
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. 6

    Mystery Fish?

    hey y'all! im super new to keeping fish. I currently have a 10 gallon with a male betta, a kuhli loach, a pair of shrimp, a pair of endless, and something. I was *told* that it was a pair of neon tetras, but once I got them home it became very clear that only one really was. the other looks to...
  2. Kelseyghardin125

    Guppy Female Endler Protrusion

    Hello again! Does this look normal on my female Endler guppy? There’s like a protrusion there on her belly closer to her head than her anal vent. I haven’t noticed any behavioral changes in her tho and nothing drastic has changed over the last few days so I’m not sure what could have caused it...
  3. LuluH

    Baby guppys and filter intake pipe

    Can anyone recommend a good preventative measure to stop the very young fry under a month old from being swept into the cylinder's end that is black plastic with gaps. i used the toes' tip of a ladies fine stocking and elastic band over it this week but found one fish was attached by its mouth...
  4. Kelseyghardin125

    Pregnant Endler Guppy - Does this look normal?

    I purchased a couple of Endler females from the aquarium store yesterday. The employee said a couple of them that she picked *should* be fixing to pop. After getting them home and having time to thoroughly look them over, I noticed that 2 of them look seriously miserable. One is swimming...
  5. G

    Guppy with a red fin bite! Help

    hello, I have a 20 gallon tank with 4 female guppies, 5 galaxy rasboras, and 5 panda cories. One of my 4 guppies has what looks to be a red bite out of her fin! my water parameters are good, 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites, 5 nitrates, 7 PH. she is a new addition to my tank and I got her because she was...
  6. How many guppies can I keep in a 10 gallon?

    How many guppies can I keep in a 10 gallon? No other fish, just guppies(All males or all females so they don't breed), as well as a couple snails. I don't want to do water changes more than weekly since I usually just do tank maintenance over the weekend.
  7. S

    What's wrong with my fish and what should I do?

    I have an 85l tank with approx. 9 guppies, 8 platies and a handful of tetras. I bought a platy last Sunday and as soon as it got into my tank, it went down to the bottom. I thought it was just heading to the plants for cover in an unfamiliar environment, but over the next few days, I noticed...
  8. Anonymous Fox

    Somethings wrong...

    Hai So, one of my grandparents female fancy guppies look not well. She's really skinny and really long. And a chunk of her gill is missing. She's acting fine, but doesn't look like it. The photos are blurry, sorry. Should I move her to a hospital tank? I'd the water parimaters, but the tank is...
  9. W

    New Fish Tank

    Hi all, sorry if this is in the wrong place. Being given a fish tank from a family member who cannot look after them any more, with the following fish in (over 3+ years together): 1 clown loach 3 golden barb 1 pleco 1 rose tetra 2 silver dollars I love guppies.. Is it possible to add a number...
  10. Salt

    Purple Cow thread

    Please disregard,
  11. S

    New to fish keeping!

    Hello! I have built my first "real" tank. I had a 5 gallon with a plant and 2 guppies. My wife surprised me with Permission to get a 20. So that's exactly what I got. I currently have 3 black mollies, 4 gold dust mollies, 8 Ember Tetras, 1 pink tux Guppy, 2 female Fancy guppies and 1 Albino Cory...
  12. SpotiKona

    Guppy Troubles

    Hello again, Tank size: 5 gallons Temperature: 78° F Filter: Regular carbon Heater: Yes Water changes: 10 to 25% weekly Treatments: Tetra SafeStart+ (initially), API Stress Coat+ (regularly) Tank mates: 4 (down to 2) guppies pH: Stable 6.6 Ammonia: Less than 0.25 ppm Nitrite: Somewhere between...
  13. Dopatri


    Hi everyone. I’m absolutely baffled as to what is going on with my fish. I have two tanks, one for guppies and one for guppy fry. I bought two new filters to put in my tanks yesterday, so I kept the original filters in the tanks, and just added the new filters as well. Anyway, I noticed a few...
  14. Anonymous Fox

    Constructive criticism?

    My grandfathers tank size: 35-40 gallons tall bow front tank Stocking *warning, pretty bad*: 2 boenus aris tetras, 1 glow light tetra (probably gonna end up getting), 2 Glofish/tetras, 10+ fancy guppies No live plants, two filters ( one built into the log/ tree thingy), heaters, slate hides...
  15. C

    Guppy has a white bump

    Hi there, I have just noticed that one of my male guppies has developed a white growth on his head. He so has been getting bullied by the other 5 guppies and his tail has started to become tattered and frayed. Any idea what is wrong?
  16. M

    Hello. Avid guppy lover.

    Hello, I got a guppy pair last October and have loved all the babies my big girl has produced. I separated her from the male soon after her first (unsuccessful) litter but true to guppy ways she produced 4 more litters every 30 days. I now have several tanks separating the females from males so...
  17. FishFinger90

    Stocking 57L

    Hi I am new to the hobby and have just purchased a 57L tank. I’m hoping to gradually build to something like: 6 panda corys 4 or 5 guppies 2 or 3 amano shrimp Maybe 1 nerite snail Probably sand substrate. Does that sound reasonable and any tips on plants? Cheers.
  18. Dopatri

    Guppy still pregnant after giving birth?

    My Guppy gave birth to 6 fry around a week ago. The fry are doing very well and all have survived so far. But I swear my guppy is still pregnant! Is this a normal thing for Guppies? She still has a round belly and I swear I can see some fry in there if I look closely near her gravid spot. You...
  19. L

    Intestinal Parasite or fish poop?

