
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. A


    hello i am new to TFF. I am very excited to talk to some people who are as passionate about fish as i am.
  2. E

    Dwarf Puffer Help

    i have a 20 gallon fresh water tank and i have quite a few guppies, four corys, an albino pleco, two black mollies, a balloon molly, a platinum lyre-tail molly and her fry, and some cherry shrimp. i just added a dwarf puffer a couple of days ago and i have no had any problems or aggression from...
  3. G

    Guppy Show Or Fish Show

    I have some Moscow Panda HD Guppies. I wanna be able to enter my males in some shows, but I don't really know if they have any. Does anybody know of any fish shows?
  4. B

    Guppies Nipped Tail, Problems Swimming

    I noticed today that my red minor tetras were chasing my guppie around the tank but he swam away fine. Then I left the house for a couple hours when I got home my guppie was tangled hiding in the fake plants because he could not swim. His tail was nipped up and split in one spot. I placed him in...
  5. A

    New To Tropical Fish

    I have a new tropical tank which we set up last weekend and have 4 guppies in it.   Now the issue i have is that 2 of the guppies are female and are pregnant. What is the best way to handle this?   As its such a new tank it has not cycled yet and so will the introduction of the fry be harmful?  ...
  6. L

    My Setups

    Hello everyone! I am a 20 year old woman from Canada. I am sort of new to fish keeping and aquariums but I have been doing well so far. Anyways, enough about me. Here's a few videos and pictures of my setups!   VIDEO        
  7. M

    What Is The Maximum Number Of Guppies That I Can Have In A 60 Litre Ta

    What is the maximum number of guppies that I can have in a 60 Litre tank U.K.   They just keep on popping out babies, my plan is to seperate the males from females. I have one 90 litre and one 60 litre. Also what is the best type of filter I can buy that is not overpriced.   Thank you for reading x
  8. F

    When Will My Guppy Have Fry?

    Pictures aren't great, sorry no idea how long she's been pregnant
  9. B

    Temperature For Guppies

    Hey! I was just wondering what the best temperature for my tank is.  I have guppies, mollies, tetras, and an algae eater.  Is there a "perfect spot" for the temperature? 
  10. B

    30 Gallon

    December 1st 2013   This isn't the first time I have done a journal,  but it is the first time I have typed it.    I have always loved fish! Salt Water is pretty, but what really makes me happy is freshwater.  Although most fish found in fresh water are not bright and colorful, they have a...
  11. tmoney7

    Endler Guppies Finally Had Their Fry!

    So for about 8 weeks now i have been trying to get female endlers from my LFS (i already had the males) and have finally managed to get them yesterday afternoon.  I purposefully got the ones that i noticed were pregnant because i planned on breeding them anyways.  I looked in the tank this...
  12. ChancesMama

    What Should I Do Whith My Fancy Guppies While I'm Not Home?

    Hello all! My Thanksgiving vacation starts tomorrow/tonight and I will be leaving town early tomorrow morning. I am happy to say that I have finally gotten my tank cycled and I added 4 male guppies in last week! Now my problem is that I do not have an automatic feeder (I do plan to get one...
  13. M

    Vacation Tips?

    Hey all, I have a 8 gallon fluval tank with a breeding pair of fancy guppies (2 standard females, 1 cobra male) and a golden snail. I saved 6 fry (3 from each female's drop) in a mesh breeders box type thing in the tank and they have been growing beautifully!    I'm an out-of-state college...
  14. Fishywishy333

    What Other Fish?

    Hi everyone, so I am going to try and upgrade my aquarium at Christmas time (I say try because I might not have the funds). Right now I have my 11 rummynose tetras, 1 guppy, 2 snails (can't remember species) and 5 amano shrimp in a 60 litre aquarium. I also wanted lots of live plants in the new...
  15. M

    Small Tank, College Student

    Hey everyone, I'm a full time college student with an 8 gal Fluval edge tank with some Amazon Sword plants, a breeder pair of fancy guppies (2 female 1 male) and a golden snail. So far, both of my females have given birth once, and I have saved 6 fry in a separate, small bowl to raise until they...
  16. E

    Guppies Dying Weekly, What Disease Is This?

    Hi everyone,   I'm just desperate for some help. I have a 60 liter guppy tank. Right now I have about seven adult guppies and some older fry. Slowly, about every week or two weeks one of my guppies dies the exact same way. It's only been females. They start looking very thin and emaciated, they...
  17. BelldandyShanny

    My Perdy Fish

    First off, please excuse the absolutely horrid video, it's from my phone so for some reason it doesn't rotate so it's all sideways.  But the idea was to get the pretty tail colors on the two females in there so I hope that is at least noticeable! couldn't get them to sit still for pics   you can...
  18. Rustyshackleford

    What The Heck Is This Fish?

    Hi, this fish came with a bunch of feeder guppies I bought about a year ago. I have no idea what it is, and Google has not been very helpful. Is it a platy guppy cross? I would just like to know. If anyone could help me, I would appreciate it.
  19. Cuppcake

    Hi Everyone In Need Of Guppy Help!

