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    Big Tanks - Fake Plants Anyone Have Any Pics

    really junky pic another cell phone picc i was looking for the same thing as u i need ideas to scape my 55g live plant/silk plant tank my uncle has a VERY NICE 75g silk plant tank i'll get pics soon
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    Silk Plant Set-up

    hey post some of your silk plant set-ups i'm lookin for some ideas
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    coffee filter

    can i use paper coffee filters in my HOB filter these are them but all stacked up
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    breeding cheery shrimp

    Hey... I've been planing for awhile to start a growing 10 gallon tank for my HC and Riccia in the tank i wannted cherry shrimp and 1 betta I want to breed my cherries b/c i want them to be allover the tank i want the max amount of shrimp in my tank that i can get how do i do this how many...
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    Angels or Disus

    ok thanx that really helped me now i know were to start will discus eat neons??? will angels???
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    Angels or Disus

    ok so if i do 30% wc weekly will that be good and try to keep the stress down rite
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    Angels or Disus

    yea he will prob give me 2 for free and i'll trade him my betta fry for the third one or he will just give me the thirid one So what is the most important thing for keeping discus
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    Angels or Disus

    ok wut if i get 1 discus and 4 angel fish
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    Angels or Disus

    ok i think i'll go wit disus b/c my uncle breeds them and he sed i can have 2 for free
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    Angels or Disus

    i just started a new 75 gallon planted tank and i'm not sure what i should get discus or angelfish or both mayb u guys can give me some pros and cons on both of em thanx
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    jellybean tank-mate

    i dont know yet i'm asking u guys b4 i go to the LFS if they would be good in my tank i know for a fact that there jellybean parrots so....will they wok with neons-angels-and discus
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    jellybean tank-mate

    its a 75g i'm not sure if its dyed i'm gonna go to my LFS and see what they got can i put em with those fish
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    jellybean tank-mate

    What can i put with a jellybean parrot i wanted to put neons discus and angels
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    breeding platies

    ok thanx now i can test my new custom breeder :cool:
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    breeding platies

    Hey i'm thinking about breeding platies i have a 29g set up for em with a plastice breeder for the mother -how many should i buy -any tips & suggestions
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    fish eggs

    question answerd i'm dum
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    green water help!!!!!

    29g eco-complete nutrafin CO2 65w CF overdosed the fertz (accident) Penguin 170 w/carbon whisper 10 w/carbon 4 live plants For a week now i've had green water before that it was cloudy yesterday a did a 50% water change how can i get rid of it my fish are dying also i just got rid of ich...
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    woops posted twice

    woops posted twice
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    good setup????

    will the glosso grow up or carpet
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    good setup????

    what about the setup??? is it good
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    good setup????

    Is this a good enough light setup to grow ricca and glosso 1) CF 65w 6700k daylight and 2) 15w screw in flourecents all equals 95w would it work its a 29g P.S. on my canopy theres white crusty stuffy growing where the light is...... is that bad how do i get it off....sum1 told me it will effect...
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    undergravel filter

    Dont get a UGF i ended up taking mine out b/c it cloggs and backs up into ur tank and then your tank will turn green HOB are very good
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    best wayyy????

    what the best way to put my light on my tank its a CF 65w fixture on a 29g -should i put the fixture directly on the tank with the glass canopy -or should i take the canopy off and put the 2 inch standoffs on the light and then put it on... whats better -whats the best way is there another way...
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    i have the nutrafin Co2 and 65w of lite in a 29g
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    65w in a 29g y should i avoid those
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    can this method be done with java moss
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    Where can i get some glosso on a online store Was this a mistake.. i put one bag of eco-complete and 10 lbs of black gravel on top of that.. is that bad for my plants espeacialy glosso the surface of eco-complete is smoother so shouldn't that be better for glosso its a 29g whats the best bulb...
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    java fern pics???

    Does any body have pics of java fern on drift-wood i wanna see what it lookes like??
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    can i use lead fishing sinkers in my tank

    can i use lead fishing sinkers in my tank one mad for fishing line
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    slate cloud

    i put the slate in 5 days agao and it didn't clear up wut can i do(i have live plants) water cahnge???
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    my tank is cycled

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    my tank is cycled

    My tank is cycle do i do a water change??? How big???
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    Riccia carpet

    this way helped me alot
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    How long

    How long can plants be kept in there bag that they come in from the pet store
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    how do plants reproduce

    I'm still confused on how plants spread i wanna know how java moss, java fern and horwort spread though-out the tank. How long will it take for java moss and java fern to cover a 5 by 2 piece of driftwood will java moss and fern latch on to the wood as it grows? thanx -george can i use this for...
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    best fish

    ok i have a butterfly pelc and and algea eater they will prob do the job for now until i add my fertz
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    best fish

    i think i want a snail wich one should i get and how many do they mutiply like crazy b/c snails over-ran my friends tank
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    slate cloud

    ok thanx
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    slate cloud

    i have plants
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    slate cloud

    I just put slate in and forgot to wash it and it clouded up my tank will it clear up