
  1. RRaquariums

    Tips For Getting Clownfish To Pair Up?

    I currently have a little clownfish in my 25 gallon tank I believe he/she is an ocellaris he/she is the normal orange white and black of a clown. I will be putting him/her into my new 230 gallon tank but I'd like to get another clownfish and pair them up. Here's my questions have any of you guys...
  2. Cameronb_01

    Fish Breeding

    Hi, In my tank I have a range of fish, none of whom have previously bred, with the exception of lots of snails. However recently on the side of the tank lots of these things which I have attached a picture of which I think our eggs have popped up. Are they fish or snail eggs? IF so can you...
  3. RCA

    Video Peacock Gudgeon - Journey Of The Fry

    Just uploaded my first video to YouTube with the help of my "gravel cleaning" nephew. It shows the Journey of the Fry, of the Peacock Gudgeon (Goby). I look forward to hearing what you liked/did not like about the video so that we can improve on future versions. Hope you enjoy...
  4. C

    Female German Blue Ram Laying Eggs Without A Male Pair?

    About a month ago, I bought three female german blue rams and one male german blue ram. They were just random fish from my LFS, ie they weren't sold a breeding pair.   Recently one of the females started showing her colors and I noticed her and the male seemed to stick close together. Her belly...
  5. M

    New Fish Tanks

    Hi i'm Alex I already have two tanks and I am looking to buy a good large or medium sized tank we are talking from 20Lto 60L does anyone know a website were I can get good cheap and good quality fish tanks from. Really cheap filters and equipment at low prices. Preferably an English company or...
  6. S

    How Much Time Will It Be?

    Hello! My guppy is preggo but she isn't delivering! Her gravid spot is VERY dark but, her stomach isn't that fat... Pls help!  
  7. M

    Guppy Fry Help

    I have had guppy fry for two months now and they are 1 quarter of the size of a fully grown guppy is there any way of speeding up growth.  Ohh and when can i add the to my comunity tank.
  8. starlitsunrise

    Quick Shrimp Question

    Hi there,    I am currently setting up a 5 gallon tank for my mystery snail and I want to also add in some cherry shrimp.   I was wondering, would it be best to try to get a small group of one gender or would it be fine to have a mixture of both genders? I don't want to get over run by baby...
  9. F

    Is My Platy Nearing Birth?

    Hi everyone got 2 pregnant platys for pet shop 1 gave birth yesterday so have 13 fry The other one is pregnant and have put in a tank of it's own to hopefully save fry she is swimming from one end of the tank to the other quite fast and has pooped a lot today I am wondering if it's got long to...
  10. M

    Breeding Problems

    i have an aqua nursery that i have just put my guppy in whom is giving birth how long do i leave her in the aqua nursery box
  11. M

    Snail Eggs

    Hi i have had snail eggs on the side of my tank for 23 days now and they haven't hatched can someone help.
  12. M

    Guppy Fry

    Hi i have a pregnant guppy and she has given birth to 9 fry and I am not sure how long it takes until she has finished giving birth. Help
  13. alexshaw

    Jack Dempsey Cichlid, Eggs Need Help.

    Hello all I have two Jack dempsey's, in my 400L Tank. One is female and the other, male. I recently woke up to find they had laid eggs on a peice of slate in the tank. This was good news to me as i have been wanting to breed them for a while. The tempreture bump and live food helped well. I have...
  14. M

    Pregnant Glowlight

    How long does it take for a Glowlight once pregnant to lay her spawn.
  15. M

    Glowlight Tetra Breeding

    Hi I have 7 Glowlights in one tank and there is one Glowlight who seems to be pregnant and I am led to believe this as the fish has a larger stomach then the others and looks like all the others pictures of pregnant Glowlights on Google images. So I have noticed the fishes appearance like this...
  16. M

    Fish Eggs Or Parasites.

    Hi I have a 100L tank with 2 penguin tetras, 4 red eye tetras, 2 balloon rams and 1 cory melanistius. There are little whit spots on the sidewall of my tank round about  1millimeter in diameter are these white spots eggs or parasites. Thanks you
  17. GriffinC18

    Endler's And Guppies

    Hey guys, i recently have gotten Endler's livebearers. I already had guppies and was thinking about breeding them. I know the debate about how this is horrible and about keeping the strain of Endler's alive......i should tell you that i found these "Endler's" at a LFS and the two black bar are...
  18. fishlover101

    What To Feed Betta Fry!?

    ok so I've bred my bettas 3 times... ive moved all of the fry together into a 29 gallon grow out tank.. theres between 50-100 fry that lived... hard to tell... anyways, ive been feeding them baby brine shrimp, but it's expensive and they need a lot... I was wondering at what age, can I start...
  19. J

    New Guppies And Platys

    I've just restocked my tank with new male and female guppies and platys, and so far they seem happy with the lone guppy male and the four Creamsicle mollies I had from my original setup. I want them to breed and be happy, so how do I make this happen?   Tank size is 55 gallons. Current water...
  20. B

    Africans Breeding At The Aquarium Today

    I was at the aquarium today and I noticed a pair of breeding Africans. I just thought it was worth sharing and it would be cool if anyone could identify them
  21. fishlover101

    Help! Dont Know What To Feed My Fry

    Okay, so I recently bred my betta fish, there is at LEAST 50 fry hanging down from the nest, but my guess is about 100.. anyways, I didn't really think they would end up spawning, so I was unprepared and didn't prepare cultures... I will be buying frozen food most likely today or tomorrow...
  22. fishlover101

    Successfully Bred My Bettas.