    I'm kinda new to the fish thing! I'm trying to breed guppies and it's not going well at all. I've had my 3 females and one male for about two months and no babies:( I know nothing about this and I'm in desperate need of advice. Please please help me!
  20. F

    Breeding Nets For Guppies

    I need some advice, my tank is a community tank with different kinds of tetra a few black and white widows and a molly, none are bigger than 3cm and there are 25 in total (I think, it's hard to count) in a 165 litre tank I don't have another tank to put the pregnant guppy in and I really want to...
  21. ranish

    New To Tff And Need Help On Determining Whether Guppy Is Going To Drop

    I got some guppies yesterday and the females look heavily pregnant, but the guy that I brought them from told me that they have about 4 weeks to go and that they can stay in the main tank. I am not so sure because of their size. They are pretty big. Please help me if you can say when they look...
  22. G

    Check Out My 10 Gallon Aquarium

    Hello Everyone! i made this topic just to show everyone my 10 gallon fish tank. there is a video link at the bottom. please watch it and tell me what you think, how i can improve it, advice, tips, or just post pictures/videos of your own tank(s). my tank has guppies, mollies, and swordtails, and...
  23. G

    Check Out My 10 Gallon Aquarium

    Hello Everyone! i made this topic just to show everyone my 10 gallon fish tank. there is a video link at the bottom. please watch it and tell me what you think, how i can improve it, advice, tips, or just post pictures/videos of your own tank(s). my tank has guppies, mollies, and swordtails, and...
  24. M

    General Rant :p

    These sorts of people who get a tank of fish and then just let it get out of control like this make me so mad...just watched the video and cant stand to see the fish all nearly bump into each other all the time :/
  25. M

    Danio Erythromicron + Guppies?

    What's the general consensus on keeping guppies with danio erythromicron? I love my guppies and love the look of the danios but im worried theyd feel overly shy around the guppies since theyre so active?? :)thanks
  26. Liv15

    Is Guppy Fry Sufficient Live Food?

    So I have 4 male guppies in my tank and I was thinking that I could get a few females which would then breed and have babies. I would leave them in the community tank to do this because I thought it would be a good way of providing live food for the other fish? So will this work and would the...
  27. MrsEspoNYC7

    Look Who Moved In!

    sooooooo  excited my very first baby.  there are two in my tank and I love them sorry for the crappy pic
  28. Deepatlantis

    Where Did Babies Come From?

    I'm really confused, there are a few fry in my tank this morning, but none of my pregnant fish looked ready to give birth and they all still look pregnant? What's going on? I've spotted about five fry, and I don't know if they are guppy or can I tell?
  29. rpgmomma8404

    How Many Guppies Can I Put In A Ten Gallon?

    I currently have two male guppies in my tank, finally after waiting forever for it to cycle. They have been in there since Friday and are doing very well. I am wondering how many more I can add. I noticed the bigger male been picking on the smaller male since last night. I know it would probably...
  30. M


    Hey i just got a 70l tank which is currently cycling! Im a relative beginner (only had one 60l when i was a teenager) so i was interested in some fish like platies, neon tets and guppies but was wondering what sort of numbers i should be getting them in so theyre happy but not overstocked! thanks :D
  31. G

    5 Gallon Tank !

    So i recently purchased a 5 gallon, something simple but also stockable. I was thinking of a 20 but it's too much to maintain at the moment and I don't feel the guppies need that much space. so i thought of 10 but it wouldnt fit well in my room, so i settled with a 5. I bought 3 females and 1...
  32. M

    Incorrectly Sexed Guppies

    Went to the local fish store this morning to pick up some guppies for my 20g long. Asked for 1m2f, but when I got home I realized the guy had messed up and given me 2m1f. Haven't noticed aggression so far, but I'm wondering if you all think its worth it to go back and exchange one of the males...
  33. M

    Advice On Stocking My First Tank!

    Hi guys! Im really new to this hobby. I had a tropical tank when i was like 13 but that's it! haha I am just in the process of cycling my tank ready for the first lot of fish to be put in but i wanted to check i wasnt putting a stupid combo of species in with each other! I was thinking of neon...
  34. B

    Best Guess Colors

    So, I am by no means a fish breeder, it was never my intention. However, sometimes we find baby guppies at work, and I normally take them home. They normally get eaten. That's kind of what I expect. I've had four however that defied the odds and survived... Three females, and a male. Since...
  35. S

    What Is Wrong With My Fish?

    What is wrong with my fish? ive lost 3 fish over the last 3 days (and lost the one in the photo over night had vanished) the water quality has been tested and is fine the last two fish that have died have lost the colouring in there tails i thought it could have been fin rot so ive treated the...
  36. G

    Are My Guppies Pregnant?

    I just purchased 1 male and 2 female guppies from the pet shop. They said my guppies aren't pregnant but to me it looks like they are! Can someone tell? And if so what stage are they at? THANKYOU   This is the youtube video of the guppies..   seriously...
  37. K

    New Guppies!

    I've just got four guppies for my cycled tank, it's 75 litres and has plastic plants and lots of hiding places. I will be feeding them on Tertamin tropical fish flakes. They have even bought from a fish specialist shop. Apart from them being beautiful is there anything I should look out for...
  38. I

    Tropical Fish Help!

    Hey guys I have recently added three guppies to my new 10gal tank.. they are doing well although i was just wondering if i could put a ghost knife in there with them or a clown loach or similar? any other suggestions would be appreciated like some cool snails or bottom feeders? thanks heaps. :)
  39. RossC

    Free: Lovely Guppy Fry - West Midlands

    Livestock: Guppy Fry Age and condition: 1-4 Weeks Quantity for sale: Approx 20 in total Reason for Sale: Surplus Delivery or Collection: Collection only, cannot post sorry Sales price:Free to good home Postage & Packaging: N/A Location: Brownhills, Walsall, West Midlands, WS8 7NH Photographs: ...
  40. redskygrave

    Bought Two Fish.... Don't Really Know What They Are.

    So when we first bought our tank, we went out and bought some guppies. Turns out the guy didn't know what he was talking about because one of the turned out to be a Sunburst Platy. And the other two are males (We were told one of them was a female.) But now we are wondering if they are even...