
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. ukdamon

    Fluval Edge 23L

    Hello, I love the look of the Fluval Edge, but I understand it can be a pain to maintain due to accessing the inside of it. Do any of you have a Fluval Edge for your shrimp and how do you get on with it? Obviously I would add a pre-filter sponge to protect the babies.
  2. Natala

    What type of shrimp will they be? Wild colours??

    I have a red shrimp (bought as a CRS but she is a very vibrant red all over). She had babies around 1-2 weeks ago. I'm not sure what she bred with as she was berried when I bought her but the babies seem to be different colours AND sizes. Some look almost new born while some look almost 3 weeks...
  3. ukdamon

    Personal Website

    As a lover of fish keeping and photography, I love taking photos of my fish, shrimp and frogs. So as a bit of fun, I have created my own website called 'Soggy Friends'. The site is still fairly new and I still need to do some work on it, but I thought i'd share it with you.
  4. ukdamon

    New Nano Shrimp Tank Setup

    Hello I presently have a community freshwater aquarium doing really well. I want to get a small nano aquarium for shrimp. I would like some advice. Do I cycle the new nano tank from scratch, or can I had material,water or media from my current tank to help with the cycle process? Damon
  5. ukdamon

    Frogs & Shrimp

    I have a fairly happy community tank, which includes African Dwarf Frogs and Cherry Shrimp. Unfortunately the Shrimp all seem to be vanishing. I think it's a couple of reasons. Firstly, they are hiding because of the fish in the tank, and secondly because I have frogs and I have seen the...
  6. ukdamon


    Hello and thanks for having me. I am new to the forum, but I've been keeping fish on and off for many years. I presently have a 60L Tropical Aquarium with community fish, some African Dwarf Frogs and some shrimp. I plan in the future to have a larger Discus aquarium.
  7. A

    Cleanup Crew Not Eating Algae

    I have a fishtank with a big algae issue on my my anubias and the tank has 1 betta, 4 male guppies, 1 male endlers guppy, 8 neon tetras. The plants are anubias, vallisneria, and Amazon sword. The cleanup crew is 3 amano shrimp, 2 shrimp(sold as amano but arent), common pleco, yoyo loaches(I...
  8. Spen2cer

    Shrimp questions

    I’m not new to the hobby, more to this genre of the hobby. My tank has been cycling for a few weeks now, and the waiting game is on. My LFS has a bunch of varieties of shrimp, so I’m considering red cherries, red/blue rilis, oranges, and yellows. They are all in a similar price range ($3-$5...
  9. C

    What else should I stock?

    I have a 30 gallon planted fish tank with 9 black neon tetras 5 false julii Cory's and 3 amano shrimp. What else should I add. I was thinking about a dwarf cichlid but I am not sure what to go with I have 2 ceramic caves also. I was also thinking about adding some more shrimp if so how many...
  10. matchstickgeezer

    Hello... it’s been a while!!

    Hi. I just wanted to say hello as it has been YEARS since I last logged into these forums! I’ve had my current setup for 10+ years but during themat time I have kept everything from 100+ shrimps, to community fish, to breeding Kribs, to loaches, frogs and snails. Having recently had 2...
  11. D

    Shrimp Problems

    I am new to the fish tank hobby. i started about 3 months ago. i have a 40 gallon planted tank i have 4 very big amazon swords, java moss, some fern looking plants, water lettuce, frogbit, some duck weed, and a few other plants i don't remember. As for fish i have a male powder blue gourami, 2...
  12. V

    Shrimp fighting? meeting? whats happening?

    Hi. so i have had a Bamboo shrimp for a while now and thought to get it a companion. Yesterday i bought an Arnoured shrimp ( the worker told me theyre the same just as different name - alright then). They were fine all night and all day today, hiding in their decor. However while doing a 25%...
  13. T

    19L Fluval spec stocking.

