
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. Brahmza

    Scavanger Stocking Advice?

    Today I discovered a large mark on one of my tiger barbs. I'm connecting it to my small BN Pleco, whom I've decided to rehome. Curious if Kuhli Loaches would be an adequate replacement as a bottom feeder/scavanger. Only other scavangers I have are 6 Green Corys. Tank size is 55usG, temp at 80...
  2. Maedhros

    Stocking Plan For 120L - Semi-Final Draft!

    Hi guys, So my 120l has arrived I've decided to use bottled ammonia to cycle it rather than filter media from my betta tank; poor Maedhros has fin rot again so there's something odd going on there, though ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and pH readings are all fine so I'm not entirely sure what's...
  3. Brahmza

    55G Community - What To Add?

    I have a 55g tank stocked with 4 pearl gouramis, 10 tiger barbs, 2 pairs of German Blue Rams, 8 bloodfin tetras, a common pleco and 6 green Corys. The tank is looking a bit empty, I have a lot of plant cover and structure, temp is at 80, pH of 7. Water is quite soft. Curious what kinds of fish I...
  4. David J

    My Ever Changing Stocking Plan

    Hi As the title suggests, I have changed my mind numerous times on stocking but I'm hoping this may be the final draft, pending your feedback :) My 90L tank is almost cycled (hopefully). There will be 2 pieces of bogwood a few rocks (2 large, 2 small), Jungle val, Anubias, Java moss, Frog bit...
  5. Scates11

    Hard Work Has Paid Off! Now What?

    I started a new tank on Dec. 2nd and today was the second day in a row that I got the readings you see below. I know that I need to wait a little longer before adding more fish (it was a fish-in cycle) and I will but I am confident that my tank has fully cycled! Now I have a few questions as I...
  6. Maedhros

    Another Stocking Thread...

    120l tank, incoming :D In terms of stocking, here are my thoughts... 1 x pearl gourami 4 x male guppies (don't want fry, or poor harassed females!) 12 x chili rasboras 6 x panda cories 1 x scribble pleco As always, I'm very open to thoughts and suggestions. I was also wondering about plants...
  7. K

    50 Gallon Stocking

    A friend of mine has recently gotten a 50 gallon bow front tank for her classroom. This is what we were hoping for: 2 Dwarf Gourami 1 Honey Dwarf Gourami 1 Blue or Gold Gourami 2 Angelfish 6 Cory cats 1 Pleco Is that too many large fish? If so, what would be good stocking options as far as...
  8. ohheyyouitsme

    Stocking Tip!

    Hello! I have a 10 gallon established tank with a single moss ball, two balloon belly mollies, one albino cory catfish and one dwarf male gourami. Would it be possible to get another male gourami and another cory catfish? Or should I just get one OR the other? Or two more corys? I would love...
  9. C

    Stocking Angelfish

    I am going to start a new 30 gallon tall fresh water mostly planted tank. I'm planning on fishless cycling once i get my soil and plants in. My stocking ideas are 2 Angelfish, 4 Black Neon Tetra, 5 Cherry Barbs, and 3 Dwarf Sucker fish. I chose those tetras because they are bigger than the...
  10. F

    Still Have Room

    My tank is a 65 gallon: Canister Filter Water changes once a week 40%-50% Clean filter once a week Fish: 10 Sterbai cories 4 2" Firemouth Chiclids 2 Synodontis Catfish Heavily planted I think my tank is at stock level , but what do you guys think? Can I add 2 German Blue Rams.
  11. F

    Still Have Room

    My tank is a 65 gallon: Canister Filter Water changes once a week 40%-50% Clean filter once a week Fish: 10 Sterbai cories 4 2" Firemouth Chiclids 2 Synodontis Catfish Heavily planted I think my tank is at stock level , but what do you guys think? Can I add 2 German Blue Rams.
  12. M

    First-time Tank Idea

    Hi all, Brand new to the forum. Just bought a ten gallon tank and wanted to pose my stocking idea and get some feedback. In your opinion/experience, should it work? Should I add/replace/remove anything? I understand of course that there are no black and white answers, and each individual fish...
  13. S


    3 Auratus two regular. one albino. Either a Maingano or a Electric Blue johanni. Peacock cichlid i believe hes orange with brown spots, kinda like a cow. Electric Yellow. 3 zebras i believe, two orange one blue. and one venustus. a rainbow albino shark 2 cories and three black khuli loaches. i...
  14. McCool

    Stocking Edits. They Never End.

    I want apologize to everyone here who has had to deal with my constant change in stocking plans. But guess what? Lets do it again. TANK: 55 gallons Sand at the moment, however that shall be changed soon. To what? Thats still up for debate. Standard 4ft tank Two T5 39W daylight bulbs Fluval...
  15. Blitz

    Thinking About A Tank

    I'm thinking about getting a tank. I'm probably not able to get one, but I've been really thinking about a ten gallon in the past two weeks. I wanted small, tropical schooling fish. I thought between two choices: White Cloud Mountain Minnows (1.5-2 inches) or Harlequin Rasboras (2 inches). I'd...
  16. C

    10 Gallon Tank

    Hello Everyone, I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas. Like many other people I recieved a 10 gallon starter tank and kit for Christmas. I have looked around and I would like to thank you all for being such a great help with your immense insight into owning and caring for a fish tank, which is...
  17. B

    Stocking My 55 Gallon

    hey guys. so i just got my 55 set up. its currently at 8.o ph and 80 degrees. i have a rainbow that outgrew a 29 gallon and now im moving him to the 55. i also want to add 7 or 8 african cichlids to the mix. the problem is i dont know who gets along with who. any help picking fish would be...
  18. B

    Cichlid Selection And Stocking

    hi guys. so i just set up my 55 gallon and its almost done cycling. ph is 8.0 temp is 80. im going to move a rainboow shark that is outgrowing a smaller temporary tank into the 55. i was thinking about getting 7 or 8 african cichlids to also go into the new tank. the problem is i dont know who...
  19. David J

    1st "draft" Of Stocking Plan

    Hi I'm currently doing lots of reading up on the countless types of tropical fish available. I am getting my new fluval roma 90L for Christmas. It comes with the fluval U2 internal filter. I've been using and have came up with the following list. Please can some good folks in...
  20. D34DLY

    Stocking Suggestions For A 63 Litre Tank?

    Hi! I currently have a 42 litre fish tank with 1 male betta fish & 6 galaxy rasboras. However I've seen a fish tank and stand (Juwel Rekord 600) for a mere £30! And so of course I'm going to leap for it, but hey - now Im wondering about the possible fish I can keep. (If I can.) Just to...
  21. B

    Mixing My Fish!

    ok so i was wondering about purchasing a blue crayfish for my 20 gallon semi agressive aquarium. currently i have 3 black finned tetras, a clown loach, a rainbow shark, and a leporinus fasciatus. My loach and rainbow shark are about 2-3 inches long. Will the crayfish eat them or no? i have read...