
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. A

    Stocking 55g tank

    Idea for multiple fish to interact with a bichir peacefully, Dgh 2.5 pH 7.5
  2. A

    Stocking a 50g tank

    Just got a 50g tank and don't know what to stock, thinking about a darker sand and a treasure theme, is there anything wrong with Golden gaorimi, silver dollar fish(gold and silver coins theme) and a larger white bichir, (white protector) if so can I have a suggestion what to think about insted
  3. Annemarie

    29 gallon stocking ideas

    I’ve been planning a 29 gallon for a while now and this is what I came up with for stocking ideas. 1 : Pearl Gourami (or one honey) 6 : neon tetra 5 : cherry barb (2 male 3 female) 4 : Kuhli Loach (I want less but they’re social so 4 is my plan) 1-3 : ram cichlids (1 male 2 female maximum...
  4. M

    15 Gallon Suggestions

    I was initially going to purchase another 10G but found a 15G that was somehow smaller than my bedside table... Anyway I've mostly been mentioned bettas which I already have five of so I'm a bit iffy with giving a 15G to another betta unless I simply fall in love with one before I can get it...
  5. E

    54 litre/ 14 gal tank stocking.

    Hi guys. Im new to tropical keeping as ive always been temperate/ coldwater. I have aquired a 54 litre/ 14 gallon. The previous owner gave me six baby female guppies. I was just wondering if it is okay to put anything else in with them?. My partner suggested a Male Betta just to add a bit of...
  6. Aeroase

    Stocking Questions!

    Hi! I have a 10gal tank with 4 false julii’s, a dwarf gourami, and an otocinculus (i know they do better in groups, i just haven’t found a shop to get some from that aren’t half dead in the store). The tank is heavily planted and fully cycled! The fish that are in there are doing good. My...
  7. neoninnesi

    Fantail Goldfish in 10 Gallon Tank

    Firsty I know that a 10 Gallon tank is way too small for a fully grown Fantail. My question is, if I provided proper filtration (undergravel filter, cannister, and frequent pwc) how long could a Fantail (purchased around 1”) thrive in 10 gallons before the small size would stunt its growth? How...
  8. T

    19L Fluval spec stocking.

    Morning all, First post here I would like some advice please :) So my 11yr old daughter wants a fish tank for Christmas which is pretty much a done deal, it’s not the first time she’s had one and she knows a little about keeping fish. She mainly wants a single Betta, we will possibly get an...
  9. P

    Stocking and Filtration Questions

    A few weeks ago, a friend of mine gave me her old ~60 gallon aquarium. It was in rough shape but I’ve got it looking much better now. Im at the point where it is time to add substrate and begin cycling. Once the substrate is in, I’ll also be able to figure out the actual volume of the tank which...
  10. J

    Stocking Order for 60 Gallon Tank

    I have a 60-gallon tank setup and ready to add fish, and the fish I have in mind are 2x Bolivian Ram Cichlids 6x Giant Danios 1x Bristlenose Pleco 1x Angelfish 1x Rainbow Shark Another question is do you think it’s alright to add the school of danios all at once, or should I do three at a...
  11. E

    90 gallon stocking?

    i recently set up a 90 gallon aquarium with a fluval 405 and a fluval 206 for filtration. I already have 5 red eye tetras, 2 red minor tetras, a silver flying fox, and two uaru. Is it possible to have 3 angelfish in this setup, or will it be overstocked?
  12. L

    How Many Mollies?

    I have heard many, many different things when doing research on Molly fish. I am interested in having mollies in my 20H gallon tank. How many can I fit? I just want as many opinions as I can get. Any info will be greatly appreciated! If it makes a difference, my tank is 24 inches left to right...
  13. L

    Stocking a 20H Gallon tank

    Hello everyone, Recently I got a 3.5 gallon betta tank in January and I have been preparing to cycle/set up a new 20H Gallon tank and I am starting to figure out what kind of fish to stock the tank with. I have my heart set on a community tank because I love the idea of having different...
  14. nixie_myth

    Stocking A 29 Freshwater Tank

    I have a Cycled 29 Gallon Aquarium, I'm looking for something to put in it. My original idea was Loaches but my local supply is not very healthy. Doesn't really matter if its a schooling fish or a show. Just want something pretty that is relatively easy to care for.
  15. J

