My 50/50


Fish Fanatic
Jun 11, 2012
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I call it my 50/50 because "Life and death" Didn't turn out so well once I started adding plants on the sanded side

It is a 20 gallon long consisting of 2 aqueon whisper filters (Which will be upgraded to two hagens)
It has a 30 gallon heater inside of it.
All of its contents are from Jojo's aquariums except: The Mesh for java moss, The 20g aquarium itself, the river rocks (Which I got myself by diving into very cold water during summer and a awesome pair of goggles
) and one of the frogs which someone was nice enough to give to me for free.

Plant wise it contains
Wisteria, Java Fern, Java Moss, Morimo Ball, Rotala, Anubias, Giant Grass, Onion Plant, a 18 leaf+ Amazon sword.
I know that's a freaking jumble but I enjoy all of those plants and there all so green I love them all, plus I'm not looking to be some plant/aquascaper elite who uses two plants.

The planted side is eco complete and I don't add any fertilizers cept once when I had a bit of black beard algae growing on the anubias which I used some Co2 booster liquid stuff which cleared it up within about 2 weeks.

The sanded side consists of plain white sand with multiple river rocks and two pieces of beautiful malaysian drift wood.

Water changes are carried out every Friday, in which I withdraw four gallons of water from it I treat my new water about 2-5 days ahead of time with Prime. I pour the water into the betta log which causes NO Disturbance below.

Mon-Thur its normal feeding for each fish.
Friday is carnivore treat day where I give them either blood worms, brine shrimp or something else nice and meaty.
Saturdays nobody in the aquarium gets fed, and Sundays its a strict "Eat this fresh pea or nothing" Diet.

This tank has never had any ill fish inside of it. I have also introduced some snails into it because of the inhabitant of an "Assassin Snail"

NOW Onto the things that live inside of it beside the bacteria!
It consists of
1 male betta fish (Named Josey)
1 Assassin snail (Named Altiar)
2 Amano Shrimp (One went missing for about 2 months then re appeard sneaky little guys they are)
3 african dwarf frogs *Which I quite enjoy feeding using a long pair of aquarium tweezers or when on water change one comes into my hand which I feed it blood worms* (Names *White Frog* Lucky *Used to be lucy we though he was a chick* Brown adult "Frogrito" little new guy "Frogdrick")
8 Pygmy Corydora (THERE SO CUTE!)
Few ghost shrimp

And now to assault you with pictures!





I once had a ten gallon aquarium before this
It was retired then all of the inhabitants where moved into this 20 gallon aquarium.

5 Glow Light Tetra
2 African Dwarf frogs
1 male Betta
multiple shrimp

Here's some pics in chronological order on how this past year has gone!
I started by fishless cycling which was so ANNOYING You have no idea how bad I wanted a fish waited about 1 1/2 month before adding a fish




One other re arrangement before I upgraded to my 20g sadly I don't have the image.
But here is a video!

The Final Scape

So incase anyone new to planting is looking at this I didn't start off with an aquarium like this it was a lot of trial and error with how I arranged my plants.
Lovely looking tanks :good:
Lovely looking tanks

Thanks the 20 long is the only thing up and running the 10g is all dried out in my spare bedroom in its box. But 20g is my pride and glory since I love having it as my bright alarm clock

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