
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. Matt_Lam_97

    First time fish keeper - but need some help!

    Hi all, first time posting here so thought I'd introduce myself! Me and my Mrs have recently bought a 64L tank that's in great condition and nice and clean. It came with everything needed, including filters, heater and lights. We got it Monday evening and got it all set up and ready. We put in...
  2. L

    Missing fish?

    Hello, I have only had my tropical fish and the tank for a week now, however in that week some fish have started to go missing. 3 tetras and one guppy have mysteriously vanished with no sign of their bodies (we also checked the filter today with no luck). We have reason to believe they have...
  3. L

    Suspected velvet!

    I’m new to fishkeeping, and I was wondering if someone could advise me on these yellow patches that have appeared on my female guppies. They’re quite small, and are located near the front fins. After doing a bit of research, I’m really worried that I’ve got velvet in my tank, although apart...
  4. D

    Odd Dragonfly Nymph thing found in aquarium

    Hello everyone, I was doing a water change today when I noticed this insect-like thing on the bottom of the tank. I immediately scooped it up and got rid of it. I also found one exactly like it around a month ago. Does anyone know what this is, and if it's bad for the aquarium? Thanks! FYI...
  5. G

    What is suitable for a small 18-20litre tank?

    Hi all, I have always wanted to keep tropical fish and thought I would start small. I am looking into getting an 18/20 litre tank and I’m looking for advice as to wether this will be large enough to keep 3 guppies. I have researched online but different sources have different answers. I would...
  6. L

    White Spot (only one)

    I’ve had guppies on and off. I recently purchased this one and she was fine in when I got her. Few days later she developed this big white spot on her tail, both side. She moves around fine and all the other fish are clear. I wonder if it’s just something that happens or if I need to do...
  7. H

    How far along in their pregnancies? Two separate guppies. Please refer as guppy 1/guppy 2.

    People told me that guppy 1 was 2-3 weeks away from birth, while guppy 2 was 1-2 weeks away. Just looking for some reassurance so I can be prepared. Thanks!
  8. N

    Guppy with big stomach and white stringy poop. What should I do?

    My guppy (in picture) has developed a pretty big stomach and white stringy poop recently. He has also had moments where he seems to spazz out a bit. The water conditions were fine except for the gh which was a lil high. I have since put in some parasite medicine. Anything else I should do?
  9. E

    Is this guppy male or female?

    I'm new to tropical fishkeeping! Recently added some guppies to my tank which I were told were male but I am starting to think the black one is female? Mainly because lack of colour, shorter tail and rounder body compared to the others. Just wondered if anyone could clarify through the photos...
  10. S

    Help With Names!

    This is going to one of my more fun posts! I need help with finding names for my soon to be 5 guppys and 1 snail! I'm thinking of group names from TV shows, movies, books, etc. I will post a poll with some of my ideas and please vote for your favorite option! (There will be an option labeled...
  11. kittyclown

    My guppy tank

    I took some photos of my guppies today and wanted to share! I only have 4 right now (2m 2f) and I'm raising 3 fry at the moment ^ This is a sandwich! shes shyer than the other fish usually so its hard to get a lot of photos of her. ^ This is my FAVORITE guppy I have, I think she's so...
  12. Izzy_guppy_303


    Hello it’s me again, my fish are now pooping pretty normal, however I did a cleaning of the tank I think I did too much of a water change and gravel clean. I added dechlorinator though. However I think I overfed them. Now they r staying at the top all of the together. Maybe they r in shock. They...
  13. kittyclown

    Is a 20g tall better than a normal 10g for guppies?

    SO i recently have gotten back into the aquairum hobby as of last christmas, and due to space issues iv only had room for a 10 gallon at the moment. I have had it up since christmas and i recently got some guppies for it, Right now i currently have 4 guppies (2 females, 2 males) and 3 guppy fry...
  14. M

    How many fish?

