
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. Willow59

    Scutariella Japonica - Shrimp Stopped Breeding

    I had a thriving colony of Bloody Mary Shrimp that went from 12 to 300 in roughly nine months. I noticed Scutariella Japonica, the parasitic nematode, in late December so I culled down to 2 dozen and did salt dips on 12/27, 12/29, and 12/31, followed by a month of quarantine to remove their...
  2. S

    Unidentified Worm Infestation

    Hi All Its been a while since I posted, but I need your help. I have a 20 litre nano aquarium - densely planted and housing 4 Cherry Shrimp The other day I noticed a worm wriggling through the water column, it was light brown with a black head. I removed it with tweezers. I then noticed...
  3. Gemmsy

    No Electricity Eco Shrimp Tank

    My old shrimp tank ended up getting decommissioned before it has got going as we had an issue with the electrics in the shed. So everything was cleaned and put away for another day. My main tank is doing well, but the number of fish in there means it’s unlikely I’ll get the shrimp population...
  4. Aqua67

    New To Shrimp & Well Water

    Hi everyone, I've been keeping fish in planted tanks for over 30 years but have always lived in the city and used city water. Now I'm living in the country and have a well. We use potassium chloride and a product called Iron Out in our water softener. For this reason, I've been buying RO...
  5. Linkandnavi

    Can (Ranchu) Goldfish Choke on Cherry Shrimp

    This morning I discovered a cherry shrimp in my ranchu tank. I have absolutely zero idea how it got there. I have five tanks, two in the house and three in my garden office. The only tank with cherry shrimp is in the house and the ranchu tank is in the office. The ranchu tank is pretty bare...
  6. biofish

    Should I get shrimp?

    Hello fish fam! My sister wanted my empty 10 gallon tank for her room (the grass cracked but i siliconed it so the tank is perfectly usable and I was just keeping it as an emergency tank) and we were taking about what fish she would want. And then the topic of shrimp came up and I realized...
  7. Scooterlindy

    Snail Invasion

    Hello, I'm looking for advice on a snail explosion in a 10 gallon planted tank with dwarf shrimp and dwarf Rasboras. My background - I've kept aquariums for 7ish years, planted for the past 2 years. I currently have 4 tanks, all planted. A 40 gallon with mollies, Rasboras and tetras. It's my...
  8. F

    Zebra loaches and amano shrimp? Algae eater suggestions

    Hi, I’m looking for advice as I’m struggling with hair algae in my tank (100cm x 40cm x 50cm) approx 160L/40G. So I’m considering amano shrimp but concerned about my zebra loaches. Plants: I’ve attached a photo so you can see the plants I have and the type of algae growing, it’s mainly the...
  9. R

    Help, 2 cherry shrimps dead.

    Hi guys, in need of some advice. I have a 40L heavily planted tank, with ADF's, cherry shrimps, and Amano shrimps. Recently, 17th November I found a small cherry shrimp had died and today 28th November another cherry shrimp has died. I'm not a shrimp expert but I got these guys in mid-October...
  10. bettafishlover86

    How many shrimp should I get?

    So I am getting a nice 29-gallon aquarium soon. I am going to have 1 betta fish in it, 8 neon tetras, 6 otocinclus cats, and I want some colorful shrimp. I am leaning towards cherry shrimp. I have had ghost shrimp and my betta does not bother them. How many shrimp should I get for my 29-gallon?
  11. A

    Losing shrimp! Help a kid out here 😩

    Hello hello one and all, I'm calling in for some much needed assistance. I'm relatively new to the hobby, but have been keeping aquariums (poorly) on and off since I was young. But these days, I'm trying to take things a bit more seriously. I've had my little 4 gallon aquarium at the foot of my...
  12. CozyCat

    Planaria - Good or Bad?

