
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. Cameronb_01

    Discus Fry Feeding

    Hi Guys, My discus have successfully spawned and created 20 wrigglers, (pic attached): I estimate they will be free swimming within around 24 hours. I just had a few questions regarding feeding. How much baby brine shrimp should I buy to feed them? How much should I give them per feed? How...
  2. S

    Betta Identification

    Can anyone help me identify this little guy? I was thinking plakat but his tail is getting pretty long, so maybe veiltail? He’s only about 1.5 inches now and I’ve had him for over a month. Petco was selling him as a ‘Baby Boy’ but I’m not even sure of that. Any ideas or speculation would be...
  3. ShannonKoletti

    Angel Fish Fry Help!

    Hi, my tank at work is stocked with 5 very large adult angel fish, two being a pair. Last week I removed wrigglers from the parents into a net fry nursery until I had a sponge filter for a 16 litre tank I had. I used the water from the main tank for the 16L tank and after a few days after the...
  4. V

    Prevent fry from getting caught in filter

    We've had a fry get caught in the filter pump in our breeding tak today. Is there something I can cover it with to keep them getting in there? Or a pump unit especially for a breeding tank? TIA
  5. C

    Platy fry turned purple!?

    hey guys i know nothing on fry but 1 of my Mickey mouse fry (3 days old) is suddenly a bluey/purple!? all the others are normal colour. is eating and swimming fine but what's happening to it
  6. Stueyzermatt

    Recent convict chichlid fry - what do I do?

    Hi. I wonder if anyone can help. I have a tank of convict chichlids and a couple of them have just hatched their first fry. They are showing signs of being great parents and protecting them very well from the other fish in the tank. However I'm assuming this will end. When is an appropriate time...
  7. Tanya farrell

    Please help

    Me guppie is pregnant , I just want to be prepared for when she dropped , but I don't know how long she has , could someone help please thank you
  8. V

    Swordtail fry

    We've got three of these little guys & my son is so pleased, you'd think he was the father. :hooray:
  9. O

    When will my guppy give birth? (Pictures)

    Hi, I'm new to keeping guppies and I'm wondering roughly how long it'll be until my guppy gives birth? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated :) Thanks in advance
  10. V

    water changes in a tank with fry in it

    Hi everyone, We have at least one swordtail fry in our tank, and I was wondering if we should do normal weekly water changes. I'm a little worried about harming or stressing the little one(s). We have a planted 125L tank with 7 small cories, 3 adult swordtails, snails, and the fry. The...
  11. dopey696

    Breeding, Fighting Angelfish

    Hello peoples. I have four black and white striped angelfish, they were great fish together until they broke apart into two breeding pairs, each pair lays eggs about every two weeks and they're always fighting. The fighting isn't cool so unfortunately I have to get rid of one pair. My LFS will...
  12. E

    Pregnant Guppies - How Long?

    Hello Everyone, I am quite new to fishkeeping, but after cycling my tank , introducing guppies and shrimp, all seems to be going well. I now have 4 males, 8 females and 2 shrimp in my tank. When i brought the first lot of fish (2 males, 4 females), 3 of these females seemed to be pregnant ( I...
  13. S

    Will Corydoras Consume Fry?

    Hey Guys, I've recently bought two pairs of leopard endlers in the aims of starting a nice colony, however I am wondering whether corydoras pose a threat to newborn fry? As from what I gather from research is that some say they do and some say they do not. Thanks for the help!
  14. A

    Apparently I brought home a pregnant Molly

    i was watching my fish earlier and saw a little thing darting around inside the barrels in my tank. I realized it was a Molly fry after I saw it again. There seems to just be one. Is it possible that my Molly hasn't had all of her babies yet or is it more likely that she ate the rest of them...
  15. C

    Breeding Mollies

    Hey everyone, I have a male/female pair of mollies in my tank, and I'm curious as to how easily they breed. Do they need a breeding process or will they breed on their own? Are there any telltale signs to look out for that shows they'll spawn soon? Also, if they do breed on their own, how will i...
  16. BOGaming_

    Platy fry pregnant or sick?!!

    Okay so i'm not sure if i can call my platy fry anymore. I have two pregnant platies in a tank waiting to give birth and about 4 months ago there was a batch of fry, later there are 3 now grown to the size of a neon tetra. All are females and are housed with 2 males. One female has a much...
  17. BOGaming_

    Breeding Tank Journal (Project X)

    I thought this would be a good way to keep track of my fish breeding project!   I have an amazing breeding project in mind that i want to do, right now i'm focusing on platy fish. I'm still waiting for them to give birth but love and behold i found one platy about 3 days ago and he's been such a...
  18. BOGaming_

    Do I Need A Filter? [Important]

    Hello all, So basically I'm expecting fry anytime this week. This is a repeat of my preg fish from about a month ago but sadly they all died because at the time i was new and did not meet the fry requirements. I currently have 1 fry i am raising in my main tank (in a hatchery) who is doing very...
  19. MiloMn

    Molly Fry In 3 Gallon Tank?

    So My Dalmatian-Gold Spot Molly has had alot of fry since we got her from the pet store. I usually just let nature take its course, But 2 crafty fry have survived for a while so I got a breeder net for them. They stayed there for a while but they got too big and my platy got very stress and...
  20. S

    Interesting Situation

    So I have two bettas, one is a male, almost 3 and a half years old and the other is a young female. I recently acquired a 30gal tank which I set up to see if it was sound and to make sure all the parts worked, and then, for giggles, put the two in to see how they would do. The male betta has...
  21. LoriLisaL'amour

    Baby Fry...what Now?

