
  1. M

    Small Tank, College Student

    Hey everyone, I'm a full time college student with an 8 gal Fluval edge tank with some Amazon Sword plants, a breeder pair of fancy guppies (2 female 1 male) and a golden snail. So far, both of my females have given birth once, and I have saved 6 fry in a separate, small bowl to raise until they...
  2. J

    Rainbow Cichlid Eggs!

    My first set of eggs after 2 weeks first time breeding rainbow cichlids any advice that would help me be more successful? Breeding pair.
  3. J

    Do You Need A Light Constantly On When Breeding?

    Just wondering do you need a source of light contantly when breeding rainbow cichlids as how will the male fertilise the eggs in the dark when he can't see? Or can they see in the dark? Just wanted to know as I have a breeding pair and don't know whether to switch the light of in the night or...
  4. C

    Are These Piranha Eggs?

    Recently my tropical "Cory" fish had been laying eggs on the glass of my tank but as I looked at the tank for more I noticed a different type of egg on the stones. The Cory was laying multiple eggs but the other eggs are single clear eggs, we have piranhas in the same tank as the Cory fish and...
  5. J

    Breeder Pair Oscars

    HI, Could any tell me where I can get a pair of breeding Oscars in queensland Brisbane Australia .. thanks
  6. Reannone96

    Pregnant Platy White And Clear Poop That's Sorta Stringy?

    Okay so I have been watching my platy closely today and she seems to be hiding a lot, she has a white tube under her anal fin and her graved spot seems to be closer to it. I noticed some white and clear poo that's stringy? What does this mean? Will she drop soon ? None of the other fish have...
  7. NomNomTiger

    Angelfish Growth And Breeding

    I bought some small angels because I am fairly good at determining sex even very young. But anyways. I was wondering how big the angels need to be from nose to the start of the back fin (so abdomin, ex nickle size cause they are round) till they can start breeding.?
  8. Deepatlantis

    When Do Guppy Fry Reach Breeding Age?

    Hi, I've tried searching the forum but can't find the answer, I apologise if I've overlooked it. Can anyone tell me at what age to separate my guppy fry boys and girls? I'm planning on keeping any really nice ones, but most are going off to my LFS and I don't want the girls to all be knocked up...
  9. DFT

    [Pic]Opaline Gourami Mating

      The picture is not perfect since it is a bit dark under the bubble nest.    I finally have them mating. Even though the male and female Opaline Gouramis  are in the same tank they just fight and never go into mating mood. Then I put the female in a net trap and put a piece of styrofoam on the...
  10. Gidge

    Breeding Electric Yellows?

    Hi all.    My Dad has had a 95L for a while now, with some cichlids in it. He went with the advice of the LFS despite my protests. Anyway, safe to say he has learnt his lesson now. I've moved them to my larger 110G tank where they will be much happier.    Among these cichlids are two Electric...
  11. jessithebuckeye

    Is My Molly About To Give Birth Again Or Is She Sick?

    Hello!   As some of you know, I bought a Gold Dust (Petco called it "Golden Panda" but oookay) Molly and named him Buzz. Turns out Buzz was a girl and was VERY pregnant and gave birth to 14 healthy baby fry on August 1st. =]   I only had a 2.5 gallon tank at the time, and quickly rushed out and...
  12. B

    Newbie Wanting Help With Betta Splenders (Fighting Fish)

    Hello All!   I am new to this forum, and I am also new to owning my first Betta!   I am wanting to know a few questions I have about them. I am sorry if this has been asked before, I'm still trying to find my way around   QUESTION ONE:   I am wanting to breed him, I am unsure of his age, I...
  13. S

    My Strange Red Ob Zebra's

    Hello!   this is my first post on fish forums, very exciting!   i have 2 red ob zebra's in my 20 gallon tank (along with some other friends) and every now and then the female gets a whole bunch of eggs in her mouth but only ever holds on to them for a few days and then next time i see her...
  14. O