    Hi, Found this guy crawling around the substrate up against the glass in my planted aquarium this morning. Pretty sure it is a planarian. I caught it and put it in a small container, I also put a snail in to see what it does and it has eaten the snail 😂 😰 What do people think about them? Are...
  13. MuddyWaters


    Hi all, I have bamboo shrimp, a couple of cherry shrimp and a couple of Mexican dwarf crawdaddies. What is this little guy?
  14. Honey Fish

    Shrimp 🦐

    I have recently been told in another thread called best fish for a 3 gal tank ( check It out!) that I should basically get some shrimp now this is a there about how to care for shrimp what shrimp should I get etc. I will be getting a new tank. ( Vote please!)
  15. Commun_Al

    4x Black Neons & 2x Amano Shrimp (Free to a good home) (Glasgow Area)

    Hey guys, I am about to move a very long way and the best thing to do seems to be to re-home the small number of resident from my planted nano. Rather than put them through that (if I even could across borders). There are 4x Black neons and 2x Amano shrimp. Little bit out of the way up here...
  16. Commun_Al

    Old hand, new member

    Hey guys, Hope you are all well. Looking for a nice fish keeping forum I can dip in to. I have been into planted aquarium and fish keeping since I was a kid, brought into the hobby by my dad. I have since moved a lot and dipped in and out when I am in one place for long enough. Which is...
  17. KatNor21

    Need recommendations for a pest-eating nano fish

    I have a 5.5gal shrimp tank that is overrun with pests. I have flatworms and detritus worms all over the glass, plus little white specks that dart around, and some grammarus or something living in the sand. Mostly I just want to get rid of the worms. It's really hard not to overfeed the tank as...
  18. R

    30L with Betta and three Cory's - looking to add shrimp?

    Hey guys, I've had my Betta and three Cory's co-existing for the last 3 or so months now and they are doing pretty well. Quite recently, i've been seeing a lot of youtube videos with Red Cherry Shrimps. So, my question for you guys is would you recommened adding some shrimps to my 30L tank...
  19. April_ht

    4.2 Gallon (16 Litre) Stocking

    About a month ago, I bought a 16 litre tank for some platy fry (tank dimensions around 35cm x 20cm x 25cm maybe). I’ve placed 5 into the main tank to see how they do with adult platy and White Cloud Mountain Minnows, the latter of which chased them though could not fit them in their mouth. I’ve...
  20. A

    Fire Red Cherry Shrimp(Neocardinia)

    Fire Red Cherry Shrimp available (Neocardinia) 10 x Shrimps for £20 (1cm, unsexed) Can live in Norfolk tap but will do a lot better in R.O.
  21. Oman

    Tank of yellow cherry shrimp dead

    Hi guys, I had a tank of 9 yellow cherry shrimp and over the last week they have all died, there was one left but it died last night. Whilst inspecting the corpse of the final one I have noticed small red markings and circles, does anyone know what this is from? Maybe a parasite? The tank also...
  22. R

    Cherry shrimp dying

    We have/had 6 cherry shrimp along with some guppies and black catfish (can't remember the name of them buy they can go with shrimp), we have had them about 3 weeks and yesterday 1 shrimp was dead, this morning I woke up and saw another had died. Is this normal or should I be looking into...
  23. Tacocat

    Why are the shrimp swimming up and down the water column?

    (journal on it: I have a 5 gallon fish tank with 2 guppies, 2 dwarf rasboras, 1 cardinal that I was misled to buy, 6 cherries, 3 assassin snails, 1 ramshorn and a bunch of baby rams horns that the assassins are killing. I noticed...
  24. C

    Shrimp eggs or something else

    Hello, I suspected one of my shrimp to have eggs 2-3 weeks ago and now my aquarium glass is showing little spots (mostly on the left side). I am just wondering if these may be shrimp eggs or if there is something else going on. As far as I know, there is no snails in my tank and I have not...
  25. M

    Shrimp population explosion

    Hi all I was gifted 5 blue shrimp about two months ago. I was very happy at the time. Now I have more like 500 blue shrimp of varying sizes and the rate at which they're multiplying is worrying. Everywhere I look there are little blue shrimp, from the top to the bottom of the tank - the pic is...
  26. andreisdabest

    Red Cherry Shrimp with eggs??

