
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. G

    Sick Guppy?

    Hello, my guppy has been acting strange lately. We have recently moved him to a new tank that was, as far as I’m concerned, cycled or almost cycled as it was used and there was good bacteria in the filter media, gravel, decor, surface, etc. and we also used a bacteria starter for a couple days...
  2. R

    Help, is my guppies stressed or?

    Hi everyone. 3 females, 2 pregnant & 7 males, all guppies. My guppies been acting strange since morning. Usually they are super active but since morning, I noticed that they are not swimming around & instead just wiggling their tails & hiding behind. Can it be stress due to environment...
  3. C

    Split tail, resulting in dying guppy

    We have 1 male and 3 female guppies in a newly set up tank, one of the females gave birth to 5 fry a week ago and two days ago we notice her tail had split and it only got larger, she started sitting on the tank floor and hiding away then today when we came home she had died :( the other three...
  4. Jennifer Gonzales

    Dropping fry then getting ich??

    Hi all! I have a 40gal tank with 2 adult platies 1 juvenile platy 8 adult guppies, and until today 12 guppy fry. (Set up a 10 gal tank and transferred my fry to it today, they were born 11/23, for reference sake) I do not know specific parameters but I do water changes every 1-2weeks and have...
  5. Aynia

    Fairly new and full of questions

    Hi all, my name is Aynia. I've already posted a few threads on the forum and realized that I never did an introduction post. About me: I'm from Ontario, I love anything geeky/nerdy, anything artsy or crafty and I absolutely love animals. I'm a bit of a crazy cat lady but have recently really...
  6. vikinglord13

    Vikinglord's Freshwater Biocube

    Hey all, I'll be posting videos from my channel here, and am happy to discuss my tank! -Andrew New tank video: 3-week update video: As always, thanks for watching and please like and subscribe to follow along :)
  7. P

    I'm not sure anymore. 75 gallon tank.

    I used seachem stability to restart the tank. After about 6 or so months I got the dreaded blue/green algea aka cyanobacteria. I removed as much as possible then treated with erythromycin. Didnt lose that many fish tbh. Anyway so I'm back on track and my plants look like crap to say the least...
  8. HalfTailedOwner

    New Guppy Suddenly Pooping Stringy Poop

    I've noticed that the guppy I got a few days ago is pooping what appears to be stringy poop. Apparently this isn't a good sign in the tank; I checked the tank and everything is still normal: 0 ammonia, 0 nitrates, 40 ppm... It's oxygenated with both an airstone and the filter, but I haven't...
  9. F

    Guppy Fry

    Hi! My guppy just gave birth to around 11 guppy fry. Right now I’m feeding them crushed up flake food. I’ve also heard of some people feeding live food, such as brine shrimp. If feeding brine shrimp is best, how often would I feed it. Thanks in advance!
  10. HalfTailedOwner

    New Guppy Behavior? Is it normal?

    Hi all, sorry if I seem to be posting too much. I ended up returning the females and got 3 male cobra guppies instead. Just wanted to know if it's normal for the guppies to stay at the top of the tank? They aren't motionless, but they do swim around a lot but don't go deeper, always staying near...
  11. HalfTailedOwner

    Are these Guppies Pregnant?

    Hi all, I haven't been back here in a while. My dad and I decided to start anew and we have four guppies (all female) in the tank which were on sale at the lfs. Something doesn't look right with them though, most if not all appear to have bloated bellies, and apparently according to google...
  12. L

    Baby Guppies : pregnant guppy

    I have three female guppies, two look pregnant how can I tell which one is giving birth? We found one baby guppy in the tank and wondering also about how long will be between the birth of each guppy ?? Thanks !! Lowri
  13. C

    Is my tank overstocked?

    Hi! I have a ten gallon tank, and I’m just wondering if it’s overstocked. I have a really good filter and all my fish seem happy and healthy, but I do have quite a few. I have 3 cories 4 adult guppies 7 young guppies(around 3-4months) 3 juveniles And 3 fry
  14. F

    Is she Pregnant?

    I suspect one of my fish is pregnant here is a picture.
  15. D

    Help guppies

    Hello everyone, desperately worried about my new tank.... tank has been up and running for a month. Added 5 guppies yesterday, 2 dwarf frogs, catfish and a rainbow Garra and all seem perfectly happy together. Today I purchased another 5 guppies and they are all rubbing them self’s againest the...
  16. Ingrid

    Plants that platties and guppies don't eat

    Are there any plants that guppies and platties can't eat or don't eat ? Any advice welcome
  17. Ingrid

    Guppy advice

    Does anyone have advice that I need to know to keep guppies ?
  18. Ingrid

    Guppy quantities

    How many female guppies should you keep for every male ?
  19. Ingrid

    Platys and guppies

    Can you keep platys and guppies in the same tank?
  20. S

    I want more fishes

    Today, my tank looked great and the fishes were not stressed. For a week now my tank has had fishes and ammonia has Neen at0 for 2 days now. My fishes are eating good and are swimming good. Now i want to add more fishes in my tank. I have a 10 gallon with 2 guppies and 3 cardinals. I am going...
  21. S

    Stressed fish

    Hi I recently built a tank which is only 10 days old. I cycled the tank with bacteria in a bottle and fish food flakes and I added 5 cardinal tetras and 2 guppies in my 10 gallon tank. I have driftwood and a stone along with 7 Amazon sword stems, a java fern and a species of plant that somewhat...
  22. S