    HELLO GUYS! I am brand new to this site, but not quite new to having a tank!    I have had my tank for about 4 1/2 years now, filled with 3 generations of Corys all living with their parents!   So yesterday I had eggs on my glass that were there for about 3 days and fastly getting eaten off by...
  22. PaulJohnSmith

    What Will My Fry Look Like And How Would You Manage Them?

    Hi all, I have a pair of big ear red tail guppies, see link for picture, which I hoped to breed and have more beautiful guppies like them. The female became ready to give birth and I assume that due to them being the only pair in my tank the male harrassed the female and he/she ate most of the...
  23. S

    Too Many Fry.

    HI everyone.   I am quite new to fishkeeping but have managed to keep all but one of my first fish alive since January!! I accepted some free fish from a friend. I had 7 small molly fry. I hadnt read much about them at that point. A week ago I was able to notice that two of the larger ones are...
  24. cooledwhip

    Guppy Fry Swimming Odd/dying.

    I am trying to type this as fast as possible so it will be really short and to the point.   I bred guppies about a month ago, I only got 12 because that was how much was left when I got home. I guess the others were eaten.    I put them in a 10 gallon growout heated and sponge filtered, they are...
  25. cooledwhip

    What Kind Of Goldfish Are These?

    Hi all, I was at a new LFS today just browsing around and maybe buy some plants and they had a massive tank with a bunch of "small goldfish" as they were labeled. I bought some plants and decided to buy these "small goldfish" Because they were $2 each... and there were HUNDREDS. I also saw in...
  26. F

    New Silver Mollies

    Hey everyone! I just thought I'd create a log to show the breeding of mollies and the community interactions in my 20 gallon aquarium.  I recently added 6 silver mollies to the bunch so now the tank is stocked as follows:  1 male skirt tetra, 1 female skirt tetra, 1 bleeding heart tetra, 3...
  27. K

    Shaky Guppy Fry

    Hello   My two guppy females gave birth recently, the oldest had nearly 30 healthy guppy; a week later the second, a younger girl, had only a few, but I could only rescue two from the main tank since she was too fast to have her changed to a birthing tank.   For now, all the fry is living in a...
  28. I

    Raven's Guppies

    Current Project   Two Yellow tailed Dragon Head male guppies. Two Medium fancy female guppies.   Two Yellow tailed king cobra male guppies One large blue tailed female One stain glass female.   All of these are inside of a divided 20 gallon tank.   Fry Tank   Another 20 gallonish fish tank with...
  29. I

    When Can They Start Breeding?

    I've just started to get back into breeding guppies over the past year and I want to know as to what age female guppies can start breeding?   She would be a few months old and has already started to gain her Gravid spot. Still a little on the small side, considering her "mother" was a large...
  30. hudsona85

    Kribs With Fry!

    I had a feeling there was going to be some breeding going on since the male was acting pretty aggressive and moving the gravel around. Really was not expecting it so soon! I have 8 fry already from about a month ago in a breeder in the same tank and growing dad by day. I can't tell how many...
  31. T

    When Do I Put Guppies In Breeder Box

    I'm planing to buy a separate tank for my guppies to lay fry in, but for now, I have one of those breeder boxes with the V shaped thing for the fry to fall through. I already looked up when to put them in the breeder box but the only answers Iv'e found where to buy these plants for the guppy fry...
  32. MarcusShepherd

    Brine Shrimp

    I bought brine shrimp eggs on Ebay to feed my guppy fry but I want to keep some until adulthood so I can get eggs from them how do you breed Brine shrimp I've searched literally everywhere to find out how but I can only find videos of how to hatch eggs not breed adults
  33. T

    What Else Can I Feed My Fish

    I have a 55 gallon tank with guppies, blood eyed tetras, danios, 2 yo-yo loaches, a school of neons, and one red wag platy. I was wondering what else I can feed my fish besides tetra color tropical flakes? I want a nice and health tank. Also, what can I feed guppy fry? As a future reference...
  34. B

    Guppy Ready To Drop Babies?

    So I've had this guppy for exactly 31 days now and she has the boxed out look and today I noticed that below her u think her birth canal is starting to open up a little bit or something but it's like a little pink dot right now and I was wondering when she's going to drop her babies if it's...
  35. M

    Pregnant Molly. Help?

    One of the black mollies my LFS sold me was pregnant. I have no interest in keeping or raising fry and would like advice on what to do. The pregnant fish is also bullying every other fish in the tank, chasing them all over the place (no actual injury done yet, though sometimes it looks like...
  36. L

    Betta Breeding Question

    I want to breed my two halfmoon Betta's. I have done all the bloodlines of both my female and male, I think the offspring would be quite good. I have asked the local pet store if they would like some Betta fish, they agreed.   Question is that, can I keep the male offspring together? (Obviously...
  37. A

    This Is Gonna Sound Crazy

    So I've been monitoring my fry lately, and I'm unable to do frequent water changes since only my father is able to set up the siphon (I've tried, I'm not strong enough). So I've kinda been watching them grow, and up until now they were still kinda puny.   24 hours ago, I added some water into...
  38. M

    Pregnant Swordtail

    Okay so here's the deal, my swordtail gave birth to like 10 fry yesterday morning, I had put her in the breeder box around 4am and I had taken the top off of the box and she jumped out around 6am and was swimming around normally and didn't seem like she was gonna drop the fry anytime soon, but...
  39. A

    More Fry...

    So I thought I would keep you guys posted since the last posting rampage where I spammed updates (sorry, :P). Anyway, since then the fish got a 60% water change and I've really seen some growth but not sure if they've passed the effects of early stunting... I'm doing another water change...
  40. A

    Swordtail Fry

    So I was originally keeping updates about the swordtail fry I have in the emergency section following the death of one of my swordtail adults, but since they're well over a month old now I figured I would move it to its own proper thread. Here's some footage (they're currently 41 days old, I...