    Breeding Green Terrors

    Hi   I have 3 green terrors   1 Male just over 4" 2 Female one 3" one slightly larger   They are in a small (too small) tank on their own and i was planning to move them on this week.   However, i just noticed the larger female is planning to lay eggs. I have no idea what to do from here. Will...
  15. Sophie

    Angelfish Spawning Diary

    It's been about a month now since my Angelfish decided to spawn for the first time, they've spent a lot of time reconditioning themselves and this morning I spotted them cleaning several Anubias leaves in the tank with their papilla on display - naughty. I knew they would be spawning sometime...
  16. tmoney7

    Cherry Shrimp Breeding

    So i have some cherry shrimp and i can see a saddle on one of them very easily so i'm guessing it wont be to long before she has her eggs.  I was just wondering how long they usually stay buried when laying their eggs
  17. TigerOscar11

    Breeding Bristlenose Pleco

    Hi everyone,   I have 3 bristlenose pleco's at the moment and i want to breed them. 2x females and 1x male. One of the females is 4.5-5 inches and the male is about 3.5-4 inches, i have made them a pvc cave as the one the originally had could barely even fit him in it and she couldnt fit at all...
  18. Z

    Dalmation Molly Birthing

    hi i got a set of dalmation mollies that have given birth twice. my fiance and i are looking into keeping a few more alive this go round since the first 2 didnt really have many left (1st had 5 second had 3) we bought the lee's birthing tank and i noticed that online they say she cant really...
  19. S

    Corydoras Eggs?

    I have peppered and Julii corydoras in a 120L tank aswell as a some Rummynose teras. I have recently found some yellow spherical objects which I assume are eggs, the peppered cories eggs. Somehow I'm not sure whether or not these eggs will survive. Any help would be greatly appreciated
  20. E

    Please Help !what Do You Think Is Happening To My Fish!

    I need help I have an african cichlid tank In that tank I have many different mbuna cichlids but the one I need help with are my 2 melanochromis chipokae one blue and one yellow the yellow one is turning a bluish brown and vibrates especially In Front of my yellow lab and the blue on is calmly...
  21. eaglesaquarium

    Thunderstorm Tonight!

    Hey folks   Just wanted to share that there's a thunderstorm tonight in my area and I'm sitting here watching my panda cories go absolutely berserk!  They are going all over the place.  Some eggs will be laid tonight, for sure.  I will continue to actually do "nothing" to save the little fry...
  22. Jessman

    New To Bettas, Thinking Of Breeding

    Hi, I'm new to bettas, having bought my first male yesterday. I'm more experienced in livebearers such as guppies and platys.    My betta is housed in a 25l bowl, undergravel filter, 50w heater (smallest i could find, couldn't get a hold of 25w) he seems pretty happy.    I'm feeding him ground...
  23. ReddSamurai

    Advice For A New Tank

    Im going to be buying a new tank on monday and plan to use it as a breeding tank sometime in the future but for a start to give some more space as my current tank is overstocked, in an ideal world i would get the biggest tank i can afford but being a student in a student house im going to be...
  24. L

    How Many Blue Rams In 35 Gallon, Breeding?

    Okay so I have a tall 35 gallon aquarium with two blue rams in there and a bristle nose, now all is good but I'm desperate for a breeding pair. How many can I buy for the tank I was thinking four and then if I get a breeding pair to remove some of the others. Also I really like the gold rams if...
  25. N


    So yeah, I've never owned gbr but from day one (6 months now) of fish keeping I've always wanted a couple. I also want to try to breed them, sell most, and perhaps keep a couple. I'm not sure how many tanks I would need and what not...I know they need a flat stone, high temp., live or frozen...
  26. Mackenzilynn

    Amazing Picture Of Baby's Eyes In Womb!

    Check out this picture I just took of my guppy Lemon Drop's womb! The babies are getting so close, you can clearly see their little eyes!     Lemon Drop is about to drop!
  27. Mackenzilynn

    My First Litter Of Guppy Fry!

