
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. FishMamas

    Mollie Mom Freaking Since Fry Birth

    HELP! My most outgoing, happy and person friendly fish, a female platinum Balloon Mollie (who regularly lets me hand feed her) had a 360 degree personality and behavior switch since giving birth to 5 fry about 2 weeks ago.  She was the most outgoing fish in my tank and dominated even over my...
  2. W

    What Is This

    hi   i have recently started breeding my platy,molly and guppies, and today when cleaning out a breeding chanber i noticed something that i do not recognise as asn fry i have has before, its about 1.5 cm very flat headed at front and the tail section looks frayed almost rope like, any ideas   i...
  3. SamB

    What Do You Do With Your Fry?

    I may be getting some fish that will definitely be getting it on and producing some babies..   The question is.. What then? The fish are aggressive and cannot all live together.. what do you do with your fry?
  4. Z

    Dalmation Molly Birthing

    hi i got a set of dalmation mollies that have given birth twice. my fiance and i are looking into keeping a few more alive this go round since the first 2 didnt really have many left (1st had 5 second had 3) we bought the lee's birthing tank and i noticed that online they say she cant really...
  5. C

    I've Had Fish (Platies) For 1 Week, Now One's Having Fry!

    Kinda panicking a bit right now.....   Okay, so I got my daughter some fish for her birthday last weekend. This is something new; I haven't had fish since I was 3 (very faint memory triggered by the smell of fish food...but I digress).   We have a 3 gallon tank with a nice sized filter, and we...
  6. MissKaylakay93

    Unknown Fry - Help Identify

    Today, I was gazing into my 36 gallon, and I saw something odd - fry! (I think.)   I saw several fry- type swimming things. They were shaped like the livebearer's fry, but they are TINY! I mean 2 millimeters tiny. I could see eyes, and a spine, but other than that they were completely clear...
  7. Jessman

    Slow Growing Fry

    Hi everyone, I have 6 fry, 5 guppy and 1 platy.   i had 5 live guppy fry (the ones i caught) 3 weeks ago,  3 were very healthy, 2 had deformities i keep them in a 2.5gall, i suppose its ok for now as i only have 5 fry in it at the mo, i kept the deformed ones in the tank for two weeks but last...
  8. J

    Pregnant Platies

    Hey guys, I believe two of my plates are pregnant. Both are female. I have 4 females and one male. And yeah I was expecting this to happen so luckily I had 50L second tank on hand. I have put them in a tank together. They aren't social with each other they both seem to keep to themselves which...
  9. Imogen

    Will Guppy Fry Eat Cory Eggs?

    So, either my Lasers, Bronze or Panda cories have spawned but i have nowhere to put the eggs except in the breeders net .However I already have one, 1 week old Guppy fry in the breeders net atm. Will the guppy fry eat the eggs?? Or the Cory fry when they hatch?? Cheers, Imogen. 
  10. Jessman

    Is My Guppy Fry Pregnant?

    Just over a week ago i bought a couple more platys and guppies. on the way home i found a guppy fry hiding in the corner of the bag (must of snuck in the net with one of the others!!) anyway the fry has a gravid spot, ive heard that a gravid spot doesnt always mean that they are pregnant, and...
  11. P

    Pregnant Sunburst Platy?

    We have a 5 gal tank for our son with 2 females and the 1 male we had died unexpectedly about a week after getting the females. That was a month or so ago. A few days ago I saw a baby fry in the tank and quickly pulled him and separated him. He is cute and happy...I'm assuming only one mom had...
  12. Mackenzilynn

    How Long Until Guppy Fry Can Be Set Free?

    My fish gave birth on April 20th, and the babies are growing quickly! There are three full grown guppies in the 20 gallon tank, and maybe 10-15 fry.   I know the official judgement of when to let fry go is when they reach a certain size. I'm not great at measuring by eye sight - so I wanted to...
  13. A


    Hello!! I am a new member! I just wanted to share an exciting moment with people who will understand! I have a 50 litre tank with platys, corys and rummy nose tetras, my platy have obviously been dropping fry religiously! And there's a about 3 or 4 decent sized ones lurking around, however my...
  14. RossC

    Free: Lovely Guppy Fry - West Midlands

    Livestock: Guppy Fry Age and condition: 1-4 Weeks Quantity for sale: Approx 20 in total Reason for Sale: Surplus Delivery or Collection: Collection only, cannot post sorry Sales price:Free to good home Postage & Packaging: N/A Location: Brownhills, Walsall, West Midlands, WS8 7NH Photographs: ...
  15. K

    4 Week Old Baby Platys

    Hi, I have 4 week old baby platys and was wondering when they should start colouring up? They are growing but slowly. I've just bought a banana worm culture and I'm hoping these help them bulk up a bit. Thanks in advance.
  16. K

