
  1. R

    Cherry shrimp breeding, how to keep the red?

    I bought 4 beautiful cherry shrimp from my LFS, they are all solid red in colour. They've now bred and the first generation is reaching adulthood. None of them are red. Many are clear, some have dark patches on them. I have a passing knowledge of genetics, for example I know that recessive...
  2. A

    Vampire crab BREEDING!!

    Hey guys! Wondering if there's any information you guys can give me about breeding vampire crabs? There isn't much information online only categorizes it as difficult and tells you what the female does once pregnant. Any information would be brilliant!! Cheers Ath
  3. S

    Red Cherry Shrimp - Beginner who doesn't want them to breed

    Hi All I have a Nano tank (21 litre/5 gallon) which I've had many challenges with previously, which, due to tragedy, is now empty again. I've decided to give myself a fair number of months to sit down and put together everything I've learned so far, but also carry out more research knowing...
  4. lighthouse

    Breeding Zebra Danios Glofish + Tetras in clay pots

    Hi there. I’m a newbie in this. I keep my fish in huge clay pots —there to get rid of the mosquito larvae— but now I’ve got into it and want to breed them. Guppies and Swordfish aren’t a problem at all but I cannot manage with Danios and Tetras. I know these two do it through eggs so I keep...
  5. Ellie Potts

    Stocking advice needed!!!

    Hello everyone! I have a 55 gallon aquarium that currently has 2 siamese algae eaters, and 1 male dwarf gourami. As soon as they're out of quarantine I will be adding my shoal of 6 harlequin rasboras and hopefully a bamboo shrimp. I would also like to add a female dwarf gourami and a pair of...
  6. S

    Is my Platy pregnant? NEWBIE

    So I’m a very new newbie! Had my 64L tank for a few weeks - I started with 2 platy and some cloud mountain minnows. I got 2 more platy at the weekend and one is really quite podgy. I chose 2 females so now my platy tank ratio is 3 females to 1 male. But she arrived like this- so she’s really...
  7. Guyb93

    I just can’t stop them

    I need advice on how to stop my electric blue acara from breeding , it was funny at first now it’s becoming a real issue , at first they had eggs then fry and two days later gone they ate them this happens about 6 times or so every 14 days . After changing my gravel to sand I knocked there...
  8. Gemmsy

    Neon Tetra breeding finally!

    As is the way with some things, as soon as you stop trying you succeed ha. I have been trying to breed neon these tetra for the past few weeks. Feeding bbs, pairing off at night with a slight temperature drop, into slightly softer water etc... no use. I think they found the move and netting...
  9. Ellie Potts

    Are my fish fighting or flirting HELP

    I recently got 2 Siamese algae eaters. I'm almost positive they're the real thing (if not I drove an hour for nothing), but today I noticed them doing a weird dance/fighting thing. This is not my video but I found it on Youtube and it is exactly what my fish are doing. Video They don't breed...
  10. C

    Electric Blue Acara breeding questions

    Hi there- I am new to the forum, and new to fish breeding, which is why I am looking for some guidance and insight on my fish. I have a community tank with 2 electric blue acara, a few tiger barbs, and some algae eaters. I never sought out to breed the EBA, however nature took its course and we...
  11. D

    Is my fish pregnant

    Is my fish pregnant, she says away from the males, eats hardly anything, hides, doesn’t do much swimming, lives with three males (1male platy and 2 Male guppies) and unknown sex of Otocinclus
  12. L

    Many questions from a “beginning” betta breeder

    Hey everyone! :) I’ve been trying to breed my betta for the longest time (At least over a year now) but I haven’t had any luck. My male would build a nest after I introduce my female, I gave him a few days(about 2) to build, and that’s when I put my female in breeding tank. I keep an eye on...
  13. E

    Corydora Breeding Help - What am I doing wrong?