    Hi, I have a 70l fish tank, and i just wanted to know how many fish I could keep in it? We have 11, and my family and I are arguing over whether we should get more! We have 5 neon tetras, 2 glass catfish and 4 guppies. Thanks
  15. Izzy_guppy_303


    Hello I am fairly new to this forum, I am now a owner of four male guppies. They live in a 6.7 gallon tank and unfortunately I feel like it’s my fault for not noticing that when I brought my three new fish to add to the tank one of them was acting odd. I’m talking about swimming by the filter...
  16. S

    How to raise GH without PH getting too alkaline.

    I'm keeping livebearers: platy, molly, guppies. The platy and guppy do ok, but the molly's always have issues. I lose fish every now and again to common livebearer diseases. My tank parameters have always been good. I use an Api kit. Ammonia: 0, Nitrite: 0, Nitrate: 5-10, Ph 7.8, temp 78. Water...
  17. D

    Does anyone know if this guppy has fin rot and bent spine?

    Hi, just wondering if anyone can identify what type of guppy this is and if there is fin rot or if its tail is supposed to be like that? Also bent spine? Or is it ok? Thanks.
  18. D

    Guppy has fuzzy cloudy eyes

    Hi my guppy has developed white fuzz on eyes. Not sure what it is. Its only developed today. Does anyone know what this is?
  19. N

    Guppies with long poop

    Hi - we have a number of female guppies (most young and mid size) but noticing they having long poos regularly. We are careful to not over feed. They have live plants in tank and are feed on flake food. They are not lethargic at all and very interested in food, go mad for it. So not looking like...
  20. N

    8 male guppies in a 15 gal planted tank? With cory cats?

    Hello all! I have a 15 gal. column tank that is heavily planted and well filtered. I have an albino pleco that has lived there for about 4 years. I am thinking about adding the following: 7-8 (or as many as will fit while staying healthy) male guppies 2-3 cory catfish 1 nerite snail Any...
  21. GuppyFanaticxd

    Thinking of going from artificial decorations to live plants. How can I make this less stressful for fish?

    Hi again. I've had a 10 gallon tank for over a year but I'm starting to think of switching from artificial to live plants. How can I make it less stressful, since it could be a drastic change in aquarium? I can also provide tank parameters if needed, and any advice is appreciated. :) EDIT...
  22. G

    HELP! I don't want to lose this fish!

    I have a low tech aquarium with Japanese Blue & Gold double sword guppies and shrimp that have been doing fantastic. My shrimp in other aquariums have been thriving because I feed blood worms to the fish so they eat them as well. Today I decided to feed my shrimp in the guppy tank some blood...
  23. D

    Fin Nipping or Fin Rot on my guppy

    Hello, i am looking for some advice. I have noticed my male guppy has a few marks on his tail. Like a silvery whitish patch here and there. Is this fin rot, fin nipping or something else? Currently i have only 4 male guppies together in the tank. I don't want to dose him if not necessary with...
  24. I

    [HELP] Clamped Fins - Young Guppy

    Firstly, I’d like to say I’m a bit new to fishkeeping, but I’m learning every day — thanks in advance for understanding. [EDIT] Picture attached is rotated — he’s always swimming horizontally. That’s just him pecking at some algae. I currently have a 20 gallon freshwater tank with some...
  25. K

    Fluval filter for tropical fish?!?!

    Hi guys. It’s just a query really, we have a 160L tank for our tropical fish & currently have a fluval u3 filter in place. We have 24 small tropical fish in there at the mo. We were thinking of swapping it for a fluval u4 filter, although we’re worried it may be too strong for our guppies. Any...
  26. LexiLex888

    3 Guppies dead, is this a disease?

    So two nights ago I realized that one of my guppies had died. I didn’t see anything wrong and I figured that it was just of old age or something since he was an old fish. Then another one died and another! I have recently added two new lamp-eye tetras (in addition to my one already in the tank)...
  27. B

    Guppy eating other fish

    Hi everyone, I recently added 2 yellow cobra guppies to my tank, and they've eaten my smallest Endler :( i'm heartbroken I did so much research before buying them to make sure they get on with my current fish and this has happened... I read guppies are peaceful but now they've eaten my...
  28. B

