
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. A

    Breeding in a fry-only tank

    i am thinking of cutting bottoms off a plastic breeder. Place it in the 10 gallon fry-only tank. Breed in the breeder and let the fry fall into the tank. I’ve searched for discussion of this practice. Why is this not a reasonable approach?
  2. E

    pleco fish bred and I don't know what to do..

    So today I was cleaning out my canister filter when I later realized that there was pleco fry on the glass. Anyway, I scooped as many as I saw up and placed them in one of those breeding boxes you put guppies in (which I've bred in the past). Now, as you'll know, breeding guppies and pleco's...
  3. S

    Breeding behaviors in female-only tank

    Hello world! I've been watching my Honduran Red Points fish do some stuff recently that I thought some of you might find interesting, so here goes -- My largest female, Zinnia, and my largest male, Rhaegar, successfully spawned about three months back. As soon as fry were free swimming, dad...
  4. Jimbob1223

    A couple questions about Betta breeding

    So I have been in the Aquarium hobby for a while now and I recently got my first Betta fish and put him in a heavily planted 5.5-gallon tank. I have done a lot of research on Bettas and I have no problem looking after mine but I have noticed my betta has been building bubble nests lately and is...
  5. H

    Mudskipper breeding 01 - 09

    Mudskipper breeding in aquarium beginning from burrowing by the male adult (Part 01) until hatching of the larvae and their metamorphosis (Part 09). Likes and Subscriptions appreciated
  6. Deonbell2009

    Hi, i need some help with guppies in a outdoor pond for winter

    So i live in Southern Alberta, langdon, and i was thinking of keeping some guppies in some buckets and letting them breed as food for my snake, and i could possibly sell them. im very new to this forum, and i am wondering is this safe? especially for alberta? i have a plan to put the buckets and...
  7. G

    Male angel not fertilizing the eggs

    My female angel just laid eggs again, but the male is doing nothing! He's just watching, hanging out in the top corner of the tank. A bit over a week ago they spawned in the community tank and he fertilized them just fine. Now they're in a breeding tank, and his spawning tube isn't even out. Is...
  8. G

    Angelfish laid eggs but hungry fish try to eat them!

    I got my first angelfish about a week ago and they've been laying eggs today! However this is a community tank and I have a lot of hungry fish that would want to eat their eggs. I can set up a 100l tank with water and filter media from the big aquarium. I really don't want to disrupt it all tho...
  9. J

    Are my Molly fish pregnant?

    Hello everyone, Firstly I apologise for any mistakes I make whilst posting to this forum as this is my first ever post. I am wondering if anyone could help me by informing me if the any of the two mollies of which i have included pictures are pregnant. I am also new to breeding and therefore...
  10. G

    Breeding brine shrimp inside the aquarium

    Would it be possible to breed daphnia, cyclops etc in the aquarium tank itself? That they could breed and live there and be eaten sporadically by the fish? Anyone tried this before? I have no experience with these critters, so excuse me if this is a stupid question.
  11. TheCoolWolf

    What to do if Bettas accidentally bred?

    As the title says, I want to know what I’m supposed to do if my Bettas accidentally bred? A male of mine has built a large bubble nest between an object and the wall of my pond. I don’t know what to do... On a side note, one of my croaking gouramis has also built a bubble nest in a sheltered...
  12. A

    How to breed fancy Guppies?

    Hello all. After a disease outbreak in my 7 gallon breeder tank, my flagfish were dead (keep in mind THEY came from my LFS.) and I was in the market for some new fish. My local petsmart is always pretty reliable in terms of high quality "healthy" fish, so I brought home a beautiful bright orange...
  13. Vengified

    Are these eggs?! No bubbles anymore, but unknown orbs remain?