    I have one female and three male Peppered Corydoras that have been laying eggs like crazy, but I've had very inconsistent success. I always remove the eggs by rolling them off the glass with my finger so they stick to my finger, and then rolling them onto the side of another container. The...
  14. Guyb93

    Possible electric blue acara breeder??

    I currently stock 4x electric blue acara Witch two convicts A green terror a standard blue acara and a sail fin pleco I have been offered a swap of my green terror and me blue acara for a breeding pair of electric blue acara As I already have 4 juveniles could I possibly breed them ? Iv...
  15. W

    Danio Fish

    I have one male and one female danio fish who is very clearly caring roe, however she not laying her eggs... they have been in a breeding tank for 48 hours, but still nothing. Am I doing something wrong?
  16. Circus

    Breeding Nerites

    So in my 20 gallon Brackish I keep my specific gravity around 1.08. Up until now I didn't have to be super on top of it because the only fish in there are female guppy, which are euryhaline. A couple of months ago I placed 4 zebra nerite snails in there. I was hoping they would breed (I know the...
  17. Anjoy Kumar Roy

    Hi from a new entrant

    I am Anjoy residing presently in Pune, Western India since the last 10 years in course of job. I started keeping fish since 1974 when I was eight years of age and my Dad arranged for an aquarium and the first members to inhabit were 6 zebras (Danio Rerios) and a pair of Black Mollies. The...
  18. newmag1659

    Gardneri Male won’t breed?

    Hi! At the end of June, I purchased 4 killifish: two males and two females. One of the males was larger and more dominant, and so he was the one breeding to the females, and he did so often. Within a week, he died mysteriously. Tank parameters were normal (don’t remember but around 0/0/10-30) so...
  19. M

    Breeding guppies as a hobby

    Hello guys, Hope everyone is well!! I have a question. I have kept guppies for years and recently have thought about selling some of my fry on as part of my hobby! Does anyone else do this? Do you find you have to many fry and you can't sell them all? What platforms do you use to sell your...
  20. A

    Rice fish egg bound?

    So I have had some daisy blue rice fish For about a week or so now and they have started breeding the first clutch was fine but when they spawned again today the female laid around 2 but number 3 is only halfway out and has been like this for hours is this normal and if not anything I can do to...
  21. brokenoob!

    Are these ADF eggs in my tank?

    Hello there! I just got two ADFs (that I believe are both females) and added them to a newly cycled tank 2 days ago. Today I noticed some strange egg-like objects in the gravel today. The only thing is that I know that ADFs usually lay eggs hundreds at a time, and I've only found about 10 of...
  22. J

    Male Betta Not Making Bubble Nest - Breeding first time

    Hello, As of today i have given breeding my male and female betta fish. My female is in a tank with my male an she is inside a jar, at first she had the stripes that mean she is scared and now she has the breeding stripes. My water parameters are all ok, temperature is at the correct level and...
  23. B

    Apistogramma tank?

    Hello, I have a 60l 2foot x 1foot tank, currently stocked with a pair of A. Cocatoides, 2 sterbae corys and 3 ottos, and was thinking about making it into more of a Pisto breeding tank? Is it possible to add more than one type of apisto? Maybe 2 females of each to one male of each species...
  24. G

    Should I remove different species shrimp?

    Im getting 20 new blue velvet shrimps, but my tank already has 3-4 orange sakura shrimps and 1 red rili. My concern is if they breed the offspring will have bad coloring. They are housed in a 25 gallon, I also have a 90 gallon but I house turtles and large goldfishes in there. I could feed them...
  25. D

    Drape Fin Barb unexpected fry — help!

