
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. A

    How pregnant is my Molly?!?

    Hi everyone, I’m new to this hobby and I’ve noticed that my New black mollies are slowly but surely getting bigger. The store I got them from store Males and Females together so there is no real way of knowing how long she has been pregnant. I have attached a couple images, can anyone estimate...
  2. A

    Striped platty?

    Hi everybody. This is my first time having fry. The one pictured is maybe 3-4? weeks old. I assumed they were platy's, but now I'm second guessing because the fry have vertical stripes. Almost looks like someone took a marker to it. Is anyone able to ID this fry? It's not easy getting a clear...
  3. Circus

    LFS, Firemouth Pair

    My lfs had two more of their firemouths pair off and breed. Here is the pic I caught of them. This is the 2nd pair so far from that shipment, the first was sold as a breeding pair and the customer also got all of the fry.
  4. Lgoldman

    Platy inactive and breathing heavily

    One of my female platys has been breathing heavily and staying at the bottom of the tank all day. She ate this morning. I moved her to a smaller tank. The small tank only has two platy fry that will go into my bigger tank soon. All of my other fish are fine. I can’t tell if she is pregnant or...
  5. Dopatri

    Is my Balloon Molly fry suffering?

    Hi, yesterday I discovered my Molly gave birth, I found 4 teeny tiny little fry all hiding together so I scooped them up and put them in their own little hatchery. However, one of them I’ve noticed is struggling to keep afloat. It can swim, but it spends most of the time on the bottom. It’s...
  6. carligraceee

    Fry Success Guarantee

    I have had several batches of fry and they have NEVER seemed to survive. Something always went wrong with what I was doing. I want to make sure, that my current batch of three fry don't die. I have one molly and two platys. They are probably a fourth of an inch long, their dorsal fins are...
  7. carligraceee

    Fry questions!

    Hello! I currently have fry babies (one is for sure a molly but the other two might be platys). I was wondering when would be a good time to put them in with the adults. As of now- they are close to half an inch (I would guess a bit larger than a fourth of an inch).
  8. Dopatri

    Is my balloon molly pregnant?

    I bought my balloon molly roughly 4 weeks ago, however, this past week I’ve noticed she has more of a defined tummy than she did. Since I had her she did have a round belly but it does seem a little larger now. It also has a slight boxy look to it. It think it’s really hard to determine whether...
  9. Dopatri

    How do I care for guppy fry?

    I came back from work to discover that my pregnant guppy’s belly was no longer looking pregnant. I was confused because I couldn’t see any fry and I checked her before I left for work and she was still pregnant. I thought maybe she had miscarried or something, because I honestly thought she had...
  10. Lgoldman

    How can I add more fish without overstocking?

    Hi! I have a 20 gallon tank with 3 mollies, 3 platys, a BN pleco, and nerite snails. I usually siphon the tank every week and my filter is the one that came with a tank. (Its either Tetra or Aqueon). Recently I found fry in my tank. There were only two left by the time I found them, but I moved...
  11. Lgoldman

    Questions about Molly/platy fry

    Hi! I have a 20 gallon tank with three mollies, three platys, a BN pleco, and nerite snails. Yesterday I noticed fry in the tank. I’m not sure how old they are, but there were only a few left by the time I saw them. I was going to leave them in the tank but I felt bad and ended up moving the two...
  12. Lgoldman

    Nerite snails had babies in freshwater

    Hi! I have a 20 gallon tank with mollies, platys, a albino bristle nose pleco, and two nerite snails. Today I came home to both fish fry (I’m not sure if they are mollies or platys, and I am not removing them because I do not care if they survive), and at least one baby snail. I’m not surprised...
  13. B

    Convict cichlid fry

    So I have a breeding pair of convict cichlids in a 100 gallon tank along with a jack dempsey and a juvinile green terror they will be laying eggs soon and when the fry are born I dotn really want them to be eaten by the other fish as my local pet store wanted to buy some how quickly can I move...
  14. Circus

    Free Swimming Orange Chromide Fry

    My fry have left the pit! Well, some of them. Others are not quite ready, but working on it.
  15. Circus

    Orange Chromide Fry, Now What?