      My first litter of guppy fry were born yesterday - a great surprise when I got home!    I had put momma in her breeder net, since she seemed squared off with a dark gravid spot. She wasn't lethargic, but I gave it about 2 days and it paid off!   She gave birth to about 10-13 babies, and I...
  28. D

    Cichlid Tank.. Jewels Laying Eggs

    Hi guys!   I have a 36 gal freshwater tank.  Living in the tank are: 3 jewel cichlids which are about 3 inches 1 convict cichlid a little over 2 inches 2 dempseys I recently got that are maybe 1.5 inches 2 featherfin catfish 2 peacock eels 1 rubber lipped pleco about 2 inches and I also added 3...
  29. J

    My Ram Cichlids Laid Eggs?!?

      I have four (what I THOUGHT were male) ram cichlids in a tank, along with a neon tetra and a plecostomus. There's nothing else in the tank except snails (and I KNOW what snail eggs look like). I just saw today that the back of my small piece of driftwood is covered in eggs! I thought ram...
  30. Brahmza

    New 15G Tank! What To Breed!?

    Hey everyone! I'm looking for ideas on a small fish to breed in a 15g tank. I'm looking for a fish that will raise their fry, or at least somewhat participate in raising the fry. Currently breeding Multies in a 20g long and German Blues in a standard 55g. Any ideas would be appreciated!
  31. deniselovestochat

    Raising African Dwarf Frogs

    hello I am going to be getting some African Dwarf frogs and breeding them. I have breed bettas before and know a few things about breeding.     right now I do not have the frogs yet and I am preparing for when I get them.   I will be posting my experiance with you guys.   right now I have a 5...
  32. Brahmza

    Looking For Livebearers/small Breeders!

    Hey everyone. I'm looking to scope out options for a few new tanks I have cycling. I want to breed livebearers, but I'm looking for breeds that are commonly accepted by some local fish stores. I know most stores won't take guppies, but what about platies, mollies or swords? Are there any other...
  33. 3

    Shipping A Angelfish Pair?

    Ok, I don't know if I can put this here but if I can't just delete it. How do you ship a angelfish pair? In one bag? In two bags? I just can't figure this one out. Help?
  34. Brahmza

    My Rams Laid Eggs! Help!

    Hello! In my 55g tank I have 3 pairs of German rams. Two pairs of German blues and one pair of electric blues. My most dominant pair seems to have laid eggs today. They've been paired for about two weeks, and its my first time keeping rams, so I have a couple questions.   First, what kind of...
  35. Brahmza

    Kuhli Loaches

    Hey all. Looking to get 4-6 Kuhli Loaches in my tank. It's a breeder tank, and the reason for my post is I'm curious if they would be a potential threat to eggs/fry. It's a 55g tank with 3 pairs of German rams in it. One pair of electric blues and 2 of German blues. I just retired my common...
  36. Brahmza

    German Blue Ram Eggs?

    So, in my 55g tank I have 3 pairs of German rams. Two pairs of German blues and one pair of electric blues. My most dominant pair seems to have laid eggs today. They've been paired for about two weeks, and its my first time keeping rams. Curious about what kinds of food can be fed. Would...
  37. Blue Ramirezi

    Breeding Discus

    Hey guys, I know the majority of you reading this probably only clicked on this to discourage me or tell me not to, but for those that aren't: The other day i got a new tank and instantly wanted more discus, as they are my favorite fish and the one i've kept for the longest, but then i...
  38. M

    Vertical Stripes Problem?

    I have been trying to breed my white female betta for some time now and none of males seem to have an interest in her. It made me wonder, are male bettas stimulated into breeding through visual signals only and would this effect her chances of breeding becuase her vertical stripes cannot be...
  39. Brahmza

    5 German Blue Rams

    So, I have 5 German Blues. I'm not sure whether they're male or female. I've read all of the signs for them being each sex, but all of my rams have traits on each side. One with a high spiked dorsal, but it also has black on its pelvic fin, and small amounts of blue on the outside of its black...
  40. crmpicco

    Baby Assassin Snail Care

    Hi, I have three adult assassin snails in my 70ltr tank at the moment that I bought about 4-5 months ago to deal with a pest snail problem I was having at the time. Between the snails and large water changes, they done their job, so i'm glad I got them. This morning, I spotted a baby assassin...