

Fish Herder
Nov 1, 2004
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My frontosa is about 6-7 inches long and is currently in a 40 to 45 g tank. Obviously he's going to need a tank of at least 100g (thanks to the expertise on this site). At what size should I move him please as I've learnt his insides will keep growing but not his outside and I don't want him to suffer.
Hello is there anyone out there or are you too busy with christmas
Actually you really don't need a 100+ for a single frontosa. A typical sized 60 gallon tank of 36"x18" is just fine for him to grow into. It's a bit of a misconception, Fronts generally require huge tanks because they are colony breeders - unless kept singly they need to be kept in groups of one male per several females, sometimes with an extra male to take some of the aggression of the dominent male. Now put together half a dozen of these fish and you can see why giant tanks become necessary.

What it comes down to is that I don't see the point of keeping these fish unless a colony is kept - a single Frontosa floating in a tank is pretty boring. If you are happy with this type of tank though, this is something to keep in mind.
my tank has been fine...i have a 75G with 5 frontosas, one 8" 3 @ 3.5" and one juvenile at 2" .......the tank is of course not their final destination...i plan on having these guys in a 6 foot tank before the 3.5" ones reach 5" so far they have been fine i really love watching that tank they look like a big happy family :)

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