    Okay, so I had to remove the Molly from the brackish tank, since it ate 2 batches of eggs. The third batch just hatched and I saw about 8 fry. The fry are in a little hole the parents dug in the sand, flopping around a bit. What to I feed them? My ground up flake still looks a little too big...
  16. R

    six month old platy frys spitting out food

    hi! i am stocking about 20 platy fry in a planted twenty gallon aquarium. the tank is cycled and the water quality is top notch. about a month ago, one of the fry developed collumanus worms, so i decided to treat the entire tank with levamisole from subquaria. i followed the instructions and did...
  17. carligraceee

    All my platy fry dying the same way except one??? Is it me? Or is it the circle of life??

    Hey guys! If you see my other posts, you will see I have some platy fry. They are almost a month old and were growing like crazy! All of a sudden, two of them started thinning out in the tail area and having trouble swimming and coming up to eat. Then they died the next day. It didn't happen...
  18. carligraceee

    Oh what to do with all these fry.

    My platy gave birth close to a month ago and I have been raising them. I wish I could upgrade to a 29g now but I just don't have the space right now. I want to keep one of the girls, my friend might take three, and then I would re-home the rest (I have 9 now). Can I sell them somewhere? Or do I...
  19. carligraceee

    Betta love with platy fry?

    My platy just gave birth and i was wondering if my male beta (in a 5g) would do well with them until they got bigger and i could sell them. i don’t want him to eat the fry, but i thought maybe they would be too big for him to eat. he is pretty aggressive- but doesn’t eat a lot.
  20. A


    EDIT!!!! Update!!!! MOLLY HAD BABIES ABOUT 3 HOURS AFTER POSTED. HERES PICS. My molly is pregnant and about to pop I just don’t know what I’m doing and need help lol. Here she is. Idk how long she’s been pregnant all I know is she’s about to give birth maybe. The male is freaking out hanging...
  21. carligraceee

    Bent spine in my Platy fry :( (that rhymes, it was unintentional)

    Hey guys! So I have been raising three baby platys for awhile now. I think they reached a month old a couple days ago. However, one died a day ago and when I looked closely at his body to find anything abnormal, I saw he had taken on a sort of krill shape (almost like a boomerang). I then looked...
  22. madisonfortyway

    Weird cloudy layer in Guppy Tanks

    My guppy tanks have has this cloudy film in them for the past week. In my adult tank it was everywhere. I just set up this 5 gallon for my fry and after going to sleep I wake up to this. Half of my fry are dead and this milky layer is just sitting at the bottom of my tank.
  23. Guyb93

    Electric blue acara fry are now swimming

    Not sure how to get the video up so put it on YouTube lol really happy and look to have quite a few this time not sure weather to leave them tho and I fear I will do more harm than good trying to get them out
  24. J

    Does my Molly look pregnant?

    Hi, Looking for some help if possible. One of my mollies looks huge compared to the others. Do you think she's pregnant or just well fed?! We have moved her into a hatchery as we aren't sure if she's ready to drop or pop. Any advice greatly appreciated! Jamie
  25. Guyb93

    Electric blue acara fry

    I hve eba fry !!! I noticed breeding Behavior a few weeks ago and though nothing of it on Wednesday I moved them tanks , I checked the tree cave they had claimed didn’t see eggs so thought again nothing of it today I have fry , I can’t see exactly how many off the video my partner sent me I will...
  26. E

    Corydora Breeding Help - What am I doing wrong?

    I have one female and three male Peppered Corydoras that have been laying eggs like crazy, but I've had very inconsistent success. I always remove the eggs by rolling them off the glass with my finger so they stick to my finger, and then rolling them onto the side of another container. The...
  27. E

    Rosy barb breeding

    Okay so I have 4 females and one male in a tank and I’ve been trying to look for breeding online there isn’t any helpful advice 1. What do rosy barbs eggs look like? 2.where do they lay them? 3.does the female lay the eggs straight after she’s mated ? 4.what does it mean having the water few...
  28. AilyNC

    Platy fry in breeder box

    I put my Platy fry in a breeder box. Today is the 7th day. I've 9. They seem ok, active and like to hang out a lot in the Salvinia I put in with them. I think they're about 8mm in length. Should I release them now into the main tank? I don't have a second tank. I know I'll need to re-home some...
  29. AilyNC

    Water change during fry drops??

