
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. S

    how to lower tds for shrimp tank? (also preggie shrimpy, tips please? :>?)

    Hello! im a new shrimp owner (cherry shrimps) i recently found out two of my females is pregnant. i dont want to see anymore pregnant shrimp dying because it happened before (only once and it was traumatic ) im worried if my water TDS will effect their pregnancies since mine is over 300ppm. I...
  2. I

    Are these shrimp eggs?

    There’s a saclike thing attached to the side of the tank with a bunch of white specks in it. It’s a shrimp tank, but I thought shrimp carried their eggs. Nothing else in the tank but pest snails and a neeite snail. But I thought I remembered nerites dropped the big white flecks, not sacs.
  3. G

    Culling mixed neocaridina shrimp

    Hi, I have a tank with mixed neocaridina shrimp. I know most people don’t like when they are mixed, but for me it’s not about breeding them, it’s about having several different colors in the same tank, I find that so much fun. I have seen though that several of the babies are brown or clear...
  4. Circus

    15 Gal Column

    My 15 gallon column currently has 5 Otocinculus cats and about 50 RCS. I am looking for another kind of shrimp that will not breed with the Cherries, but are easy to keep. I considered a bamboo previously for a 20 gal. Would one be okay in the 15? I have some driftwood that sits right in the...
  5. Circus

    Moving Tanks Around

    So, as some of you know, I recently got a monster of a tank (125 gallons). I also have a fairly small apartment. I have, tentatively, decided where the 125 will go. But I have to move 7 of my other 12 tanks. I know how to do this somewhat safely with my fish move fish to temporary housing...
  6. M


    Can anyone tell me what these are. fish eggs or java fern related. thanks 120lit 0 amm 0 nitrites 5-10nitrates kh& gh is fine ph 7.4 stock is 7 corydoras, 1 bristlenose, 7 rummynose, 2 zebra nerites, 6 cherry shrimp
  7. H

    Advice on my new tank

    Hi im new to the fishkeeping world and the tropical fish forums forums:) Over the past few weeks ive done a ton of research for the new tank im getting for my bday! I have brought a 105 litre (68 cm length,35 cm depth and 51 cm height) rectangle tank. After all the research and visits to my...
  8. Meg0000

    I can't choose!

    Hello, I finally found someone who would sell me shrimps! She sent me pictures but I can't choose! I am on a budget (aproxipativly 40$) so I am not sure what would be the best, a small amount of rarer shrimp/more expensive or a a lot of red cherry shrimp/less expensive. There is also amano...
  9. friezafish

    Planaria or Detritus Worms ID / Shrimp ID

    Hello, could someone please help determine if these worms are dangerous or beneficial? I received them in my recent shipment of shrimp. There are little worms and tiny specks like springtails or something? Also, I believe I have Aqua Huna / Blue Dream Shrimp? side note: Not sure of grading and...
  10. Irksome

    Greedy betta living with shrimp advice please

    I have redone my 10 gallon and removed the divider that separated my shrimp and betta. So far no shrimp deaths and the betta has blown his first bubble nest!!! But the betta is greedy, yesterday he ate 5 shrimp pellets and today he tried to eat an algae wafer. Normally he gets 4 small pellets or...
  11. Irksome

    I finally have a berried shrimp!!!

    My blue dwarf neocaradinas have been getting by okay but I was starting to think that I had been unlucky and bought 10 males. This morning they were zooming around the tank faster then I have seen them and in the middle the only one that has shown any female characteristics was making her eggs...
  12. G

    Should I remove different species shrimp?

    Im getting 20 new blue velvet shrimps, but my tank already has 3-4 orange sakura shrimps and 1 red rili. My concern is if they breed the offspring will have bad coloring. They are housed in a 25 gallon, I also have a 90 gallon but I house turtles and large goldfishes in there. I could feed them...
  13. Z

    Can't watch my shrimp!

    I've had a tank going for a few months now with a small number of neocaridina shrimp (hopefully more soon!), but I haven't had much chance to observe them. I 'scaped the tank with lots of caves and hidey-holes, and they seem to enjoy that, I guess--I almost never see them at all. Sometimes when...
  14. Barry Tetra

    Triops Keeping??.

    Hello, I need the suggestions and Ideas, I recently found the things on the internet called “Triops” and it looks really cool. I read from Colin that they lay eggs every weeks?
  15. Meg0000

    neocaridina or cardina shrimp

    Hi, I decided I was probably going to do shrimp breeding in my 10 gallon tank. I heard that caridina shrimps where hard to keep and I am not even sure I could breed them in 10 gallon... Would that be possible? Also my water is on the softer side (PH:6.8-7 GH:3-5). What would be better cardina or...
  16. BoomerXIV

    Killer feeder shrimp

    Hi Guys, I Just wanna share my experience and i hope to get some advice too. so i had algae problem in my planted betta tank, and i had this stupid idea to place some feeder shrimp there since they are cheap and i think they eat everything including algae. So i bought some of them and put them...
  17. M


    I've been doing my research for a 75 liter tank for a betta and some shrimp. I have experience in keeping pond fish however completely new to a planted tank. My main concern is making sure everyone in the tank has enough space and hiding places . I ideally would like to have a betta, shrimp, a...
  18. Hamdhan777

    Additional Fish or Shrimp ideas for 50L?

    Hi all, Was hoping to get some thoughts on a centerpiece fish, shrimp or other fish I can get for my aquarium (unless I'd be overstocking); I've had a look at the other "centerpiece fish" forum posts, but every tank is different so wanted specific thoughts to reduce the chance of any issues. I...
  19. M

    What kind of shrimp is this?