    Morning all, First post here I would like some advice please :) So my 11yr old daughter wants a fish tank for Christmas which is pretty much a done deal, it’s not the first time she’s had one and she knows a little about keeping fish. She mainly wants a single Betta, we will possibly get an...
  14. G

    Fluval Edge 6 Gal with fish

    When I was up in CT cleaning out my Mom's Condo I was originally keeping a look out for a 5 gal tank for a Betta that I ended up not getting. I did get a Fluval Chi 5 gal for $20. But before driving up 2 hours from NY to CT I saw a post about the Fluval Edge with fish and supplies for $150. So...
  15. A

    Upgrading tank - CAE with amanos?

    Hi all, I've been in the tropical fish keeping hobby for a little while and I've recently ordered a 230 litre (~60 gallons) tank to upgrade from my biorb - I know people don't like these, I found it to be okay but not great. Anyway, a relative of mine is moving house and currently has a 100...
  16. BlueSarcasm

    Shrimp Died Overnight

    I just got two japanese algae eating shrimp yesterday, and I found one dead in one of my decorations and the other is nowhere to be found. I don't think the fish in my tank couldve eaten an entire shrimp overnight though. I have 2 balloon mollies, female beta, and a black molly. Could these guys...
  17. K

    Needing help A.S.A.P!

    So I have a small shrimp colony in my 30 gal. I was wondering if I could house Cherry Barbs and some Fancy Guppies. If so, how many of each do you think. My tank could be considered heavily planted, my filter is established well, and I have a good amount of experience in the hobby. Thank you.
  18. H

    Amateur Planted Tank

    Recently started my Tank, cycling is complete, all levels are good, pH is slightly high at 7.5, will be reducing it today to 7 to be safe. First planted tank and I have high hopes for what I want it to look like, so don't want to mess it up! Have now started adding plants, for the time being...
  19. J

    New to aquariums, and I just have some questions :)

    Hey guys! Over the summer I want to start a 5 gallon tank and I have been looking up what kind of fish you can keep in that size of tank, because I know it's super small. I was thinking either a betta, or some tetras of some sort, or shrimp. So my first question is how many of each fish can I...
  20. L

    Newbie, I'm thinking about getting some shrimp.. suggestions?

    I have a 55 gallon fresh water with 3 Bantas (I had 5 but 1 died and 1 literally disappeared) and 3 other smaller fish. (name escapes me this moment). I'm thinking of adding some shrimp.. does anyone have suggestions (name) for something easy and fun to watch? I see Amazon has some for...
  21. N

    What to put in a nano tank??

    I have an 8 gallon planted tank and I was wanting advice on what to Put in it. Is 4 or 5 guppies(preferably male so they don’t breed) 4 dwarf Corydoras and maybe a few shrimp too much for my tank?
  22. L

    Betta attacking cherry shrimp, what can i do?

    Hello, Ive had my male betta for around 2 months now. I decided to get 5 cherry shrimp for the betta tank. On the first day the betta did not appear to be attacking the shrimp and was just following them around and looking at them. Now it has been 3 days and I have witnessed my betta attacking...
  23. thrujenseyes

    super strange shrimp behavior on video

    Hey all :) I've been MIA for a tiny bit but all has been so great with my tank (knock wood) that I've kinda put attentions elsewhere. Anyway...super weird behavior caught on video of two dwarf shrimp (neocardinia) one red and one blue (both male...only have males in my tank 5 and one amano)...
  24. P

    Bettas with shrimp

    I currently have a Betta in a nano 3.5gal, quick scape, well planted(but not over planted) with lots of moss and foreground plants, special shrimp substrate, (came with the tank) filter, co2, and grow light. I do ~20% water changes every week as well, and I was wondering if I could safely put...
  25. Wrecker4488

    Entertain dwarf puffers with shrimp?

    I currently have one dwarf puffer in a planted 10g tank and I’m afraid he’s going be get bored and lonely now that his buddy died/disappeared from mysterious causes. I did a thorough cleaning of the tank and found no remnants of a deceased puffer and there’s no dried up puffer around my tank and...
  26. Vengified

    What is my shrimp doing? Is he/she ok?

    So, I've had a red cherry shrimp for a little over a month now. It molted after the first 3 days, and again 3.5 weeks later, after moving to itw new tank. Normally very active, and still somewhat active, but has started a behavior that it wasn't displaying previously. I'm not sure if it is male...
  27. K

    Amano shrimp disappearing act.

