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  1. C

    mbuna setup

    uhm ok my question wasnt about space but i forgot this is the famous "fishforums" my red zebra has no problem in this tank she was with these guys from a juvenile size and if anyone dioes get beat up its her. and uhm lets see what i pulled off cichlid-forum 29 gallon aquariums are not very...
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    mbuna setup

    have 6 yellow labs and 1 red zebra in my 29G currently.....what else could go in from mbuna.....or maybe even some hap sp. "ruby green" ?
  3. C


    as VIP mentioned fronts should be kept in groups... i started with 1 8" front oin a 55G which after reading and researching even more about these guys i got absolutley addicted to these fish and other cichlids......within 2 weeks after getting him i got a Frontosa tiny one from my LFS he was...
  4. C

    pumping water

    yeah but i need soemthing autmatic trying to make it less stress on the fish everything....a AC powerhead looks like what i need i just wanted to make sure they have that option i dont need it to pump up so pressure isnt really needed
  5. C

    tank size for 3

    i was wondering becos i have a green spotted puffer i used to have with a black molly in brackish and he did fine......but he can be in SW so if there are possibilities to have him in SW with soemthing nice and colorful would be AWESOME
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    pumping water

    a automatic way to get water out of the tank...not syphon
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    pumping water

    what is a good method besides a sump setup (will come later) to pump out the water daily i cant make a setup yet just hoses....i have a 29G tank i need to change daily/bi-daily and a 75G twice a i was thinking about buying a pump for this or is it true that some powerheads have...
  8. C

    Whats more agressive?

    yeah basicaly the only african choice you have would be something like a placing 6 aulonocaras in a 29G for breeding till march then they move to a 55G....the breeder suggested 6 instead of 3 as in aggression.
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    tank size for 3

    how big would a tank have ot be for a purple dittyback,clown fish and a puffer....greater then 20G or 29G?
  10. C

    gsp in a 10G

    i read on some site that a minium tank size for a GSP is a 10G....? i always though it was 20-30G minium....currently i got mine in a 20G planning on making a SW setup for him and a purple dottyback within the next few months....i never kept SW before and heard the smaller the tank the more...
  11. C

    Went to my LFS today...

    i have a 3.5" oscar up for auction
  12. C

    Whats more agressive?

    thats wouldnt be a excellent place if you wanted some africans but its goign to be breeding some aulonocara lwandas in a 29G thats currently cyclig....and i also have my 7 yellow labs and 1 red zebra in a 29G which i need ot make a 55 or 75G soon.........honestly i think you need...
  13. C

    Whats more agressive?

    kenyi are very aggressive along with red zebras...i used ot have a kenyi in my malawi tank i took him to the LFS to make space for diferent fish...i wouldnt suggest any genus of the African Cichlids in a long is it? i know 29G which is 30" wide is possible but yet inthat i wouldnt...
  14. C


    my tank has been fine...i have a 75G with 5 frontosas, one 8" 3 @ 3.5" and one juvenile at 2" .......the tank is of course not their final destination...i plan on having these guys in a 6 foot tank before the 3.5" ones reach 5" so far they have been fine i really love watching that tank they...
  15. C

    getting another species!

    well that order was canceld due to some diffuculty in dealing with the seller....but i contacted a breeder i know 2hrs away that has a decent amoutn of peacocks in stock for me to choose from a even a lower price
  16. C

    getting another species!

    thanks for the info...yeah 29G isnt my pefect choice...just till i buy 1 or 2 more 55G's
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    gonna try peacocks ;)
  18. C


    how many fish have u gave away? i remeber when you had a pictus im kinda like you always wan to change up i guess...but i just buy additonal tanks as in this week im buying 3 peacocks to breed so i had to put my breeding setup back up..... but 2 convicts would be nice i guess.....species tank...
  19. C

    Blue Rams

    i dont know how the picus would do in there....i have a 6" pictus tha is pretty aggressive......the rams fight back but dont know about breeding them with the pictus or even the corys (egg eaters) im going to try breeding rams int he future...currently just peacocks just my 2cent
  20. C

    getting another species!

    yesterday i purchased some peacocks from they are Lwanda Peacocks....1M (Show) and 2F proven breeding pair (supposly) and they are starting out in my 29G breeder setup i have...but to make it worth it i need to buy more fish! the shipping is $64 for the fish (3 for $72) i...
  21. C

    measured the big guy

    i had to put mine in a 29G by himself for the time being, due to him absolutley hating the rest of my trying it again tomorrow to see if he will act better since being away fromt he territory for a few days
  22. C

    measured the big guy

    here is a pic of my biggest say 7 1/2"-8" so... 7 3/4"????? my other fronts are 4" (3) and 1 at 2"
  23. C

    Fridmani Pseudochromis compatible?

    and a adult GSP is around 4"?
  24. C

    frontosa might have to gooooo

    well today i added 3 to my front collection, i currently have a 2" juvenile ina tank with labs...and a 6" burundi male, well today i bought 2Males and 1 female to add to the tank with my 6" but all he will do is chase after and nip the smaller ones...they are about 3.5"-4.5"...he did the same...
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    pictus cat....

    :hyper: :hyper: yeah but im sure thats enought ime to set soemthign else up, their tank will be upgraded to a 75G next, then its time for the big one!! a 6' tank
  26. C

    pictus cat....

    well he was in the tank witht he cichlids before when they where all in the 55G they all got along good except for the frontosa he hates the pictus
  27. C

    pictus cat....

    well im picking up the frontosas from th ebreeder tomorrow there is no question about that, thats why i bought the new tank i might just take it to the LFS or try it inthe 29G but he is to big for the 30" length of the tank i think
  28. C

    pictus cat....

    im having problems housing my pictus ATM..... i have a 75G with one male 6" frontosa where th epictus is at right now the front goes after him fromt ime to time......but tomorrow im adding 3 more 4.5" frontosas and this might not be a good mix for the pictus, it will be 2 frontosas after 2-3...
  29. C


    :cool: my discus wont be in the 55G forever but they do intend to have them together for at least 3-4 months my discus are 3" currently with 3 of them these fish are fine int he 29G at least getting along wise of course bigger is ALWAYS better...but i will be doing more research on this my LFS...
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    cool im trying to decide between a pair of apistos or 2 more female rams... since i would think 4 rams..3 discus..2 apistos is past the max
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    can apistos go with 2 rams and 3 discus in a 55G planted setup?
  32. C

    My new Fishroom!

    nice job...any updates?
  33. C

    should i?

    asap? i dont remeber that my fish are ok for at least 3mnths minium in the tanks that they are in currently!
  34. C

    should i?

    i found this 150G on aquabid the guy is 2-3 hrs from me i considered getting this tank since my LFS charges $550 for a 180G tank alone...but i dont liek the dimensions its only 48" long....on the other hand it would give me the oppertunity to either move the front in there (prefer length of 72"...
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    get it or not?

    the discus and all my other fish will be in a 75G no later then march 05 - i have a child expected for jan 05 so funds going to be tight jan/feb but they are about 2"-2.5" and i change 50% water daily to keep it fresh for them
  36. C

    need a bottom feeder

    julii corys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  37. C

    get it or not?

    so should i get the discus left at the LFS or not :dunno: :/
  38. C

    how much will he eat....

    thanks alot! do you know if they have to be a certain size to go SW?
  39. C

    New Discus

    breeding wise i'd say no - but just show wise i would say yes with some of the community fish they should be good to go, i have them with corys and rams, also one female guppy wich im trying to decide to get another pair or move to another tank due to stock space on my 29G