    About a month ago I got some red cherry shrimps They was all a nice colour of red although there was some tiny little ones in bag that didn’t really have any colour Today I’ve noticed 3 shrimp that look like the picture and the other shrimp I can find are all bright red Is this a different type...
  20. K

    Aquarium plants

    Can any plant be poisonous to shrimp? I bought 3 new plants from an aquarium yesterday - they were in a tank with snails and shrimp already so there isn't a copper issue, but my shrimp this evening seems to have taken a turn for the worse. Here are my plants
  21. K

    Amano shrimp acting strange

    Hi! Have had my tropical tank for 6 months now. I keep amanos in here as well as a few fish. I have noticed tonight that he is acting really strange. He shed his shell this morning but he is sort of lay around twitching and lying on his side/back. Is he going to die? ☹☹ he will get up every...
  22. KLG1234

    Ghost shrimp turned white?

    I purchased four ghost shrimp for my five gallon planted tank two days ago on Saturday. It is now Monday and one of the four has turned a milky white and tends to keep his tail tucked under him. Is he dying?
  23. B

    Difference between, Gummy blue, Blue Velvet and Blue Dream?

    Wanting to get some shrimp for my tank, I cannot work out what the difference is between Gummy Blue Blue Velvet Blue Dream And Royal Blue Whats the difference? ANy help? All pictures look the same on youtube.
  24. K

    Is this normal shrimp behaviour?

    Is this normal? I have one shrimp who keeps eating the sinking pellet food I drop in for my cories, and is so protective over it that it has a go at any fish that tries to eat it. The shrimp actually drags the pellet away to a hiding place! Quite clever tbh. But there are other fish who make an...
  25. M

    Pregnant Shrimp?

    Good Morning, I was looking for a little bit of advice as I'm fairly new to all of this. I have a tank that's been set up for approximately 6 months. I have 4 Amano shrimp in there and have recently noticed a change to one of them. I've had a look at some other threads and in other photos the...
  26. Too Many Hobbies

    Shrimp Infestation

    Trying out video upload via youtube pretty happy to get a lot of shrimp fries after waiting since October.
  27. Irksome

    Shrimp jungle

    My new shrimp tank, it seems to be going well despite the hair algae.
  28. Irksome

    Betta and cherry shrimp

    I’m cycling a divided 10gallon with the intention of having two male betta. I have made a craft mesh divider that I have sewn moss to both sides and it looks good but it is patchy and I don’t want the betta to stress each other if they see through the gaps. I’ve been thinking of putting cherry...
  29. K

    Sick? Guppies with shrimp HELP

    Hi all, I have a number of guppies in a 55lt tank with some blue diamond shrimp. Majority of my creatures seem happy enough to be breeding and active but one of my guppy fry has started having white stringy poos which leads me to believe she has a parasitic infection. I know cure all or...
  30. cmhassinger

    Best plants for Endlers and shrimp

    So I just got a new tank for Christmas which I’m super excited about it’s 5 gallons and I want to add live plants and driftwood. I have 2 Endlers, 1 Oto and 2 shrimp. What are the best plants to add? Also with planted plants how do you clean the gravel or do I need special substrate? maybe...
  31. S

    Caridina Simoni, how to get?

    Hello! I am a hobby shrimp and fish keeper/breeder, living in Norway. I have been trying to get a number of different shrimp species, but have thus far been unable to find anywhere that sells them. Shrimps like Caridina Simoni (Sri Lanka shrimp) and Palaemonetes paludosus (Ghost shrimp) Seem...
  32. Zoe Horsfield

    Amano shrimp

    Hi guys, I have two amano shrimp and have watched a video saying you can tell the sex if they have dots on the side (male) or dashes on their side (female) is this true? And what do you think my two are? Thanks in advance
  33. S

    New Nano Tank

    Hello again, I have been cycling a nano tank for about a month and I am getting ready to stock my tank. I planted my plants, and just need a final fish to balance it all out. I was thinking of filling my 6.8 Gal tank with some cherry shrimp, blueberry shrimp, and some Mosquito Rasbora, but from...
  34. fishperson100

    Walstad Method

    Have any of you every tried the Walstad method? I was thinking about setting up some nano aquariums with shrimp and snails using this method, but I was wondering if any of you have tried it. Link explaining it -
  35. Ingrid

    Is my tank all right ?

    We have a 60 litre tank . In it we have 6 guppies, 5 platties , 2 dwarf neon rainbowfish and 3 cherry shrimps. it is well planted and has driftwood. Should we tanke any thing out or put something in or is it fully stock . Thanks for all answers
  36. Ingrid

    Betta and shrimps ?

    Can you keep red cherry shrimp and betta fish together?
  37. V

    WHAT IS THIS ?! Brown Underbelly on Shrimp?!

    Hello. i am quite concerned with my couple years old bamboo shrimp. Always been healthy and all. Over the past few days i have noticed that it has a brown underbelly (never happened before). It is constantly touching it and waving its little feet about. Does not look like eggs. It looks like...
  38. S

    Cherry Shrimp

    I got 4 cherry shrimps two days ago I drip acclimated them for an hour and 20 minutes and since I've added them to the tank they've just sat in one place and hardly ever move you can see there claws or what ever they're called moving but they aren't very active I've checked my water levels and...
  39. T

    Shrimp hiding all of the time

    Hi, so I had a new aquarium around a month ago and had a couple of amano shrimp in there. The shrimp, along with all of the other fish were really happy and doing great. However i haven't seen my shrimp in around a week now so I looked for them and got a torch and looked under some drift wood...
  40. ukdamon

    Betta and Cherry Shrimp

    Does anyone keep a Betta with their shrimp? How do they get on? Does the Betta eat all the young?