
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. ChancesMama

    Is This Tank Okay For Live Bearing?

    Hello everyone, I've been preparing for my blue Fancy guppy I bought from Pet Quarters to give birth (she was pregnant when I bought her). And today while she (Fionna) was in the breeder trap, I noticed that my Orange female (yet to be named) was boxed off. I'd never seen a boxed off guppy in...
  2. Antoniakr

    Platy Care

    Hello everyone. I've been wanting platys for a while now.  i'm wanting a quite easy fish, not a fussy one that needs a lot of attention and needs perfect water conditions Are platys quite a hardy-type fish? because i wont be able to afford keeping water conditions spot on all the time
  3. L

    My Setups

    Hello everyone! I am a 20 year old woman from Canada. I am sort of new to fish keeping and aquariums but I have been doing well so far. Anyways, enough about me. Here's a few videos and pictures of my setups!   VIDEO        
  4. P

    Can I Put Newborns With My Other Fry?

    I have 7 pineapple platy fry that are aprox. 2 months old and their mother is pregnant again. They have their own ten gallon tank for them to grow in until they are big enough to be put with the adults. They have plenty of room and the tank has great levels in ph, temp ect. I'd say the babies...
  5. B

    Swordtail X Platy

    Hey! So if I have platies and swordtails in a tank will they easily crossbreed?  I know they are closely related, but if I have a male of their species will they only want to breed with him?
  6. A

    How To Care For Livebearer Fry (Age 0-2Mos)

    I wanted to start a new topic on the care of freshwater livebearer fry (baby fish).  I've looked long and hard to find out about the care for them, and although I found some topics on it (on numerous sites), I haven't been able to find exactly the answers I've been looking for.  Perhaps, that is...
  7. E

    Guppy Female Stomach Ripped Open. Fry Hanging Out. What Now?

    I need help on what to do now. I found my female guppy hanging at the top of the aquarium with all her fry hanging out and her stomach open. Do I euthanize her? Do I save her fry somehow? Can she heal from this?   Has anyone ever had this before and does someone know what happened?    
  8. F

    When Will My Guppy Have Fry?

    Pictures aren't great, sorry no idea how long she's been pregnant
  9. S

    Fungus Medication Safe For Fry ? Which One ?

    I have a 10 gal tank and some of my bigger guppies got fungus, and I would like to treat them, but I also have many fry (platy and guppy) in the same tank. Is there a medication for the fry ?? I have some methyl blue, aquarium salt and Tetra Fungus Guard.  
  10. J

    When Will Guppy Give Birth!

    Hi there,    I bought a female guppy about 4 weeks ago and she was preggers from the day she came home. Sheis now huge (ill show pic) and I am getting very anxious on the arrival of the fry. She just got her boxy look last night and is pooping sort of this hair like white stuff, is this normal...
  11. tmoney7

    Endler Guppies Finally Had Their Fry!

    So for about 8 weeks now i have been trying to get female endlers from my LFS (i already had the males) and have finally managed to get them yesterday afternoon.  I purposefully got the ones that i noticed were pregnant because i planned on breeding them anyways.  I looked in the tank this...
  12. B

    Betta Fry Advice.

    Hi guys just a quick one.   Ive now bred 2 lines of bettas, 2weeks and 4 weeks old. Now my question is when will they grow?! lol silly question i know bt its my 1st time with bettas. my 4 week old fry obviously bigger than 2 week old but yet still they are about the size of day old guppy fry...
  13. B

    Female All Red Delta Guppy Fry

    Hi guys just a quick one. Got some new stock about 6 months ago including a trio of all red big tailed guppies, v nice. Now ive let em too it 2 times now (the trio is young less than a year old) and ive got 2 batchs of fry about 50 in total. They are 4 weeks and 8 weeks old respec.   Now my...
  14. J

    Can't Keep Nitrate Level Down

    I wannt to keep my nitrate low but it comes out the tap around 20-25ppm which I know is fine for my fish as they have been alive for several years but recently wanted to breed my fish and I know nitrate over 20ppm kills most of the fry of as I have been told unless this is untrue, I was...
  15. ranish

    Confused With New Balloon Mollies

    Got a couple of mollies but have no idea if they are going to drop fry. They are very confusing because they look big in the first place. Previous owner said that some may be pregnant. Please help. Any help welcome. I have attached some pics as well. Thanks
  16. BelldandyShanny

    A Brilliant Idea

    I can't imagine what I was thinking, actually considering getting rid of my old 20 gallon tank.  Not enough room I said, what use do I have for it now I said...nuts to that!  I am now in the works of setting up a rcs tank! (and guppy fry)  I even tetrised around the living room so as to have a...
  17. davidjp1982

    1 Month Old Apistogramma Cacatuoides Fry (Pics)

    A few photos of my first batch of Apistogramma Cacatuoides fry :)  
  18. dhartIndy


    Huey, baby Waldo and riley! 10 siblings waiting to join waldo! Flame moss with panda eggs
  19. L

    Pregnant Platy Questions

    I noticed a few days ago that my sunburst platy was pregnant. I've never dealt with this before but I did a lot of online research and made sure of it. I bought a breeder box and tried to figure out the best time to put her in, and I read a lot of the forums on here about it as well, but it's...
  20. BelldandyShanny

    Baby Gupsters

    I just got a small batch of baby guppies born, only about 10 maybe 8,  most of them though look like they were born too soon, really big egg sacks still on them, with a pulsing vein in them. Even one just egg on the bottom of the breeder.  What are their chances of survival? Should I wait a...
  21. Reannone96

    Pregnant Platy White And Clear Poop That's Sorta Stringy?

