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  1. KuronoEnyo

    Members New World Tanks

      Apistogramma double red biotope~ Manzanita drift wood, coconut huts, play sand substrate, red oak leaf litter (Hate white oak... to smooth looking) 
  2. KuronoEnyo

    Stocking My Tank. Agassiz' Dwarf Cichlid, Betta, And Bottom Feeder

    Imma drop out of this after this comment Most people recommend that you keep dwarf agassiz cichlids with at least 3 females, to do so you'd need to upgrade your aquarium size, If you would prefer to make the betta your main concentration I believe you'll have a higher success rate of keeping it...
  3. KuronoEnyo

    Stocking My Tank. Agassiz' Dwarf Cichlid, Betta, And Bottom Feeder

    Ummmm I wouldn't suggest both agassizi cichlid and betta together in the same tank there both very colorful and could cause them to fight. The ph is perfect shouldn't do any harm to the fish and the original species of Betta macro actually prefers a ph around that. With the bottom feeder...
  4. KuronoEnyo

    Can U Use Garden Found Stones

    Hope you the best of luck with purifying the rocks and just remember nobody can force you to do anything they suggest, and there just suggestions. :D
  5. KuronoEnyo

    Can U Use Garden Found Stones

    Pfft my 20 gallon long every rock you see inside I boiled then waited to cool and put inside my aquarium. So if you ever go to a lake and see a pretty rock you want? Grab it make sure to boil it a little while to kill the bacteria off then set it up :D
  6. KuronoEnyo

    First The Water, Or First The Gravel ?

    I use eco complete so there was need to run water over it, I placed the gravel inside my tank first, Then planted all my plants, then added in the water slowly using a bowl (this way I didn't cause an eruptions trust us you'll want something to hit instead of the gravel when adding your water)...
  7. KuronoEnyo

    Trial And Error With Plants..

    Ha that looks amazing the java fern so clumped together is absolutely stunning and all that wood is amazing! Yeah Co2 liquid always gets rid of any bba on my plants so its fantastic product in my opinion for anyone with a low tech plant.
  8. KuronoEnyo

    Is My Tank Overstocked

    Oooh could try to nab a 10g while a store around may have a sale, could fit some more fish in there but still give them a lot of room to fiddle around also gives you some room to maybe add plants or fake decor. I always recomend at least tanks with double digits in the gallon size when it comes...
  9. KuronoEnyo

    Female Bettas With Neons? 10 Gallon

    I'd say ditch the cory idea, so you can have them in at least a group of six some day, and put in some type of shrimp. 5 fem's in a 10g sounds okay... I have no personal experience with them but I don't approve of keeping a schooling fish in a group of 3 6-8 is a better minimum. Anyways you'll...
  10. KuronoEnyo

    Female Bettas With Neons? 10 Gallon

    Should seriously upgrade to a 20g if you want to keep that many fish, I mean I did and now I'm very happy with my tank size I could have four school's of fish in my aquarium if I wanted. (Thats if each school has only 5 members anyways)
  11. KuronoEnyo

    Can't Get Rid Of Bba Algae!

    I found adding in some API Co2 Booster nuked it from my anubias in my aquarium, I just added in a little well as much that's prescribed for a tank my size and within a week it was gone.
  12. KuronoEnyo

    Please Help, Fastest Way To ...

    I agree aquarium salt is awesome.
  13. KuronoEnyo

    Finally Found A New Home

    Pfft xD This is why it bugs me when I see someone new to fish tank owning put three baby bala sharks in there aquarium after being told by the sales person "Oh yeah the'll be fine in a 10 gallon aquarium" Glad he's being given to a great home :D
  14. KuronoEnyo

    Setting Up A Betta Tank- List Of Supplies Needed

    Oh this kinda tacky and I hate mine but they sell these things called "Betta Logs" I hate it for because its fake but my betta uses it all the time, it allows him to float near the top of the water there's a little hole on the top he can put his face into to breathe air and you can even put his...
  15. KuronoEnyo

    Setting Up A Betta Tank- List Of Supplies Needed

    I unno I'd put some java moss in there for the little guy you can convert it to a floating plant, or just some place for him to chill on its very cheap like 5 bucks and it grows like crazy with little to no care. I mean I got a clump in a 2g snail tank that just gets natural sunlight. Oh its...
  16. KuronoEnyo

    What Tank Brand Would You Recommend?

    Alright wish you the luck on finding a great affordable aquarium :3
  17. KuronoEnyo

    What Tank Brand Would You Recommend?

    Yeah kinda why I recommend aqueon if you get the chance, I was lucky enough to nab a 20g long for 20 bucks when a petco had a sale. BUT I also notice my local aquarium that i go to named "Jojo's Aquarium" sells them at a very cheap price as well. Here's a pic of my aqueon tank...
  18. KuronoEnyo

    What Tank Brand Would You Recommend?

    Ah no clue on the Uk area but a lot of the fish places around here in CA carry Aqueon brand aquariums.
  19. KuronoEnyo

    What Tank Brand Would You Recommend?

    I've started with Aqueon and enjoy many of there products.
  20. KuronoEnyo

    My Low Tech Cube - Just To Keep My Mind Busy

    Ha awesome my 20 long is set up in a similar matter, in that 50% is black eco complete gravel with the plants, and then a rock wall then the other is set up with sand rocks and wood. Great looking aquarium :D
  21. KuronoEnyo

    I'm Afraid These Fish Won't Survive...

