Just Saying Hi


New Member
Aug 6, 2012
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As the title suggests, just a quick post to say hi.

For a potted history, I currently run a 70l with 4 dwarf honeys, 1 SFF and 4 leopard danios. I've previously run marine set ups but have recently returned to fresh water because I couldn't be bothered with the hassle of marine. Too much chemistry involved ;)

I've enjoyed reading some of the posts here and thought it about time I contributed something, so here's to getting to now you.
Welcome to the forum, glad you're already enjoying it here.
Thought I'd add a picture of a couple of the inhabitants.


The flash has bleached the blue a little, it's not as light as the picture would have you believe. But taking pictures of fish is a new area. They tend to zip around a bit and I've not quite worked out the flash balance.
Lovely fish.

By the way, your dracaena is rotting. It's not an aquatic plant and will die off eventually. You're better off putting it in a pot and keeping it as a houseplant.
By the way, your dracaena is rotting. It's not an aquatic plant and will die off eventually. You're better off putting it in a pot and keeping it as a houseplant.
yeah, thought it was a terrestrial but was most assuredly told it ws aquatic. Don't want it around my house so will keep it in a bit longer while I work out what to do to replace it. To be honest, I'm hankering after a bigger tank, maybe a 180l. Though it seems no matter how big a one you have, it's never big enough.

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