Angels or Disus


Fish Fanatic
Sep 27, 2004
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i just started a new 75 gallon planted tank and i'm not sure what i should get discus or angelfish or both
mayb u guys can give me some pros and cons on both of em

id go with discus personally. angels are too common.

discus are great fish, very color ful, and in groups they look stunning. BUt the need near perfect water quality. alot of water changed and a vaired diet. they are very sensative to pretty much anything. especially disease and stress. and are rahter expensive

angels.. are cool. they are easy to keep and arent nearly as fussy. arent as sensative, but do look very good in a planted tank. ive kept them alot befor i got into discus. if you have the time for all the waterchanges go with discus, if not angels
ok i think i'll go wit disus b/c my uncle breeds them and he sed i can have 2 for free
i would not go with just 2, atleast 3 or hahve one by its lonesome.

if you only have 2 then the agression will not be spread and one discus will end up being bullied the whole time. and this will stress it out prolly to the point of death. This has happened to me befor. i kept 2 discus with some shoaling fish. and the one discus was being bullied, and only it was being bullied. it ended up cornering itself and eventually dieing.

So if you can get atleast 3, or just gettin 1


ok wut if i get 1 discus and 4 angel fish
well i have found angels do not get alot too well with discus, and with 4 angels their is a good chance a pair will form and then you would have problems. Is their a way you can get 3 from ur uncle, or get 2 free and buy 1 from him?

Sorry if im puttin down ur ideas just dont wanna see u get the fish and then have problems.


yea he will prob give me 2 for free and i'll trade him my betta fry for the third one or he will just give me the thirid one
So what is the most important thing for keeping discus
the most important thing for keepin discus is good water quality. make sure u do all ur research befor you get them. and while u have them definately water changes are extremely important. you water quality is very very important.
ok so if i do 30% wc weekly will that be good
and try to keep the stress down rite
Water could be said to be the most important thing in Discus keeping. The water will either make or break your fish. There are some water qualities you will need to maintain for other fish, and then there are those of the Discus. Since the Discus come from the Amazon, during the flood season, the waters rise, and leaves and such from the riverbanks give a slight tea coloration to the water. This is known as Blackwater. You could out your fish in Blackwater if you wish, it brings out the colour in the fish. Personally, I would only use Blackwater with wild fish, such as Heckels.

-- pH --
Discus need a low pH. pH is the measure of acidity of water. A pH reading of 7 is neutral, which could be fine for some Discus. Others, need lower pH's which go into 6. Use a Tap Water Purifier to get the water lower, a mix of tap water and this water does nicely.

-- Ammonia --
Ammonia is caused by rotting of fish waste, food, and even dead fish. You should keep these as low as possible. If you have over .5 ppm, you should take care of it immediately (Ammo - Chips and/or Ammo - Lock 2). Your fish will love you for it.

-- Nitrates --
Nitrates are a toxic material caused by bacteria in the biological filter as it breaks down Ammonia. Once again, as less as possible. Water changes can get rid of this.

-- General Hardness (GH) --
GH is the measure of Calcium and Magnesium ions that are dissolved in the water. This will go away if you use a Tap Water Purifier, of RO unit. Low GH's are recommended for Discus, they enjoy the "soft" water. A good amount is 30 - 100 ppm GH

-- Carbonate Hardness (KH) --
The measure of Carbonate and Bicarbonate ion concentration dissolved in the water. This helps stabilize the pH in the aquarium. Also, if this is stable, so is your pH. A low KH is also recommended, but not with a CO2 pump on for your plants, it will rise quickly. Water changes and soft water will help this lower.

-- Water Changes-- Water Changes are very important. I do an about 15% change every day. If you make it part of your daily routine, it will become easier to do. I know it is not easy for all people to set aside a section of time every day but you will reap the benefits of a healthy tank and fish if you can do so. If you don't have the time, try and do a 25% water change twice every week as the minimum. As a regular routine, every few days you should scrub down the sides of the tank with a clean rag as discus enjoy to leave a slime like material which will build up readily.

-- Filtration -- It is very important to have excellent water conditions. Water filtration could make or break you experience with Discus. Discus water must be filtered quite regularly and over filtering is usually not a problem as long as the turbulence in the water is not to high. If you are staring new with a fresh aquarium, it is often wise to have the nitrifying bacteria colony in your filter already established. You could use a variety of fish for this but people tend to use neon tetras as they are readily available and a good indicator of water quality.

This information was used from

This will prolly help you, and use that site it is a pretty good help.


ok thanx that really helped me now i know were to start
will discus eat neons???
will angels???
Angels will, no doubt. Im pretty sure when discus get to bigger sizes they are like angels, eat what they can fit in their mouths. If you indeed get discus im assuming when they are a good size and neons can fit in their mouths, if they get caught im sure they will be eaten.

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