    Could try aqueon till you can get a better one, I've ran aqueon filters on my aquarium since the beginning so I can raise up enough money to upgrade to an external. Pretty cheap and easy to set up also very reliable and silent.
  22. KuronoEnyo

    Trial And Error With Plants..

    Should post some pics some time! I bet it looks amazing. Btw I can agree I've spent plenty of money on plants that decided to die off in my aquarium thankfully found a lot of easy going plants that thrive in my aquarium, even an amazon sword that started off with 5 leafs now has over 18 XD...
  23. KuronoEnyo

    Cleaning The Pads In My External Filter

    I agree with the guy above this! I personally think its an idea put out by the company to make people keep buying there products.
  24. KuronoEnyo

    I'm Afraid These Fish Won't Survive...

    (Not really related to helping you out with your most recent question) Maybe there's someone *Active* on this forum who's near by who might be willing to give you some of there filter media as a way to jump start your cycling process or try to call any local aquariums see if there willing? I...
  25. KuronoEnyo

    Cleaning The Pads In My External Filter

    Not to knowledgable about external filters BUT I know my friends aunt has filter pads older then him that she's not replaced.
  26. KuronoEnyo

    Terracotta Round Caves

    I'm not selling them but I did once make a coconut cave for a friend his fish loved it plus it was wooden so his little sucker fish loved to give it attention. All I had to do was chop a coconut in half carve out its innerds, boil for a while wait for it to cool then put it inside. (I also took...
  27. KuronoEnyo

    Tank-mates For A Betta In A 30l Aquarium?

    I like the pygmy cory idea I've got a school of 8 in my 20g and I love them there so active and adorable to watch as they forage for food just gotta remember there not algae eaters so a nice meaty wafer would be fishtastic for them! I use Hikari Sinking wafers for mine which has a lot of meaty...
  28. KuronoEnyo

    Betta And Cherries?

    They'll probably do great! Plus if you find yourself in an excess I know of many people who sell there shrimp or give them to there local aquarium for some in store credit.
  29. KuronoEnyo

    Filter Choices

    I've found stuffing the output area with filter floss OR Those nano foam pads that are used for certain filters can actually reduce the output of the flow of water without causing the water to back log and flow out the sides. I do it for my aqueon filters here's a link to a video I made on how...
  30. KuronoEnyo

    Cool Ideas

    What I'd do is keep the green plants on the dark side of the substrate, move your log over to the sanded side (This way its easier to keep in place) Try to get a border in there though because mixture WILL occur over time but this way it helps slow the process I'd say either with a long plank...
  31. KuronoEnyo

    New Betta, New Aquarium

    Ha so after my last betta passed away, I told myself "okay... this is my chance start that cichlid aquarium!! YOU Got the right size aquarium for some small species!!! DO IT" Soon as I saw the betta fish I just nabbed it then once i got home after a few hours was like "FUUUUU" XD So lucky to...
  32. KuronoEnyo

    New Tank Mates

    Btw I've found getting a 10-20g is something a beginner would be great to do since a lot of beginners like to get a lot of fish. Smaller aquariums are very constraining on amount of the fish you can put into it. I mean when I started I first bought a 10g then found myself wanting more fish so I...
  33. KuronoEnyo

    Well... Back To Internal Filter :(

    wow that's pretty horrific I use two aqueon whisper filters and I don't even think shrimp can get sucked into it becuase the way they made the suction area laced together with the plastic. I'm very sorry for your loss that's a horrid way to lose fish hope your next filter wont bring you such issues.
  34. KuronoEnyo

    Cleaning Sand Well - Without A Hose

    Wicked hope it works out for you, Btw I unno if this'll work since the soda bottle is shaped differently could try with a gallon sized bottle and could try to do this with half a gallon of sand at a time. That's if this actually works. Would increase your output of sand by half a gallon each time.
  35. KuronoEnyo

    Cleaning Sand Well - Without A Hose

    Um if you clean out a empty soda bottle you can funnel the sand into the bottle turn it upside down and clean sand should pour out while the nasty crud should stay inside the water bottle. Saw this tutorial I've never used it since I use my syphon to...
  36. KuronoEnyo

    What Substrates Do Your Betta Prefer?

    Actually with these rocks I dived into the river myself with goggles on and grabbed some I took them home dried them out dropped some vinegar on them (Heard if it reacts dont use them) Nothing happened so I boiled them once they cooled popped them into the aquarium they've all grown some algae...
  37. KuronoEnyo

    My 50/50

    Thanks the 20 long is the only thing up and running the 10g is all dried out in my spare bedroom in its box. But 20g is my pride and glory since I love having it as my bright alarm clock
  38. KuronoEnyo

    A Question About Stocking

    Amano shrimp there quick thorough and grow to a size were betta's wont mess with them least in my experience. Also there very peaceful.
  39. KuronoEnyo

    What Substrates Do Your Betta Prefer?

    Thanks put a lot of thought into it even drew out a few designs and talked with a few fish buddies :D Feel free thanks for the compliment too!
  40. KuronoEnyo

    My 50/50

    BTW I once had a ten gallon aquarium before this It was retired then all of the inhabitants where moved into this 20 gallon aquarium. 5 Glow Light Tetra 2 African Dwarf frogs 1 male Betta multiple shrimp Here's some pics in chronological order on how this past year has gone! I started by...