red fish. I really like long finned and long bodied fish especially eel shaped fish. The tank is planted and cycled and the substrate is...
  23. K

    Stocking Fluval 240

    Hi all, new to this forum. My fishless cycle has started and it's doing good. Should be ready in about 2 weeks. Thinking about fish now. I had a tank before and restarting the hobby after 5 years. In my mind: 30 cardinal tetras 2 Bolivian Red Ram 6 Boesemani Rainbow 4 Torpedo Barb 4 Corydoras...
  24. C

    29 Gal Cherry Barbs Stocking

    Hi! So I'm pretty new to this and I have a 10 gal going strong rn. I made a deal with my boyfriend that at the end of the semester we can get a 29 gallon, which we are researching how to stock. We really want cherry barbs - as many as we can with maybe a centerpiece fish. I have no idea what to...
  25. Corydoras_Catwoman

    Stocking 60 gallon! Oddball fish advice needed

    I will be getting my new 60 gallon Aquarium (230L) in the next couple of months, and i'm speculating on stocking. I'm moving the fish from my 20 gallon community to the 60, as i don't have room for both I'm relatively restricted on what I can have. The stocking currently: 2 honey...
  26. J

    Stocking 125L tank

    Hi everyone, I'm new to the forum but have had various fish tank setups over the years & was looking for a few opinions on the stocking of my Juwel 125L tank. After finding the tank in my loft and excitedly deciding to set one up again, my first thought was that I hated maintaining the huge...
  27. E

    55 Gallon - How's my stocking?

    Hi guys, wanted to know peoples opinions on my stocking level, as I think I have some issues regarding my rainbows... 6 x Melanotaenia praecox (2M/4F) 3 x Melanotaenia lucastris (3M - though aggression is minimal) 1 x Melanotaenia boesmani (1F - Hybrid - thought to be a lacustris when bought...
  28. L

    A few questions

    hello I’m relatively new to the hobby of fishkeeping, I’ve had a betta a for a few years (in a 10 gallon) but have finally gotten a 30 gallon that is finally cycled, I had some issues cycling it as my city uses chloramine in the water but it’s there now. I know I’m going to add 3 platies and...
  29. E

    A stocking question

    Just wondering if I could I add cherry barbs? Current stocking is: 6 otocinclus 5 duplicareus corys 7 bronze corys 6 neon dwarf rainbowfish Ph is 6.8/7.2 Water hardness is 13 degrees German but softened by tannins and Indian almond leaves. Tank is 101x41x50cm (about 55 gallons). Thanks!
  30. E

    Lone Rainbow Shark with Rainbows

    Hi again. Just looking for a little insight as to how this setup might sound for a 55 gallon (hard water at 13 degrees G, near 7 pH, 101cm x 41cm x 50cm, live plants, lots of driftwood). I currently have: 8 Bronze Corys 6 Duplicareus Corys 6 Otocinclus 6 Neon Dwarf Rainbows I was wondering...
  31. E

    Suggestions: Tankmates for non-competitive fish?

    Hi guys. I currently have a 55 gallon aquarium (101cm x 41cm x 50cm) up and running with the following fish: 8 Bronze Corys 6 Corydoras duplicareus 4 Amano Shrimp 6 Otocinclus (Soon) and I might be getting some Psuedomugil luminatus (Red Neon Rainbow) soon. My water is fairly hard, and my pH...
  32. SteakNShrimp

    55g Centerpiece Fish?

    This is what I am planning so far for my 55g tank. - 24 Tiger Barbs - 5 Denison’s - 1 Rainbow Shark - 3 Zebra loaches - 1 Ram (maybe 2) - 2 Pictus Catfish - maybe a school of an undecided Tetra or Rasbora species Any suggestions on a decently large (but not too large) centerpiece fish...
  33. E

    How many corys for a 55 gal (more info in thread)

    Hi Guys. Got a 55 gal (101cm x 41cm x 50cm) going at the moment, currently being occupied by 8 bronze corys and 3 adolfi corys. I want to increase the amount of adolfi up to a minimum of 6 so they feel safe, but I also don't want to overcrowd the bottom level of my tank. So how many corys can...
  34. E

    Rainbowfish Questions

    Hi guys (probably Byron lol), Just wanted to know whether I can keep just female Boesmani? My partner and I aren't a fan of the males, but we love the females. Also: Would it be advisable to keep a trio of female Boesmani, and then 1 male and 2 female Lucatris (Lake Kutubu, Blue, Turquoise)...
  35. iambrett

    Stocking Ideas?!

    Oh Hello there, First of all, hello! I am a new member for the forum :) I am looking for help with stocking ideas for a new tank (which i'll get to in a sec) I currently have 3 basic tanks in use. tank 1, 100L with 6 cherry shrimp, 3 Amano Shrimp & one Danio who has no eyes (bully victim in...
  36. E

    Stocking a 55 Gal

    Hi guys, made a few of these posts in the past but I think I finally have it sussed what I want! - Adolfoi Cory x6 - Bronze Cory x6 - Silver Hatchetfish x8 - Neon Dwarf Rainbow x6 - Red Neon Rainbow (Pseudomugil luminatus) x6 - Siamese Algae Eater (True SAE) x1 (or x3 if you think its...
  37. F

    Nano Tank (6.5) Gallon stocking ideas

    I'm looking for ideas preferably unique ones for stocking a 6.5 gallon, here are some of the ideas I currently have/have heard of let me know what you think or other ideas you have: -1 Betta fish and a nerite snail OR 3-6 dwarf cory cats OR 2 African dwarf frogs OR 1 dwarf orange crayfish -A...
  38. Cluelessone

    Stocking 20 Gallon tank. HELP!

    I have a cycled 20gal tank (600x 320 x 400 I made the mistake of trying to give my Betta (Sushi) some friends... he didn’t play nice to say the least. He now has his own 5 gallon set up and is very happy. I have 2 Albino Cory’s - one with no eyes (Stevie Wonder) and one has 1 eye (Mike...
  39. E

    55 Gallon Rainbow Tank

    Hi guys, I'm going to be setting up a 55 gal soon, and wanted some suggestions on which rainbowfish I could get. Any suggestions? My water is hard so they seem the best choice! I've been looking at: Neon Dwarfs Turquoise Irian Reds Pseudomugil furcatus Pseudomugil luminatus Thanks!
  40. E

    Community Rainbow tank (Pseudomugil and Others)

    Hi guys, has anyone had any experience with having a community tank of mixed rainbow species? i have a 55 gallon which I want to have the following: either pseudomugil furcata or Pseudomugil luminatus irian reds turqoise rainbows dwarf neons Boosemanis adolfoi cory bronzs cory maybe a trio of...