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  1. L

    New Cherry Shrimps

    Here's a wider shot of more of the tank. I've cut off the extreme right of the picture/tank because the flash reflected off the glass and bleached it all out. I'm intending to shift the slates on the left a bit, break it up into smaller pieces, stacking it more at ends and creating more run...
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    New Cherry Shrimps

    Bought half a dozen Cherriy Shrimps today. Naturally they've scarpered off somewhere dark to hide but I did manage to get a snap of one this evening.
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    Uv Steriliser

    Not familiar with the model but as these things have a life of 8000 hours, I thought they ran continuously. I've a uv steriliser on my bore hole for my house supply and it's on 24/7.
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    Please Help Me Help My Betta! I'm Desperate!

    Good to hear. By far the most important thing to concentrate on is his environment. Keep on top of the water and check and clean the gravel, getting rid of any debris you find.
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    Should I Add Tap Safe If My Clourines O.8

    well, if I had any chlorine in my tank I'd worry and yes, I'd put Stress Coatv(or similar) straight in the tank. 0.8ppm seems high and I'm surprised you've not lost fish yet. Most municipal supplies are in range 0.5 - 3ppm (I think, don't quote me). You sure about your test result?
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    Should I Add Tap Safe If My Clourines O.8

    Well I suppose it might help if you asked a slightly more specific question. But I accept there hasn't been any reply to your question. To answer, I'd always add tap safe or similar to water that's come straight from a tap before putting it in my aquarium. How much to dose? Well that's just a...
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    Fish In Cycle - Which First Fish

    Although shrimp have a relatively small bio load they are more susceptible to poor water quality and not good where, during stages of early cycling, you'll have high levels of ammonia, nitrites and nitrates. Not recommended as a starting habitant of a new tank.
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    What Can I Buy From Lft To Get My No2 And No3 Readings Lower

    Without trying to sound too harsh, using additives to try and lower levels of ammonia and nitrite is usually a waste of time and money. There is no replacement for patience and water changes. (Water changes to actually remove the toxins and patience as you wait for your own biological processes...
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    Just Saying Hi

    yeah, thought it was a terrestrial but was most assuredly told it ws aquatic. Don't want it around my house so will keep it in a bit longer while I work out what to do to replace it. To be honest, I'm hankering after a bigger tank, maybe a 180l. Though it seems no matter how big a one you have...
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    Just Saying Hi

    Thought I'd add a picture of a couple of the inhabitants. The flash has bleached the blue a little, it's not as light as the picture would have you believe. But taking pictures of fish is a new area. They tend to zip around a bit and I've not quite worked out the flash balance.
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    Glass Vs Acrylic

    You'll find, through Google, a lot of companies offer opti-white aquariums. But it is at a premium. Here is one example Opti-white high clarity aquariums
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    Glass Vs Acrylic

    Yes, easier is an opinion, one that you acknowledge in your OP. And yes I did use acrylic cleaners, as I was paranoid about scratching the tank. But you asked for opinion ;) I never caused any one big scratch but over time the inside and outside of the tank developed circular scratches from...
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    How Much Are These Worth

    To be fair, they're worth what you're willing to pay for them ;) but a quick trawl of 'net shows one seller having them at $25, so you appear to have done ok.
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    Just Saying Hi

    As the title suggests, just a quick post to say hi. For a potted history, I currently run a 70l with 4 dwarf honeys, 1 SFF and 4 leopard danios. I've previously run marine set ups but have recently returned to fresh water because I couldn't be bothered with the hassle of marine. Too much...
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    Glass Vs Acrylic

    I've had an acrylic tank and to be honest, I'm so glad I have a glass one now. Acrylic scratches too easily - on the inside when cleaning, moving substrate etc and on the outside when cleaning. Glass is so much easier to manage. Don't see myself having anything else.