    I have a 20 gal tank with wcmm and just decided to add guppies. The place i got them from was like a mom and pops fish store so I thought it would be okay to just add them in. Now that ive been looking more at the females I noticed some have this sting coming out of them but only them and I know...
  20. C

    Pregnant Guppy ?

    This is my second post, I just realized I may have another pregnant Guppy but I’m not so sure, she’s hiding in the plants just like my other pregnant Guppy ? Can anyone confirm and determine when she may give birth
  21. C

    Pregnant Guppy ??

    This is one of my female guppies and I suspect she’s pregnant I have a plant hideout along the wall and she’s been hiding in it since I put it in there and I want to be prepared how far along does she seem ?
  22. C

    Female guppies are actually males..?

    Hi! I was sold a trio of guppies, specifically asking for two females and one male. The bag they came marked in was '2 f, 1 m'. The two 'females' are a good deal larger than the male. I've had them for a few weeks now and recently noticed the females displaying at each other which was funny...
  23. D

    Help, Guppies Dying

    Hello, I have had this 10 gallon tank for about 9 months now, and in the past few weeks, I have lost a higher than normal number of guppies. I have tested the water several times and have 0ppm of ammonia, nitrite, and ~20 ppm of nitrates. I have lost around 3 or 4 in the past two weeks and none...
  24. Dopatri

    Help!! Why are my fish staying at the surface?!

    I have 6 fish in my tank, 3 guppies and 2 balloon mollies. However, since last night, I’ve noticed they’re all swimming around at the surface of the tank. Particularly the guppies. I’ve got no clue why because I have a pump that sprays bubbles so I’m sure there is enough oxygen in there for...
  25. Dopatri

    Why are all my fish staying at the surface?

    I have 6 fish in my tank, 3 guppies and 2 balloon mollies. However, since last night, I’ve noticed they’re all swimming around at the surface of the tank. Particularly the guppies. I’ve got no clue why because I have a pump that sprays bubbles so I’m sure there is enough oxygen in there for...
  26. K

    Still can't figure out what's killing my fish

    I made a post before still can't figure out what's killing my fish it's like wasting away disease but have treated for internal parasites and external. it takes them 2 to 3 months to die, now I took everything out but one plant and I'm trying salt again. Also the males don't seem to be affected...
  27. Dopatri

    Was my guppy fish suffering from disease?

    Hi, I’m wondering if I can have some opinions on what really happened to my female guppy! I bought her 3 days ago from a fish store and was told she was carrying, and would give birth to fry soon. However, upon observing her for the past two days I must say I was wondering whether she really was...
  28. C

    Guppies fins

    Hi everyone, I have got in my tank 6 male guppies, a pleco, some rummys and some neons and I also have I male crowntail betta. My problem is recently I have noticed on three of my male guppies the tail fins have started to disappear. Only small amounts but it seems to be whole sections down...
  29. K

    Guppies keep dying

    Hi! I woke up this morning and saw I've lost my favourite guppy today. I've had my 130L tank for about a year now, do about 20% water change every week, 24C temperature, it's fully cycled, has plants and the ammonia, nitrates and nitrites are all at good levels. I had 12 guppies going into this...
  30. C

    Can I put endler guppies in this tank

    Hi everyone, I have a 60 litre rectangular tank and currently it has 12 neon tetras and 1 male crowntail betta, also there is 6 peppered corydoras. Questim is, would it be okay to put 6 or 8 endler guppies in this tank along with what currently is in it? Any information would be great. Thanks
  31. L

    Mystery Guppy Death

    Help! I’ve been keeping fish for years. Had a break from the hobby for a few years when we moved home. Set up a new aquarium details below. It’s cycled for 3 weeks and then added a group of male and female guppies from local store. All was well for about three days and the we began observing the...
  32. S

    Anytime now

    Hiding out at the top and in the plants, i think there will be babies anytime now!
  33. S

    How long until babies

    How long do you guys think until she pops?
  34. G

    Pregnant guppy gave birth to only 4 fry

    I am confused. She still has a belly and just popped out 4 fry like 4 days ago. Could it have been stress induced? She was getting harassed by males. Is she going to have more? The babies are also uninterested in any food. I've tried pellets, flakes and shrimp but they don't want anything.
  35. E

    Small Guppy Not Eating

    Hi, I recently got three male guppies, and are keeping them in a 5 gallon tank with lots of plants and places to hide. My smallest guppy, Fabio, is being chased by the other two a lot. He spends a lot of his time in the corner of the tank at the top of the water, usually by the heater...
  36. Bksulli1

    What type of guppy?

    I have been breeding guppies and this is the first fry I have brought to maturity. They have beautiful colors and are almost holographic. I do not know the type that the females are and I have no clue what males they were bred with. Does anyone know if there is a specific name for this type of...
  37. carligraceee

    New Corys and an update!

    Hey guys! I took some tests these past weeks and have been watching my water. My ammonia levels are at 0 and all my water levels are puerfect (the hardness is a little low but my fish are not exhibiting any signs of stress or malnutrition). My fish have been so well that I took another step and...
  38. FishFry420


  39. L

    Chubby fish

    So I look at my fish often. Like every hour of the day if I can and I’ve come home this evening to find all 4 of my male guppies and maybe 5/7 cardinal tetras have quite big bellies!! All seem pretty happy and active as usual except 1 guppy is obviously trying to poop and is being quite...
  40. Selby

    First forum post

    So, this is my first time ever using a forum, I did join to ask a couple questions about my girlfriends pregnant guppy which I had to foster due to her tank getting cracked, but a couple minutes after creating the account she started to pop out her babies. I've haven't kept guppies for a long...