
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. Fishywishy333

    What Other Fish?

    Hi everyone, so I am going to try and upgrade my aquarium at Christmas time (I say try because I might not have the funds). Right now I have my 11 rummynose tetras, 1 guppy, 2 snails (can't remember species) and 5 amano shrimp in a 60 litre aquarium. I also wanted lots of live plants in the new...
  2. L

    Blood Parrot Fish And Shrimp

    Hi everyone, I'm brand new here - I've kept freshwater tropical fish for years now, but I'm thinking about changing up the contents of my tank.  I have two plecos and a blood parrot fish, and I wanted to know if the parrot would eat the cherry red shrimp that I want to add, and also if he will...
  3. BelldandyShanny

    A Brilliant Idea

    I can't imagine what I was thinking, actually considering getting rid of my old 20 gallon tank.  Not enough room I said, what use do I have for it now I said...nuts to that!  I am now in the works of setting up a rcs tank! (and guppy fry)  I even tetrised around the living room so as to have a...
  4. C

    Giant Armored Fan Shrimp With Oscars

    Hi guys :) just wondering if you can keep a giant armored fan shrimp with some oscars?
  5. D

    New Zealand Mud Snail Infestation. Help?!

    Hello,   My name is Trent and I am new to this forum.  I have had multiple aquariums and am not new to the hobby, however I have encountered a serious problem.  New Zealand Mud Snails.  Over the past year or so I have been trying to rid my 7 gallon dwarf shrimp tank of these pests.  Although...
  6. F!shy


    Hell all, After some opinions Please...   I Have Planted 3 Plants into an Empty Aquarium and found I had a stow-away snail arrive. I know they are cleaners so am not totally against having him in there (I think).   However in a couple of weeks once its ready and running for a short while (maybe...
  7. B

    Red Cherry Shrimp Sale

    Does anyone have or know of any Red Cherry Shrimp for sale?   Ive had a new tank 80l setup for 3months with a trio of betta splendorus in. I WANT SHRIMP. so bad   Does anyone have any shrimp for sale. Id prefer hi qual red cherrys but id be interested in nice bumblebees or anything new =)  ...
  8. S

    Shrimp For A Coldwater Tank?

    I was wondering whether there are any Shrimp that can be kept in a coldwater tank, with Goldfish? The reason I ask is that PetsAtHome seem to advertise certain Shrimp as 'temperate' and suitable to be kept with Goldfish. Is this right? I've not seen any other Aquatic stores advertise Shrimp for...
  9. obroadie

    Please Help Identify. Is This A Shrimp, Crayfish Or Lobster?

    Hi Everyone,   This is my first post. Today I foolishly, on impulse, bought two gorgeous little things from the guppy seller at our local market here in Thailand. I would normally do some research beforehand but in over 10 year this was the first time I saw them and got excited. My two year old...
  10. C

    Can I Have A Bumble Bee Shrinp With A Adf?

    Can i have a bumble bee frog with a ADF? or will they fight or the frog eat the shrinp?
  11. Robbo85

    Help! Urgent Id Required

    HELP!   i have just got a couple of small pieces of coral and have found two things on it that i cant identify.   first is a brown little shell or pod that is attached to the piece of live rock that the coral came on. its egg shapped and has a seam running down its middle.     second is a...
  12. Robbo85

    Pink Shrimp From Live Rock

    Hi , I recently started my first marine nano tank, I have been cycling the tank for two weeks now and have plenty of life that's come in on the live rock which I read is a good sign. I have plenty of tiny shrimp darting about when I turn out the lights but one of them is a little bigger and has...
  13. R


    hi iv been given a 12liter tank been researching what to keep in it as its small and from looks of it can only keep shrimps in it unless anyone knows anything else that can live in it? the tank has a filter and a heater   how many shrimps can i keep in this size tank and what type of shrimps...
  14. Liv15

    What Kind Of Shrimp Is This...

    I was told it was a yamato (apparently aka amano) when I bought it. But apparently shrimp get miss-sold sometimes?! I look at yamato shrimp on google images and they are spotty, my shrimp has some spots but also strips that are reddish in colour! Maybe it's a ghost shrimp? I hear they can be...
  15. Animal Lover 2000

    What Shrimp Should I Get

    MUST BE COMPATABLE WITH: GUPPIES PLATYS CORYS SERPAE TETRAS NEON TETRAS BETTAS A love of eating algae would be great     The shrimp(s) will be going into a 55 gallon freshwater aquarium with above fish     Please tell me how many I should get     
  16. A

    Shrimp Questions

    I'm new to the fish world. I accidently got 2 very small translucent shrimp with our last batch of fish. HOw do I take care of them? They are less active the last few days and hanging out near the top...not dead though. My tank is 2 weeks old and all the levels of everything seem to be good...
  17. A

    Shrimp Questions

    I'm new to the whole fish tank thing and accidently got 2 very small translucent shrimp with our last fish. They have been the tank that is 2 weeks old for a few days now. They were acting how I thought active shrinp should act until yesterday when they are favoring the top of the tank. Not...
  18. MrsEspoNYC7

    Floating Plants

    Hi I'm having a few problems with my tank, and I'm hoping for some advice....this isn't going to seem like a plant question but just bear with my rambling and read it to the end. Lol thanks I have a 29 gallon cube tank with a few black skirt tetras, one blue dwarf gourami, two pairs of guppies...
  19. U

    Freshwater Shrimp In Colchester?