    Stocking Ideas for a 36 gallon bowfront

    Hi. I am new to fishkeeping and need some help. I soon plan to get the Aqueon 36 Gallon bowfront ensemble. I don’t know what filter (suggestions are appreciated) or heater. I would like to have An Angel or two and some Diamond Tetras, maybe a ram. Other than that I need some suggestions. I am on...
  16. F

    Stocking Question

    Hello! I have fishless cycled a 45 gallon (tall) aquarium. I added my 5 Mickey Mouse platys yesterday and I’d like suggestions on what else to add. I’d like a “house keeper” or a shoal of them for sure! I have sand as my substrate, temperature is 76 degrees, ph 7-7.5, ammonia & nitrite - 0...
  17. K

    Stocking plans in 20 long

    I have a 20 long with 6 kuhli loaches and 3 pygmy corys (I had 3 more but they died a few months ago and I haven’t had the chance to get more). I was wondering—I’m wanting to possibly get a few more of each and possibly either some small tetras or a pair of bolivian rams. Is this something I...
  18. MyFishKaren

    20 Gallon Tank - Overstocked?

    I currently have a 20 gallon tank pertaining: 2 Angelfish 1 Dwarf Gourami 1 Dalmatian Molly Is my tank overstocked? Would I be able to add any other fish, and would I be able to add an algae eater? Thanks, MyFishKaren
  19. K

    Stocking 30 gallon tropical

    I currently have 3 corydoras, a dwarf gourami, and a ctenopoma. They all get along fine so far. We are hoping to get some larger fish because our ctenopoma can get up to 6 in and will eat whatever fits in their mouth. I was thinking an angelfish and maybe a gourami or a few rams (ones that...
  20. Tool13x

    Tank Stocking Suggestions

    Hi everyone, I am looking for a couple suggestions on tankmates for my 55 gal setup. I currently have: 1 Bristlenose Pleco 1 Bolivian Ram 7 Rosy Barbs 6 Corydoras Melini This tank looks a little sparse, I was wondering if you think I have some room for additional fish and perhaps some...
  21. J

    Cherry or tiger barbs.

    Hey guys Stocking question for a 30 gallon, PH7.6 I have a 30 gallon tank, probably running (after the cycle) for 2 months now. Sadly a disease killed off my fish and I am left with 1 swordtail 2 bosemans rainbow, 4 green emerald corys and a chinese algae eater. Went to my LFS today to see what...
  22. Hyr

    Okay! Final Stocking! Any errors?

    Hi, I know I've asked this question a lot of times, but I think I have finally decided on a stocking. If there are any errors, please tell me. Dimensions: 36in x 16in x 12in or a 30 gallon tank. pH: 7.3 Hardness: 3.0dkH BUT I will have an aquascape with Seiryu stone which is notorious for...
  23. Hyr

    30 Gallon Stocking (Aquascape)

    Hi, so I have recently taken up the hobby, and I am preparing to do my first aquascape. I have a good idea of the plants I'd like to use, and they're mostly low growing plants. While I didn't struggle with planting, I can't for the life of me decide on an interesting stocking that A) don't...
  24. B

    Stocking 5.5 Gallon Saltwater Tank

    I wanted to stock a 5.5 gallon saltwater tank. What type of plants, fish, and invertebrates could I have? I really like brittle stars, Panda Gobies, and sexy shrimp, but if those won't work I am open to other types. Could I have any of those in the tank? And how many of each species should I put...
  25. R

    Stocking Gourami for 30 Gallon tank

    Hey guys, I’m getting my largest tank yet soon, and I’m hoping I can snag a 75 gallon, but I’m having trouble finding one for a reasonable price. I’m thinking I’ll have to settle for a 30 gallon. I’ve completely fallen in love with my dwarf Gourami I received after a friend of mine couldn’t keep...
  26. raphlovesfish

    London water - stocking advice (pic attached for help)

    Hi All, This forum is invaluable for people like me who always had the desire to set a happy and healthy environment for fish to thrive in but never had the push to do it. Well, I have taken the plunge and decided to purchase my first tank as a beginner (I am 33 yrs old so not too late I...
  27. D

    Stocking a 35 litre (8 gallon) Biorb Tube tank

    Hi guys, Completely new to the hobby so please forgive me for my naivety. Bought a Biorb Tube 35 litre over the weekend. Having read the reviews I can see they aren't the best tank but wanted to start small. I've set up the tank, added a heater and now letting it cycle. With regard to...
  28. B