    Hey my tank is a bit of a hectic fish in cycle case. I've been doing 75% water changes the last 4 days and measurements. A Platy has started having fry. Should I wait until she's finished to do a water change? How will I know she's finished? I managed to get two fry into incubation box...
  30. K

    Baby fry...need advice!

    Hi all! My mickey mouse platy has birthed her fry this morning. I could probably see around 15 to 20 fry in the birthing net, and wasn't sure she was done yet. I've come to check on her progress and I think I only see about 10 maybe less? So I was worried she was eating them so I've popped her...
  31. S

    Fry staying on top of tank

    I brought home a pair of balloon mollies a couple of days ago. I could see that the female was about to pop when I got her home. By morning I noticed the first fry. I've had a lot of fish over the years and a lot of fry, but these are totally different. I walked away for a few minutes and by the...
  32. O

    Fry Identification Guppy or Molly

    Hi one of my fish in my community tank recently gave birth to some fry. But currently I have two types of livebearers in the tank and I wasnt awake when the fish gave birth. Down below are the pictures. I have a few guppies and three Dalmatian Mollys and currently the fry are in a breeder box...
  33. B

    Yellow cobra guppy laid eggs

    Hi everyone. Recently I started an all Male tropical fish tank. I began by 4 male endlers and then last week added in 2 Male yellow cobra guppies. I didn't understand why all my endlers were chasing one of my new guppies every second of the day as they're all males. But today I noticed one of...
  34. Irksome

    Unexpected fry in fish delivery. How can I maximise survival?

    I had a fish delivery of just two adult guppies to add to my female betta/ Guppy tank and to my surprise there were four fry also in the bag. I have 3 options for them. My female betta/guppy tank, although she is fine with adult guppies will probably eat the fry on under 30 seconds and I just...
  35. brokenoob!

    Molly not giving Birth after 5.5 weeks?

    Hey everybody! I've had my Molly Pearl for a while now, she gave birth to her first brood (with me anyways) about 2 months ago, delivery was quick and she returned to being a happy little fish! 2-3 Weeks after the first pregnancy I noticed she was getting bigger again--That was 5 1/2 weeks ago...
  36. brokenoob!

    Platinum/Creamsicle Lyretail Molly with tiny black spots?

    Hello everyone! I've had the most amazing Platinum Lyretail Molly named Pearl for just over two months now. She has the biggest personality I've ever seen, if I get within 5 feet of the glass she comes up to me sounds crazy but literally almost wags her tail in excitement like a dog...
  37. D

    Drape Fin Barb unexpected fry — help!

    Hi freshwater fans, Brand new to this forum and hoping to get some much-needed advice. I have a heavily planted 70l community tank containing six Drape Fin Barbs (three males and three females), four male guppies, three dwarf corydoras, and a pleco. Everyone gets along famously, and I was happy...
  38. I

    Ideal temperature/tank requirements for encouraging livebearer pregnancy

    I currently have a number of platies, mollies, and a swordtail in a 55g community tank with a number of other fish set at 78 F. Is this an ideal temperature to encourage pregnancy or should I increase it to 79 or 80 degrees? I'll likely place any pregnant fish in a breeder net and then transfer...
  39. Jan Cavalieri

    Babies and Mommy (or Daddy) - take a guess on what they are

    These little guys and gals are (I think) about a month or so old - it's all we could rescue from the tank after hatching - we are ok with that because their parents and friends are rather bad tempered and now we have 3 more! Already practicing bumping each other around. Mom and Dad are about...
  40. Retired Viking

    Fry with damaged fin

    I had to move my 3 fry to a fry breeding net to protect them from the other fish. Two had their tail fin nipped. They had been hiding in the floating hornwort but it has been breaking down lately. Is it a slow process for fins to grow back for fry? These I believe are glow light tetra fry, two...