    Male Endler fish harassing other males with mating dance

    Hi everyone. Has anyone had any experience with a male only Endler fish tank? I've had 4 male endlers for 2 weeks now and I noticed one of my males kept following another male everywhere and doing the mating ritual constantly. I introduced 2 male guppies 2 days ago and now 3 of my male Endlers...
  29. GuppyFanaticxd

    Hi, new user here -- One of my guppies disappeared without a trace

    Hello, new user here so apologies if I am in the wrong area. I have also recently started to take care of guppies, as I've heard they are one of the easier fish to take care of as a beginner.I own an all male guppy tank (10 gallons and established), with 3 cobra and 3 fancy guppies. I've had...
  30. francisabch12

    The Colour of my female guppy is fading.

    Can anyone please help me with this the colour of my female guppy is fading. It's kinda turning white. I doubt it's because of stress I have been doing 20% water Change daily... I have a 15 gallon planted tank. 6 guppies. 3 male 3 females and few ghost fish. Only one female is affected by the...
  31. E

    Help- complicated anchor worm case

    Tank size: 30 litres, just an air pump filter with a spray bar, a full spectrum light for the plants and a water heater. pH: EDIT(7.6) misread it earlier as 6.8 (see below) ammonia: 0.25ppm nitrite: 0ppm nitrate: 5ppm kH: about 60ppm (I use test strips for kH, the value is between 40-80ppm) gH...
  32. V


    So I have a rescue guppy female I saved. She was so thin and beaten I really thought she would never be all the way back to have any drops. I have three male “Endler” guppies I’m sure they are hybridized not pure blood lines. So nature have run it’s course and I have 7-10 fry!!! How long before...
  33. B

    Mysterious worms infestation

    Hi I have an infestation of worms in my tanks which I can see squirming all over the tank walls, if anyone knows what they are and if they are harmful to the fish that would be good to know and also if anyone knows any methods to get rid of them? I've cleaned and re set up those tanks numerous...
  34. T

    Something is very wrong in my tank

    Ok. This gon be long. I tried to get good pictures, but fish b fish ukno I've had 5 (6, but one died already from whatever it is that's wrong) female guppies since january. I bought them online from a good seller. They came healthy (and preggo :D), totally fine these past few months. They were...
  35. X

    Do my guppies look unhealthy?

    Hey guys, I’m pretty new to this whole hobby and am still trying to learn the ropes. I have a 10 gallon tank with 6 guppies (now 5) , 1 panda platy and 2 stripped catfish. (I plan on upgrading to a bigger tank in a month). And I recently had one guppie die due To what I think was fin rot, the...
  36. A

    Should have gotten a bigger tank...

    Hi everyone! I got my first 20 gallon tank at Christmas to set up in my office and I LOVE it. There were some hardships and losses in January-February while I learned about the nitrogen cycle and some danios paid the price. :( I had to stop naming them. :( But then I bucked up, got the Tetra...
  37. C

    Ten-Gallon Tank Mates for Guppies

    Hello, I recently bought a ten-gallon tank, and I am currently keeping two female guppies in it. I want to know what kind of other fish species would fit in the tank. I really love cardinal and neon tetras, but I think a group of five or six would overstock the tank. I was also looking into...
  38. L

    Is my guppy pregnant and how far please

    Ok so I bought a couple female guppies from my local aquatic store a few weeks ago, I've noticed on one of them her gravid spot getting slightly bigger so I'm now wondering if she is pregnant and how far as they are also in with a male, I've added a few pics to hopefully help thanks for any advice
  39. lazarusthefishboy10

    HELP! Why are my guppy fry dying?

    I have 6 baby guppies, and I have them in a large breeder box. I have a sponge filter running outside of the breeder box. But I have found a few dead ones on the bottom of the breeder box recently. Hopefully in a week I'll be able to move them into the 20 litre (five gallon tank that they're...
  40. Irksome

    Just in case it’s worms... should I treat the tank

    As some of you have advised me before you might remember I have some trouble with my guppies. My first batch of guppies have progressively sickened and died with just 1 remaining of the first 6 after 4 months. The first 3 deaths I put down to ammonia spikes as I struggled to keep my water...