breeding platies


Fish Fanatic
Sep 27, 2004
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Hey i'm thinking about breeding platies i have a 29g set up for em with a plastice breeder for the mother
-how many should i buy
-any tips & suggestions
in a 29 you probable should but one or two males and maybe 5-6 females. You don't need to do anything special, they will do it all on their own.
ok thanx
now i can test my new custom breeder :cool:
Not to be the spoil sport here, or anything, but be prepared for a LOT of fry! You'll need to have homes ready for all these fry, and also be sure you can raise them. You can quickly get over-run with fry if you have 6 females...figure each has 20 per month..that's 120 fry per month. :X

So just plan ahead, and you should be fine. Have fun breeding! :D
I wouldn't be using a plastic breeding becuase with most of them not enough air could be circulating through the tank to reach inside the breeder which may end up in more than one death.
I personally wouldn't recommend a breeder to put the female in it could cause alot of problems. I do however recommend using a breeder net for the babies. You can have alot of fake plants in there and scoop em up when you see them. Fry are very smart!
I myself just today bought a breeder net for fry and a REALLY tall and Bushy fake plant for them to run to. SWIM LITTLE FISHIES SWIM :D :p
I was planning to use one of those square plastic plants that simulate grass and weigh it with a siliconed slate tile or piece of glass so that the fry could hide in the substrate, any one use this method?
It's an OK method...I've tried it, a few fry survive. If you want more to survive, try using thick plants, and floating plants too. :)

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