    Like title states, my male gourami seems to be guarding these eggs, if that is what they are? Background: Yesterday, my wife saw the male, and BOTH the wild honey and yellow honey, doing circular dances. I had to leave for a while, asked when I came back if they did it more, or if they got...
  14. Demeter32

    Breeding/Raising Bristlenose Plecos

    Finally got eggs from my bristlenose pleco pair. Dad's a long finned normal colored young adult. Bought him at the pet store when he was tiny, only 6$. Mom's a full grown albino short finned female I received from the pet store owner. They've been flirting and digging pits near the caves...
  15. L

    i have been waiting very patiently for these girls to deliver how much longer ?
  16. Cameronb_01

    Breeding Discus

    Hi everyone, About a week ago I identified a breeding pair among my discus, (due to their constant proximity and the protective nature of the male). From that point forth I started doing 25% RO water changes daily, increased the temperature from 28°C to 30°C and also changed their food to...
  17. J

    Electric blue acara behaviour

    I need help or any tips or advice after the larger female spawned. The eggs are on the red rock. The behavior got worse after the the female spawned but started 3 days ago since I transferred them to the 90 gal tank. I purchased the younger male at a LFS in hopes of finding a mate for my...
  18. TheCoolWolf

    Help! Accidental Betta Breeding

    I have a 30G outdoor tank with lots of elodea and floating plants. It's been running for more than a year. Today during the rainy monsoon season, I found a bubblenest with eggs! My male Plakat Betta was guarding it underneath a floating plant. What should I do? Should I move them as there are...
  19. Kayra101

    No attention for female guppy

    Recently (2 months ago) I got into the fish hobby and I got;6 neon tetras,6 bloodfin tetras ,2 loaches and 2 bristle nose pleco and 4 male guppies then a week later I got 2 female guppies and some plaited it’s been a week and the male guppies seem to be always in a group and my female guppies...
  20. Wrecker4488

    Goldfish eggs?

    This morning a gave my goldfish some food and i saw a white cloudy ball with a membrane float across the substrate and thought it was leftover food from the night before that got overturned and continued with my day. I came home and said hi to my goldies and noticed several of them attached to...
  21. Q

    Newbie Questions - Stocking, Cycling, Feeding, Fish Behaviour, Breeding...

    Evening all! So I've just got my first tank and I've made all of the usual 'tank from national pet shop chain with poor advice' mistakes. Totally should have done more research before getting into this, but touch wood no fish loss so far, and I'm hoping you can help me keep it that way for a...
  22. Wrecker4488

    Best food for Malaysian trumpet snails?

    Several weeks ago i purchased 14 MTS to start a colony for when i get a dwarf puffer in a few months. I researched about them and learned they eat just about anything of nutrition. i started off by feeding them 4 small sinking pellets every 3 days. i never have seen my MTS eat them or show...
  23. D

    Cherry Shrimp, Male or Female?

    Can someone help me identify this cherry shrimp to see whether it is a female or male. It is the one that has the white thing on the top of it.
  24. T

    Amano Shrimp Eggs Hanging on Plants?

    I have had 2 Amano shrimp for the last 2 weeks, and having read about their breeding behaviour believe that they have been at it (having observed one sitting at 90 degrees on top of the other). I saw several things hanging from one branch of our fake aquarium plant yesterday, and they looked...
  25. T

    Help For Planning Mbuna Aquarium

    hey y'all,
  26. Demeter32

    My new obsession: Mystery snails

    Ever since I found out the new pet store sells mystery snails (rarely do I ever see them) I've been checking to see what new color forms they have in stock. My first purchase was a lovely blue guy/girl (not that great at sexing them yet). There's a little bit of wear on the tip of its spiral...
  27. D

    Ram cichlids : I have questions about breeding

    Hello everybody. I'm new to this forum but I just wanted some questions about breeding. I'm getting a pair of gold rams, German blue rams and electric blue rams and my plan was to basically breed them and see how it goes and I just wanted to know exactly what I need for it. Was wondering if...
  28. K

    Discus Pair Breeding

    First of all I have 4 Discus (2 Female & 2 Male) along with 1 Bolivian Ram, 5 Tetras & a Pleco. I am lucky enough that 2 discus have formed a pair and laid eggs. It's super exciting for me as having Discus pairing up and breeding would be like golden prize for me. But since I am new to the...
  29. BettaPonic

    Saving my Guppies?