    So i have 2 or 3 red cherry shrimps that have these yellow things under their tails that look like eggs. I have had shrimp breed in here before and the shrimp that have eggs now are the children of the shrimp that bred here before. (I can tell because they are slightly stripy) Photos -andre
  27. andreisdabest

    A guy who is new here

    I have a very basic setup. It is an aqua one 200 clear hang on back filter, a heater from petstock, aqua one led light and 38l tank with rounded edges and some sand.i have live plants and self gathered rocks(rocks arent cheep in aus) i have a bunch of shrimp fry and 2 adult shrimp. I also have 2...
  28. T

    Need help new to fish!

    Hey guys I bought a white molly yesterday along with a red tail shark. However in a 3 hour time period whilst I was at work I came home to discover my red tail shark has dissapeared. I checked the floor and all surroundings I thoroughly checked the tank and tank items and he’s nowhere to be...
  29. G

    Biorb questions

    Hey, I’ve just rehomed a biorb 15l freshwater tank with what I believe to be a female betta and 2 shrimp. They’ve lived in there for quite a few months but the owners are moving and can’t take them. I had a big tropical tank about 7 years ago but freshwater is different. This one little fish...
  30. M

    gH Spiking need help

    Current levels of tank 5 gallon tank Amm: 0 Nitrite: 0 Nitrate: 5ppm gH: 171ppm kH: below 17ppm pH: 6.8 Temp 77F My issue: recently got an RO system and changed out my water 1/3 is RO 2/3 is TAP. Thought RO would get rid of my issue that my gH reliably climbs to above 200ppm once added to tank...
  31. C

    Freshwater shrimp suggestions?

    Hi I have a planted set up tank with cordy, White widow tetra, and minnows oh and 1 zebra snail. I am thinking of adding a few shrimp, but don't know where to start really.... I'm looking for something that isn't going to reproduce out of hand, so I think the crystal varieties possibly? Also...
  32. A

    Problems in my shrimp tank

    Have included as much info as I can think of to help so apologies for length. I have a 60l shrimp only tank, also used to grow out plants. Originally stocked two weeks ago with 30 RCS bought from a local hobbyist plus a couple oranges I already had. Filter was cycled previously in a tank with 6...
  33. eatyourpeas

    Pinocchio Shrimp tank in a hurry

    Well, I just got a Caridina gracilirostris from my LFS and I am suspecting he was a stowaway since there are no brackish aquariums there. He is a cute little dude and if I take him back he'll probably die, as I do not think they'll bother setting up a brackish tank just for him. I am prepared...
  34. JohnnyFish

    Finished Tank!

    I just thought I would add a pic of my (almost) finished 37l tank! i'm planning to add shrimp in a few weeks, probably cherries, but i'm not sure how many is a good place to start?
  35. ember04

    Shrimp in a bowl

    I have an old 10-gallon bowl from my parent (they used to keep goldfish in it :no:) but it has laid empty for ages, I am not one to waste things and was wondering if I should set it up as a shrimp bowl. I have a low pH, so I was thinking about setting it up as well planted crystal shrimp tank...
  36. bettafrog

    Tankmates for betta

    Are there any other animals I can add to a 5 gal without overcrowding it? I've got snails and live plants right now, and planning to get a betta for it soon. Could I add ghost/cherry shrimp or would that be too much? Any other recommendations?
  37. L

    Is my shrimp dead?

    Is my shrimp dead? I’m sure it’s legs are still moving
  38. S

    Red Cherry Shrimp - Beginner who doesn't want them to breed

    Hi All I have a Nano tank (21 litre/5 gallon) which I've had many challenges with previously, which, due to tragedy, is now empty again. I've decided to give myself a fair number of months to sit down and put together everything I've learned so far, but also carry out more research knowing...
  39. N

    Random Pattern Appeared (Blue RCS)

    Hi all! Any ideas what this random pattern is? I doubt it is associated with being berried as I have 8 others who currently are and all is well with them! Yesterday it was 4 dots, today it is 5!
  40. R

    Idle, inactive cherry shrimp

    I bought some cherry shrimp for the first time recently, got 5 of them from a LFS. I've put them in a tank with otos, CPDS and Amanos. I've been keeping amanos for a while with great success, so I figured I was ready. This tank is only 10g, but its well over 3 years old. It's heavily filtered...