    Hi freshwater fans, Brand new to this forum and hoping to get some much-needed advice. I have a heavily planted 70l community tank containing six Drape Fin Barbs (three males and three females), four male guppies, three dwarf corydoras, and a pleco. Everyone gets along famously, and I was happy...
  26. D

    help to breed platys

    I have 3 female and one male platy 3 Mickley mouse (1 male 2 female) and 1 panda (female) I have had them for months but they won't breed the male is chasing but none are getting pregnant Don't say they probably already have been because there has been no signs from the gravid spot to any...
  27. Barry Tetra

    Discus lay eggs every weeks

    My discus lay egg every weeks but never got fries because they always eat after they laid their eggs, any Ideas? My discus already paired (Red discus-female, Heckel discus-male)
  28. Kamdavid

    Questions on Mollies

    Hello everyone, had some questions on my Mollies... Started a tank about a month ago now. Currently I have one male and two female mollies. I had one other male, which ended up not making it. I did see him a couple times try to breed with one of the females. But like I said he passed on.. The...
  29. Meg0000

    Best fish to breed in 10 gallon

    Hi, I would like to know what is the best fish to breed in 10 gallon for profit (and also just for fun)? Also what is the fish the most in demand right now? I would like to do shrimps maybe or panda corydoras but for these the parents would be in a 30 gallon. I would love to breed paradise fish...
  30. M

    Gourami breeding

    Hi everyone, I need advice's from you regarding the gourami fries care, I have bred 3 sets of gourami fries and all of them died,please help on this to save the kids for my next breeding.I am breeding blue gouramies,using 2*1 feet box,with 15cm level water after bred i am losing fries after 1...
  31. Irksome

    Will my amorous nerites stop laying eggs if I separate them?

    My two snails are getting busy, all the time. They give piggy backs all day long. If I separate them will they stop laying hundreds of eggs? I’m assuming they are male and female, is there a way of sexing them? Would the top snail be the male one? Would two females behave like this? Has anyone...
  32. Medusa313


    I’ve had my all black molly since about may 2019... and I’ve had other mollies and guppies(I have two tanks). But some of the previous group didn’t make it. Anyways back to my point, my black molly is male while my two newer Dalmatian mollies are female. One has more spots than the other(so she...
  33. Ama

    Help me to determine my angel's gender

    How can i identify angel's sex I know it is difficult to identify, could anybody help me to find out?:)
  34. S

    Out of control!!

    I have a 60 litre tank that is in perfect balance with gouramis neon tetras bsn plecos and 2x albino corys and 1x salt and pepper corys and a few shrimp It is fine at the the moment however i have noticed at least a hundred cory eggs im worried that it will tip the tank over the edge I dont...
  35. R

    Am I about to get babies?(Blue Acara breeding behavior)

    Hi everyone, I adopted these two 10 cm (4"), and 8 cm(3") Electric Blue Acaras from a guy online that said: "-They are 1 year and something". I want to know if I really got a male and a female, and if they are about to breed I'd love to have some babies; I got the two that were together...
  36. L

    Males won't make bubble nests!

    We've decided to try and breed 1 of our 2 male Bettas, but neither one of them will make a bubble nest. We've been trying for 2 weeks now. Am I doing something wrong?
  37. Fishguy13

    Questions about keeping betta

    Hello all, I have seen many amazing pictures of betta on here and now I am looking to get some, and I just had a few questions. I am actually hoping to breed them do you recommend that to a person who has been keeping fish for a bit over a year? and can you keep shrimp with or will they be eaten?
  38. C

    Breeding Guppies

    I have a 29 gallon tank that I setup for guppies. I recently purchased some fish the other day (2 males 2 females) and I had a question regarding the fish. I am relatively accustomed to keeping livebearers as I’ve had swordtails and guppies in the past. I am well aware that unless I separate my...
  39. A

    Breeding in a fry-only tank

    i am thinking of cutting bottoms off a plastic breeder. Place it in the 10 gallon fry-only tank. Breed in the breeder and let the fry fall into the tank. I’ve searched for discussion of this practice. Why is this not a reasonable approach?
  40. E

    pleco fish bred and I don't know what to do..

    So today I was cleaning out my canister filter when I later realized that there was pleco fry on the glass. Anyway, I scooped as many as I saw up and placed them in one of those breeding boxes you put guppies in (which I've bred in the past). Now, as you'll know, breeding guppies and pleco's...