    Hi,   I am looking to buy some freshwater shrimp such as Amano, does anyone know of any shops or individuals that sell these in Colchester or surrounding areas?   Thanks   John
  20. ech0o

    First Diy Aquarium Build, Small 2Gallon To Breed Snails!

    Held water on the first try, I'LL BE DAMNED!!  I set down dowels under the bottom piece to elevate it up so the pressure wouldn't be on the long flat surface, instead on the sides which is much better I feel.   I am going to add a brace on the top somewhere probably, the glass is very thin and...
  21. M

    Do All Types Of Shrimp Reproduce Quickly?

    Do all shrimps reproduce quickly? Warning* some may think this cruel In my new tank I would like to have shrimp that reproduce quickly, I want babies for scarlet badis to eat, as they like live foods... Obviously it won't be all I feed them, I know they won't reproduce that quickly... With...
  22. Sparkles13

    Are The Really Ghost Shrimp?

    Before I moved, i had a 10 gallon aquarium with a male betta, 8 neon tetras, and 5 ghost shrimp. My tanks was set up for about 2 months (after cycling). a few weeks after i had added the shrimp (which were the last), i noticed that some of my tetras had gone missing. I assumed that Sparkles, the...
  23. G

    Shrimp Breeding

    I have just bought my cherry shrimp and 2 have eggs what is the best way to care for them?
  24. T

    Aqua One Nano 30 Mark Two

    At the invitation of Shrimp Addict I have started my second thread. After a good 1st year of fish and shrimp keeping in an 80cm tank I went for one of these as that's all I have room and also frankly funds for, justifiable and otherwise. I planned design well in advance, but after advice in shop...
  25. N

    Cycling A 2.5 Tank?

    So today I received my aqueon betta bow 2.5. I replaced the incandescent light and added some sand substrate. After I get my driftwood and plants bought snd in the tank, how should I go about cycling? I'd really rather not have to buy ammonia and test my water so often, as I don't have a kit...
  26. N

    2.5 Biotope?

    So just today I ordered a 2.5 aqueon betta bow. I plan on heavily planting it with a few pieces of driftwood. So I'd originally planned on trying to cheat the cycling process by using a water change from an established tank, and adding some of the gravel or sand from one of my other aquariums...
  27. Danielhorvath

    Setting Up A Tetra Tank:)

    Hey Guys   So I'm thinking of setting up a tetra tank, I want it to be a bigger tank that can hold neon tetra, cardinal tetra and penguin tetra. In at least groups of 5 each because they are schooling fish. Will those fish school together though? as they are all relatively the same size? I'm...
  28. S

    My First Planted Tank

    Hey all, I've been keeping fish for about a year now and want to tackle my first planted aquarium. You guys have given amazing advice in the past and I would appreciate some tips on what will be my first attempt at a planted tank.   My tank is small in size, roughly 20 - 25 litres.   First of...
  29. Brahmza

    Cherry Shrimp And Multie Cichlids!

    Hey everyone! I have a few questions about both mentioned in the thread name.   I'm interested in starting a cherry shrimp colony. I have two tanks, a 15g and a 10g, available. Both are already up and running with established filters, etc. Curious what a good starting number would be, and what...
  30. CANicholls

    Yamato Shrimp - Something Killing Them

    Hi   I set up my tank 6 months ago and recently had trouble with soaring nitrate levels.  Lost a few fish and have now managed to sort water.  Nitrate level is now 40 but it comes from the tap at a level between 20 and 40.   All fish are now fine and water is clear.  However one of the fish I...
  31. ron4sum1

    Red/yellow Cherry Shrimp In Leeds Centre

    Hello, I'm looking to buy the shrimps mentioned above around 10 pieces, please. I'd prefer to meet up in Leeds Centre for the exchange, or I could walk to your place if you could guide me! :D Thank you very much! Ronald
  32. ron4sum1

    Wanted: Cherry Shrimps That Are Not Red In Leeds

    Good afternoon, I'm looking for any varieties of shrimps that are preferably not red. Collection can be arranged, and I'm only available to collect in Leeds Centre. Thanks! Please include the Price :)
  33. J

    Shrimps Or Pleco

    I'm coming to the end of a fishless cycle for my 190 litre community tank. I've more or less decided my stocking list, but I'm needing some advice on algae eaters. I'm thinking of getting some shrimp or a small pleco. I have listed my specs below, and was wondering if anyone had ideas on what i...
  34. I

    Oebt With Black Gravel

    I am having a hard time deciding whether I want to get crystal red shrimp or orange eye blue tiger shrimp. I have black gravel in my tank (Eco Complete Planted stuff). Will the blue shrimp blend in too much or will they look cool? Appreciate any responses!
  35. K

    5 Gallon Too Small?

    I just got a new 5 gallon tank, I've yet to set it up but I'm planning on making it a planted aquarium. The planned set up is for some driftwood in the corner, carpeted baby tears (HC), a Ludwigia hybrid species and maybe some star moss. Mostly fluval stratum substrate and a portion of it sand...