    Hi Everyone

    Hi, I'm Kirstie and I've been keeping fish for about 3 years. I have recently upgraded my tank to a 110 litre one and added bogwood as I've always wanted a bristlenose. I currently have 3 danios (2 zebra and 1 pearl), 2 corydoras sterbai, 2 female platys and 6 baby platys. I'm sure I'll have...
  17. S

    Red Wag Platy Or Dalmatian Molly Fry? (Pic)

    My tank has two types of fish in it, Red Wag Platy and Dalmatian Molly. I was cleaning my tank today and as I was replacing the water I noticed a tiny little fry hiding under one of my decorations. I had a hunch one of my Red Wag Platies were pregnant - if not two of them. I ran out to my LFS...
  18. N


    So yeah, I've never owned gbr but from day one (6 months now) of fish keeping I've always wanted a couple. I also want to try to breed them, sell most, and perhaps keep a couple. I'm not sure how many tanks I would need and what not...I know they need a flat stone, high temp., live or frozen...
  19. Mackenzilynn

    Amazing Picture Of Baby's Eyes In Womb!

    Check out this picture I just took of my guppy Lemon Drop's womb! The babies are getting so close, you can clearly see their little eyes!     Lemon Drop is about to drop!
  20. Mackenzilynn

    My First Litter Of Guppy Fry!

      My first litter of guppy fry were born yesterday - a great surprise when I got home!    I had put momma in her breeder net, since she seemed squared off with a dark gravid spot. She wasn't lethargic, but I gave it about 2 days and it paid off!   She gave birth to about 10-13 babies, and I...
  21. J

    My Ram Cichlids Laid Eggs?!?

      I have four (what I THOUGHT were male) ram cichlids in a tank, along with a neon tetra and a plecostomus. There's nothing else in the tank except snails (and I KNOW what snail eggs look like). I just saw today that the back of my small piece of driftwood is covered in eggs! I thought ram...
  22. F

    Jack Dempsey Fry

    Hi all, my Jack Dempsey's have decided to breed, the fry is now 7 weeks old. I'm unable to keep them so let me no if you would like some. offers, I live at Mount Maunganui.
  23. Brahmza

    My Rams Laid Eggs! Help!

    Hello! In my 55g tank I have 3 pairs of German rams. Two pairs of German blues and one pair of electric blues. My most dominant pair seems to have laid eggs today. They've been paired for about two weeks, and its my first time keeping rams, so I have a couple questions.   First, what kind of...
  24. M

    Fry And Ghost Shrimp. Plz Help

    I have 7 guppy fry, born sunday i noticed my guppy having 2 in my main tank so i immediatley took her outand placed her in my 5 gal tank she had the babies and then i moved her back in the many tank later that night. BUT i put my pregnant ghost shrimpin there 3 days prior and i noticed after my...
  25. G

    Is My Balloon Molly Pregnant?!?!

    These are some pictures of my new balloon molly.  Her stomach seems bigger than the others and her behavior also seems different.  I'm not really sure what a gravid spot is supposed to look like.  I was wondering if anyone can tell if she might be pregnant.
  26. Lockhaart

    New Guppy Babies!

    Hi everyone I just have some questions as to my new fry. I did a little water change today and my only guppy started popping out babies (I had some more, but i've had them a while and the last one of the two died last week) thankfully I was there, got my breeding cage and caught as many as I...
  27. I

    Blue Acara Fry For Sale

    We breed Blue Acara. Fry available in about three weeks. You Tube video at link below. $10 each, deals for large orders. You pay any postage...
  28. crmpicco

    Baby Assassin Snail Care

    Hi, I have three adult assassin snails in my 70ltr tank at the moment that I bought about 4-5 months ago to deal with a pest snail problem I was having at the time. Between the snails and large water changes, they done their job, so i'm glad I got them. This morning, I spotted a baby assassin...
  29. J

    Is My Sunset Platy Pregnant?

    I think I came to the right place I bought her at pet smart and I'm wondering if she's pregnant or just fat here's my video thank :) I'm new to tropical fish
  30. jocie1976

    Endler Fry Size Difference

    I have a batch of about 20 Tiger Endler Fry that are about 6-7 weeks old. They all seemed to grow at about the same rate until a couple of days ago. As adults, the males are only about a third the size of the females. On looking in the fry tank last night, I saw a huge baby swim past. I thought...
  31. gemz

    Help With Baby Platies

    Hello, I woke up a few days ago to rather a lot of baby platies, I have a feeling both females have given birth, eeek! I only have a 28L tank and don't have another to keep fry in, they seem to be surviving and hiding well My question is, how long do I leave it before I can re-home them? Thank...
  32. J

    Is My Balloon Molly Pregnant? Urgent.

    Some people may not see this as an emergency but it is quite urgent, I have a female balloon molly, another different type of male molly and an angel fish all together in a tank, they've been getting on fine for the months they've been together but all of a sudden my female balloon molly has at...