    Okay so I have been watching my platy closely today and she seems to be hiding a lot, she has a white tube under her anal fin and her graved spot seems to be closer to it. I noticed some white and clear poo that's stringy? What does this mean? Will she drop soon ? None of the other fish have...
  22. jessithebuckeye

    My Molly Fry Are Growing! They Got Spots! Need Help With Breed

    Hello all!   I am slowly but surely gaining some experience as a fish enthusiast. Is that what you'd call it? Hahaha!   Anyways, a month ago, my beautiful Gold Dust Molly gave birth to 14 lil fries. This is what momma Buzz looks like:   [sharedmedia=core:attachments:71012]   As the fry have...
  23. jessithebuckeye

    Update: My Molly Did Have More Fry! Wasn't Just Constipated&#3

    Hi! Sorry it has been so long since I last posted. I've been quite busy with doctors appointments, new medications, and all around anorexia recovery!    I posted in the Livebearer forums on August 26th concerning my Adult Female Molly. I thought she was pregnant but hadn't had any babies yes...
  24. Deepatlantis

    When Do Guppy Fry Reach Breeding Age?

    Hi, I've tried searching the forum but can't find the answer, I apologise if I've overlooked it. Can anyone tell me at what age to separate my guppy fry boys and girls? I'm planning on keeping any really nice ones, but most are going off to my LFS and I don't want the girls to all be knocked up...
  25. Deepatlantis

    Please Drop Already!

    I have a guppy who is heavily pregnant. I've had her three weeks and I guessed she was about two weeks pregnant when I got her. She's been squared off since last Weds and last night she was guarding the area under the bridge so I thought she might drop, but this morning still nothing. I'm...
  26. 214jay

    Help! I Have Cpd Babies! What Do I Do?

    Hello.  Its all happening with me at the moment, as one tank is losing fish my 2nd tank is gaining.   I have some Celestial Pearl Danios in a tank on my office desk that is a couple of weeks old (plus 2 months fishless cycle).  I was looking into the tank and somehow noticed a fry on the glass...
  27. Liv15

    Is Guppy Fry Sufficient Live Food?

    So I have 4 male guppies in my tank and I was thinking that I could get a few females which would then breed and have babies. I would leave them in the community tank to do this because I thought it would be a good way of providing live food for the other fish? So will this work and would the...
  28. jessithebuckeye

    Hello From Florida's Space Coast!

    Hello hello!   My name is Jessi and I am 24 years old. I live in Florida and am relatively new here to aquarium "life" in a more "dedicated" form of the word!   A little over a year ago I got a little Betta and named him Neil. He had a regular bowl with no filter. After a little while, I got him...
  29. MrsEspoNYC7

    Look Who Moved In!

    sooooooo  excited my very first baby.  there are two in my tank and I love them sorry for the crappy pic
  30. Deepatlantis

    Where Did Babies Come From?

    I'm really confused, there are a few fry in my tank this morning, but none of my pregnant fish looked ready to give birth and they all still look pregnant? What's going on? I've spotted about five fry, and I don't know if they are guppy or can I tell?
  31. DHJac

    Survival Of The Fittest

    I'm about 4 weeks in to a new 110g tank that will be brackish but I started off with a couple of mollies to cycle it.  I was out of town for a couple of days about a week into it and when I came back, one of the mollies had given birth and there were a bunch of fry swimming around the tank.  I...
  32. MrsEspoNYC7

    Floating Plants

    Hi I'm having a few problems with my tank, and I'm hoping for some advice....this isn't going to seem like a plant question but just bear with my rambling and read it to the end. Lol thanks I have a 29 gallon cube tank with a few black skirt tetras, one blue dwarf gourami, two pairs of guppies...
  33. O

    Help Needed. How To Move Parents And Fry To A New Tank

    Hi I'm in need of help. I have a pair of green terrors who are first parents. I have around 100 free swimming fry. All in a small pile in the bottom of a tank with mum and dad. I want to move them into a different tank but don't know how. Do I move the parents or fry first? Shall I net...
  34. O

    Moving Parents And Fry

    Hi Can anyone help me. I have a pair of first time parent green terrors. The fry are just starting to be free swimming. I want to move them to another tank but I'm not sure what is the best thing to do. Move parents first? Or the fry? Is it safe to do? Any tips appreciated as I am a...
  35. Voxcharm

    How Do I Care For My Molly Fry?

    So I have my first batch of molly fry,   they were born while I was away, most probably on sunday (2 days ago) and I came back to find them.   Managed to find 5  and transferred into a floating fry trap. No idea how many were born, although the molly mummy I suspect is quite a young one who's...
  36. Y

    My Platy Had Babies, But She Is Only 3 Months Old?

    hi there, my platy had babies but she is only 3 months old? is this okay?   I have a video of her having one of them, I don't know if she's too young? any help?  
  37. N

    Is This Fish Fry?

    Hi new to this site but have kept tropical fish for a few years and never seen fry before. Is this fry that is on the pic? I have just been away for 3 weeks and while I was away my girlfriend told me that one of the gourmais looked extremely fat. Unfortunately this gourami died a few days...
  38. R

    Blue Eggs

    Hi all,   Had my tank populated for about 3 weeks now and did a 40% water change this morning. Just checked out the tank and I've spotted a cluster of about 30 blue dots on one of the pieces of wood. I presume these are eggs, but I have no idea who they belong to. They're quite exposed and all...
  39. CJH0825

    Kribensis Fry

    I just looked in my Kribensis tank and have apprx 30 fry!! :) Question is, Should I remove the male or female from the tank or keep them in there? First time with Krib fry.
  40. Talfox

    I Have Fry! I Wonder Who The Parents Are.

    So This is honestly the first time I've hatched any sort of fish egg or bred egg laying fish. I have seven cory catfish in one of my tanks of three different colors, I found some eggs glued to the side of the tank and scraped them off to save them as my female bettas had eaten most of them...