    Well, its been about 10 failed attempts, at trying, losing females, fighting, torn fins, hard work. And finally, with some faith, and extra hard work, my bettas have spawned. I wasn't too sure as of yesterday, The male looked like he was putting eggs back into the nest as they fell out, and he...
  23. JasonMichael

    Fish Breeding: Is This Setup Okay?

    Hey guys,   I've got a spare tank laying around and I was thinking of giving fish breeding ago. I've recently gotten into the L series of plecos which are just stunning, but I'm going to try and breed some Peppermints and normal Bristlenose first before getting into the breeding of the L series...
  24. Z

    Convict Cichlid Breeding

    Just wanted to share, getting started on breeding convicts. Looking to get some good color and healthy looking fish. Tips are helpful!   thanks.
  25. T

    New Tank Set Up Breeding Success.

    Hi, Ive just set up a new tank a few weeks ago and already have had breeding success.   Has this ever happened to anyone and is this a common ocurance or rare.   Cheers   Chris
  26. A

    My Platy Fish Is Pregnant Or Not?

    i attached my platy fish photo. i want to know that is she pregnat or her belly is swelling because of over eating? i f she is pregnant after how much time later i put her in breeding box
  27. F

    Is My Guppy Pregnant?

    Is my guppy pregnant. I've had the fish for about 1 month. There are 2 females and one male in the tank. Details.... 4.5 gallon tank 3 guppies Had them for about 1 month 78 degrees Good filter Female has a black gravid spot This question has been driving my CRAZY!! Sorry the pics are...
  28. Antoniakr

    65 Liter Platy And Cory Tank

    Hello everyone, i am a beginner and i am going to tell you all my plan for the future. So i'll introduce myself, i am a girl from England - Leeds, 17 years old and my name is Antonia :) I have recently been very interested in keeping tropical fish as i find myself being lonely a lot and i want...
  29. F

    Breeding Platys

    Hi All, I am quite new to fish keeping, only been doing it for about a year. I have had my platys now for about 5 months and I have noticed that definitely one, maybe two are rounder in the belly. At first I thought they had just eaten more than normal, but they aren't getting smaller, so now...
  30. Tropical_Dave

    Breeding Jewel Cichlids

    Hi there, im hopeing some of you can help me, i'm trying to breed my Jewel Cichlids but so far no luck. i bought a tank last year with a mixture of fish including the Jewels, definately male an female pair. they were always swimming together and had their own little territory. i was warned they...
  31. Iiriva

    Geophagus Winemilleri Breeding

    I thought I could start a little journal thingy about my Geophagus winemilleri breeding. :)   Ok, so I have 11 Geophagus winemilleri in my 250x75x60cm 1125 litre tank. It's something about 8,2 feet and almost 300 gallon.   As seen in the picture, grown winemilleris are big fish, and I don't...
  32. B

    Breeding Neons

    Hey guys!  I have lots of tank ideas one thing I was thinking of adding would be neon tetras.  I have owned them multiple times and they are fun fish.  I think it would be way cool if they could breed.  Have you guys ever bred them before? 
  33. gizzmo3017

    Ramshorn Snails

    I've recently began to breed ramshorn snails and I wanted to know if anyone had any tips or info
  34. O

    Are My Opalines Breeding

    Hi,       I have 2 Opaline Guaramis, one i beleive to be male and 1 Female. The Male seems to be chasing the female around alot and she will usually swim away and hide. Then sometimes i see them face to face rubbing their antennas together. Are they breeding or is this normal behavoir? Also if...
  35. B

    How Do I Breed Balloon Mollies?

    I have never bred mollies before and I have a few questions.   My mollies are balloon mollies.  I have two females and one male.  He usually tries to breed about once every 3 days. Not as much as I would like to breed the females, but it should be enough.  Anyways, the females haven't gotten...
  36. B

    30 Gallon

    December 1st 2013   This isn't the first time I have done a journal,  but it is the first time I have typed it.    I have always loved fish! Salt Water is pretty, but what really makes me happy is freshwater.  Although most fish found in fresh water are not bright and colorful, they have a...
  37. B

    Betta Fry Advice.

    Hi guys just a quick one.   Ive now bred 2 lines of bettas, 2weeks and 4 weeks old. Now my question is when will they grow?! lol silly question i know bt its my 1st time with bettas. my 4 week old fry obviously bigger than 2 week old but yet still they are about the size of day old guppy fry...
  38. B

    Female All Red Delta Guppy Fry

    Hi guys just a quick one. Got some new stock about 6 months ago including a trio of all red big tailed guppies, v nice. Now ive let em too it 2 times now (the trio is young less than a year old) and ive got 2 batchs of fry about 50 in total. They are 4 weeks and 8 weeks old respec.   Now my...
  39. C

    Platy And Swordtail Breeding

    I have a tank of platies and sword tails alot and i have a separate tank of their kids but i wanna knw the best method to breed them quickly and healthy btw what kind of foods should i give to them. thanks in advance.
  40. C

    Platy And Sword Tails

    Hi im new to diz acqurium field, im v.interesting at platies and i just want to knw which kind of species can i cross breed with platys and sword tails. tx in advance