    I have a six year old guppy colony that is not doing well. I have three females left, three or four fry, one or two juveniles, and unlimited males. The females all die young. Their spines curve and they die. They are still breeding. I isolated two of the three females incase make harassment is...
  30. Syrfish

    Gourami Breeding Setup

    Hello Guys, I am new to this forum and new to the hobby in general. I need help in the setup of my tank for Gourami Breeding. I have a 60 Liter tank 60 cm long and half filled with water to about 15 cm deep. I have the heater setup for 28 degrees C. No filter running and no lights turned on. I...
  31. scotty027

    Electric Blue Ram help! Fighting or pairing?

    Hello,ive recently picked up a pair Electric Blue Rams. I asked for male and female, but i dont think he knew what he was doing, and im having a really hard time telling as well. Anyway, since day one they have been doing this little dance 2 or 3 times a day where they circle around each other...
  32. dopey696

    Breeding, Fighting Angelfish

    Hello peoples. I have four black and white striped angelfish, they were great fish together until they broke apart into two breeding pairs, each pair lays eggs about every two weeks and they're always fighting. The fighting isn't cool so unfortunately I have to get rid of one pair. My LFS will...
  33. dopey696

    Angelfish Breeding Info

    Hello all. I have a pair of Angelfish that are always laying eggs. I made a seemingly good fry tank for the eggs, they hatched a few days ago so I also made a brine shrimp hatchery with an old apple juice bottle. Anybody wanna share their expertise about angel fish breeding? Is brine shrimp the...
  34. C

    Breeding Mollies

    Hey everyone, I have a male/female pair of mollies in my tank, and I'm curious as to how easily they breed. Do they need a breeding process or will they breed on their own? Are there any telltale signs to look out for that shows they'll spawn soon? Also, if they do breed on their own, how will i...
  35. C

    Tiger Barb Sex Identification?

    Hey everyone, I'm new not only to here, but also to keeping tiger barbs! I know about the red nose is male and very round is female, but my tiger barbs are showing some signs of both. One of them is obviously female because she's very round, i think she may be carrying eggs, but the other two...
  36. PatriciaMayDelPilar

    I'm New At Taking Care Of Fish. May I Ask A Few Questions?

    Hello! I'm new here in this forum and I'm also new at taking care of fish! I have no idea of how to take care of them. I adopted 5 fishes from the pet store and I thought they look really cute. I'm having interests of taking care pets so I took them home. I have a few questions guys.    1. What...
  37. K

    Who Can Identify The Gender Of These Two Angel Fish?

    Hello everyone!  I have two angle fish that my wife bought about 18 months ago and were told that they were a male and female...not necessarily paired.  I didn't know anything about angels then so we took the guys word.  Now I've researched sexing angelfish, and have come to the conclution that...
  38. G

    Oscar Breeding Questions

    hi I have a few questions. how old approximately are the small and medium oscar fish sold at petsmart/ 1.5-2.5 in". I have 2 Oscar fish in a 55 gallon tank. I plan on upgrading to 150gal soon. they are both 5.75"-6"in. they are liplocking, circling each other,gill flaring, and generally acting...
  39. ThePlatyPerson

    Pregnant Male Platy? Someone Please Help!

    Hi Guys,   New to this whole forum thing so bear with me, A few months a go i bought a platy from a pet store and the lady told me it was a girl. I put it in my tank with my other platys for breeding and noticed that it was fighting with the other male, so i assumed that the lady was wrong and...
  40. L

    Betta Breeding Question

    I want to breed my two halfmoon Betta's. I have done all the bloodlines of both my female and male, I think the offspring would be quite good. I have asked the local pet store if they would like some Betta fish, they agreed.   Question is that, can I keep the male offspring together? (Obviously...