Cleaning The Pads In My External Filter


Fish Fanatic
Nov 5, 2012
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I have an external filter which on the inside looks like this:


Now I know the white media doesnt need much cleaning and only needs replacing after at least a year (although the guy I bought it from claims he hasnt changed the media in his since 2009!) but it says in my instructions the pads at the top should be changed every 2 months, so my question is do I only change one at a time or all at once? Im thinking if I change all of them surely this will remove loads of good bacteria?

Here's how they look when removed:

Not to knowledgable about external filters BUT I know my friends aunt has filter pads older then him that she's not replaced.
Not to knowledgable about external filters BUT I know my friends aunt has filter pads older then him that she's not replaced.

Wow that's crazy, I may pay a visit to the store I bought it from and see what he says, but he definitely said the white media will last a very long time.
There is no reason to replace anything until it starts to fall apart. Just rinse everything in used tank water. Even when it does start to fall apart, only change out about 25% at a time to keep bacteria at a suitable level.

I agree with the guy above this! I personally think its an idea put out by the company to make people keep buying there products.

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