    Hello! So I've got a 5gal lightly planted aquarium with some oto's ,Danios, a betta, and 2 amano shrimp. The amano shrimp were added in yesterday they seemed to be doing fine all night. They were eating algae like nobody's business. This morning I look around for them and am unable to find...
  28. N

    10 gallon stocking ideas?

    Hi there, I currently started a new 10 gallon 2 weeks ago that I am in the middle of doing a fishless cycle in. Here is a picture, although I am adding some microsworfs along the perimeter of the glass, a moss covered bridge made of coconut shell over the sand, and dwarf baby tears on a piece...
  29. E

    Disappearing shrimp?

    Hi there, i used to own shrimp in the past, one crayfish later im sort of getting my tank back into shape. so the fish in my tank currently are: endler guppies bristlenose pleco golden nugget pleco one corydora julii i have a planted tank, and all my filters are shrimp safe but every time i...
  30. D

    Which shrimp?!

    Hi, I got 3 Amano shrimp to help clean up in my tank. They're just too hyper and are scaring my fish. Which other shrimp could I replace them with (preferably ones that won't breed). Thanks, Dan
  31. animalisterra

    Amano shrimp shedding= ammonia spike?

    Will invertebrate shedding result in an ammonia spike or just end up being food for fish and plants?
  32. FishForTanksNotBellies

    New to TFF, saying hello!

    Hello! My name is Jamie Adams, and I come from a little town called Plymouth in Wisconsin. My boyfriend and I recently got into the fish hobby, after we seen a sickly fish swimming in Lake Michigan. Since then, we have found ourselves having Mollies, Goldfish, Gourami's, Snails, and Shrimp! 2...
  33. thrujenseyes

    remineralizing distilled water or keeping what I have to suit shrimp

    I've decided to rehome my endlers, as I can get the PH where they like it but never the hardness. Shrimp seem to do well in my water...when the endlers aren't terrorizing them...which they have been lately... So, this weekend I'm driving them to a new home and will concentrate on my shrimp and...
  34. D

    Stocking a 35 litre (8 gallon) Biorb Tube tank

    Hi guys, Completely new to the hobby so please forgive me for my naivety. Bought a Biorb Tube 35 litre over the weekend. Having read the reviews I can see they aren't the best tank but wanted to start small. I've set up the tank, added a heater and now letting it cycle. With regard to...
  35. Demeter32

    Micro planted tank

    I've been thinking to start up a small tank for shrimp and now I've finally bought an all glass 3.4gal. It came with a clear plastic cover (leaves about 1.5 inch gap at the back) and a small but surprisingly powerful internal filter. I already bought a mini heater a week ago so I had everything...
  36. D

    Cherry Shrimp, Male or Female?

    Can someone help me identify this cherry shrimp to see whether it is a female or male. It is the one that has the white thing on the top of it.
  37. K

    Betta and shrimp

    hello! Looking for advice from some lovely fish people!! I bought a 15litre biorb then read all the horror stories and was devastated. Wanted to put minnows in but it was too small. I cried lol!! Anyway, I've decided to house a lovely little betta once my tank has cycled (currently nearly a...
  38. Fiji

    Snail/Shrimp Colony

    I am currently running a 16 gallon tank with a Fluval C3. I've always wanted an invert tank but have never actually gotten around to setting one up. I was thinking about breeding snails (pond snails, mystery, ramshorn, etc.) as well as cherry shrimp to raise as live food for my fish in the 55...
  39. TheBettaMan

    Indian Almond Leaf basic

    Hello guys, I used some IAL before for some of my betta jars. I didnt need to use any type of chemicals for the tap water. I just poured the water in the jars, placed some IAL in, left it for 24 hours and my bettas live happily. The thing I dont like about it is that they make the water turned...
  40. D

    Can i feed my Betta raw/cooked shrimp? He has been with me for almost 1 year

    (Sorry if i mispelled something, i'm just an young brazilian guy who wants to know more about his pet)