    30 Gallon Stocking List

    I have bought a 32 gallon Bio-Cube with the protein skimmer, VorTech mp10 Power head and the Aqueon 150 watt heater. I plan on buying 25-30 pounds of dry live rock, and live sand. I also plan on putting quite a bit of coral. I have 2 fish I would like to put in but I am not sure on others. I am...
  29. alvintayyw

    Stocking ideas for 45gallon

    Hi all, I have a 3 by 1.5 by 1.5 aquarium which is currently having a black moor goldfish and an angelfish. I am planning to empty everything and restock it. It is 45 gallon aquarium with a 3D background, what do you think suits the tank as well as the background? Using an OHF filter...
  30. J

    Stocking 200 litre aquarium

    Hi I'm new to this forum! I currently have a 200 litre aquarium filled with different tropical fish ( got the tank when I was younger and was like a kid in a sweet shop with fish) Over the years I've been getting more and more into fishkeeping and I'm now looking into converting my tank into a...
  31. Doomchibi

    Rainbowfish with Spotted Pictus? Please!

    I have asked this question many times over the past maybe 5 years of my serious interest in fishkeeping. I have not once gotten more than a half-hearted "I guess." as a response. PLEASE! If anyone has any possible answer, experience, or knows of anyone who might I would very, very much...
  32. F

    Stocking help....

    So i had a betta that recently passed away. :unsure: The good news out of that is I get to pick out new fish. I have a ten gallon tank that my betta was in all by himself. I am kinda going in the direction of a community tank, and I have some ideas but i don't know which one would work out...
  33. Q

    Newbie Questions - Stocking, Cycling, Feeding, Fish Behaviour, Breeding...

    Evening all! So I've just got my first tank and I've made all of the usual 'tank from national pet shop chain with poor advice' mistakes. Totally should have done more research before getting into this, but touch wood no fish loss so far, and I'm hoping you can help me keep it that way for a...
  34. S

    Bigger tank, stocking ideas?

    Our 20 gallon sprang a leak so we got a 36 gallon bowfront. I used water and filter media from my old tank to cycle and it's been two weeks, no losses. It's a planted tank, though some of my swords and anubias from the 20g look puny right now lol. We have: 1 BN albino pleco 3 julli cories (I...
  35. Fiji

    55 Gallon Re-stocking 2.0

    Hey everyone. So long story short the rest of my rainbowfish have recently passed from a unidentifiable disease which has not affected the other fish in my tank to my knowledge. The current stock at the moment is: 2 juv. clown loaches, 1 bn pleco, 1 synodontis, 1 Siamese algae eater (NOT...
  36. K

    Temperate/cold advice

    I bought a biorb 15 litre when I knew nothing. I saw the WCM on the front and thought great!! Until I research :( anyway, I decide I would buy a fighter. My tank is cycled and I went to fit my heater today and the tank is too small (I here you say surprise I KNOW!!!!!! :( ) Anyways, I know...
  37. ajvoss

    Tank Stocking

    Hello people!! I just rehoused my 4 Platies to a 10 gallon tank and they are loving it!!! So right now I have a 21 gallon tank with 12 neon tetras. They are fun to watch because half the time they school in one giant group and the other half of the time they are all over the place! Maybe the...
  38. ajvoss

    Is My Tank Overstocked?

    I know the following questions might sound dumb but please hear me out. I've had my tank for two years ish and never had a fish die on me. I recently added 5 more neon Tetra to have a lager school of them. So as of now, I have 12 neon Tetra and 4 Platies in my 21 gallon tank. Technically there...
  39. Sege

    Any More Fish for a 10 Gallon?

    Hi :) I'm new to the aquarium hobby and I recently refurbished a 10 gallon tank that I bought at a garage sale, (no leaks, thankfully :yahoo:) I have researched a lot of different fish, and I came across AqAdvisor, I tried it out, and people are right that website really helps with stocking...
  40. BettaPonic

    Suggestions for Fish?

    I will be getting a 38 and a 29 gallon soon. I want the tanks to use to be understocked. I was thinking a fish that does well in a 20 gallon in the 38 gallon and 10 gallon fish for the 29 gallon. They would have to be able to handle a planted tank. I also don't want them to eat fry. I am a big...