What Can I Buy From Lft To Get My No2 And No3 Readings Lower


Fish Fanatic
Aug 5, 2012
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isle of wight
does anyone no if theres any products that i can buy to get ammoina and nitrite levels down my nearst an most trusted place is pet at home so not sure iif theyve got anything
Hiya - You need to be doing substantial water changes and replacing with dechlorinated tap water to get the Ammonia, Ni2 and Ni3 down...Adding chemicals will not solve the problem long term.

How long have you had the tank? What is in it? What are the water test results?
ive had the tank about a week but prevuois owners had it for 6 months or so also my water results are in my other posts cheers
Without trying to sound too harsh, using additives to try and lower levels of ammonia and nitrite is usually a waste of time and money. There is no replacement for patience and water changes. (Water changes to actually remove the toxins and patience as you wait for your own biological processes to establish and do the removal for you, though you still need to do regular, partial, water changes.)

If your levels are high, you should do rapid water changes now and not try and find a chemical panacea. And as has been mentioned, make sure you dechlorinate your tap water before putting it in your tank.

Really hope you can get this sorted, as initial tank setup is one of the most frustrating stages.
Most of the products you can buy in the US only bind the ammonia and nitrite temporarily to give your fish a little relief between water changes. There is nothing better than fresh water to help your fish. Lots of water changes, time and patience is the name of the game for now. Good Luck and welcome to the forum! :good:
Most of the products you can buy in the US only bind the ammonia and nitrite temporarily to give your fish a little relief between water changes. There is nothing better than fresh water to help your fish. Lots of water changes, time and patience is the name of the game for now. Good Luck and welcome to the forum! :good:
cheers :)

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