    I want a betta

    Hi I recently built a tank which is only a week old. I cycled the tank with bacteria in a bottle and fish food flakes and I added 5 cardinal tetras and 2 guppies in my 10 gallon tank. I have driftwood and a stone along with 7 Amazon sword stems, a java fern and a species of plant that somewhat...
  23. fisharecool789

    am i stocking too heavy? and questions about bottom feeders for a 10 gallon????

    hey everyone! i’m really new to the fish hobby (got my tank on the 13th & cycled for 2 weeks before adding 4 guppy fries), i have a 10 gallon tank, i am planning on doing medium levels of planting (a few of the plants that look like grass and a bunch of bushels of guppy grass & maybe a few other...
  24. C

    Breeding Guppies

    I have a 29 gallon tank that I setup for guppies. I recently purchased some fish the other day (2 males 2 females) and I had a question regarding the fish. I am relatively accustomed to keeping livebearers as I’ve had swordtails and guppies in the past. I am well aware that unless I separate my...
  25. yardsales

    Hi, I'd like to update my filter.

    Hey guys. I was wanting to upgrade my filter because I feel like it would be a great benefit for my fish. Currently, I have a Golden Gourami, a Flame Gourami, a Rose Barb, and 2 guppies. I currently have a TopFin 20-gallon hexagon tank...
  26. R

    Hi everyone

    Hey everyone, I'm new to the hobby and just started my second tank - hadn't completed my cycle on the first and have to start over. I'm running a 25L fluval chi with heater set to 26c stocked with 5 male guppies and 1 male Endler. They seem to be having a good time, waters clean and I've run a...
  27. M

    Can anyone tell me the original name of these guppies, please?

    Hi everyone, I'm new here. I'm trying pet new guppies & that is why I need to know the original name of the guppies I've attached photos in this post. Eagerly looking for the name. Cause I'm planning to buying them from an importer. That importer also don't know the actual name of these...
  28. 7

    Guppies not looking too good.

    I've had these guppies for about 5 months from a friend. When he gave them to me, he notified me that these fish were already pretty old, around 1 1/2 years, and they were looking fine until this month, which is around the 2 year mark. One male has a clamped tail, my three others are looking...
  29. A

    Guppy at the Bottom of Tank

    Hello, I have a female blue Fancy Guppy that has been staying at the bottom of the right side of the tank for most of the day. I understand that this is not normal behavior for a Guppy. She isn’t breathing heavily or have a bulged stomach. She does swim up to eat (like normal). And every now and...
  30. T

    Why won't my guppy drop her fry??? Please help...

    Hello, I am having a little complication with about several of my female guppies. They just won't drop their fry. They are huge and look as if they are balloons on the verge of popping. Now between them they are going on about a month and a half to 2 months without dropping any fry and I know...
  31. F

    Shimmy Guppies

    Hi guy, Recently started to see my RREA guppies swimming against the current in the tank, moving using head to tail movement and some scratching against plants. The tank is 200L with sponges filter (400L/Hour). Stocked with 10 adult RREA and their fry along with 100-200 yellow cherry shrimp...
  32. Deonbell2009

    Hi, i need some help with guppies in a outdoor pond for winter

    So i live in Southern Alberta, langdon, and i was thinking of keeping some guppies in some buckets and letting them breed as food for my snake, and i could possibly sell them. im very new to this forum, and i am wondering is this safe? especially for alberta? i have a plan to put the buckets and...
  33. J

    My fish disappeared!

    Help! Sunday morning I was watching all my fish swim around. Today they are all gone but 3. I had a sucker fish, 4 female guppies with 2 male, 2 female black mollies with 1 male and 2 zebra fish. All are gone except the 2 zebra fish and 1 guppy. We looked for dead fish, none. Could the...
  34. 7

    Guppies not getting pregnant!!

    I've had these guppies for about 2 months now and nothing is happening. I monitor my 2 females and they both look like they've been getting bigger but there is absolutely no visible gravid spot. I'm not overfeeding as my males look perfectly healthy. It's a tad bit orange/red on the backside but...
  35. B

    My female Guppy has a see through tail.

    One of our female guppies tail is now see-through… Happened overnight pictures attached... help!!!
  36. F

    Room for guppies, and if so 5 males?

    I will be purchasing an 105 litre (27.7381g) aquarium that will be heavily planted and house a honey gourami and 6 panda corydoras and was wondering if there would be enough room for 5 Red Blonde Guppies and if so would 5 males be okay as I have no interest in breeding lots of guppies right now...
  37. M

    Heater watts for a five gallon

    So a little bit of background first. I'm in college and I live in the dorms. A neighbor on my floor bought six male guppies and two mystery snails, and stuck them all in a 2.5 gal without heat/filter/air, and without proper bacteria supplement and tap water purifier. Two guppies died. After...
  38. M

    Guppy help

    hello, I recently got 2 fish tanks and started phsycling them. I had 4 guppies and a snail in one tank and in the other I had 2 mollies a snail and 2 guppies. In one of my tanks both of my mollies died. That startled me so I moved my other fish (the guppies and the snail) to the other tank...
  39. M

    Guppy help

    hello, I recently got 2 fish tanks and started phsycling them. I had 4 guppies and a snail in one tank and in the other I had 2 mollies a snail and 2 guppies. In one of my tanks both of my mollies died. That startled me so I moved my other fish (the guppies and the snail) to the other tank...
  40. Z

    Guppy always has long stringy poops, what could it be?

    Hi, I have 3 guppies in my tank. It's fairly heavily planted low tech tank. I've had all of them for about a month. I did cycle the tank fist and my numbers are pretty much always 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, and 0 nitrate (I believe the plants are consuming all the nitrates generated by the fish). I...