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  1. cwa

    Can You Identify This Fish?

    I think you are right. Thanks. I read that they need fed small amounts of food several times a day. I feed once a day and skip days once in a while. I am also planning on a week vacation next month. I know the rest of the fish can go that long without food, but can these loaches?
  2. cwa

    Can You Identify This Fish?

    This is the best picture I could get, but could you tell me what kind of loach this is? Is it an angelicus? And can loaches live singly or do they really need a group? Uploaded with
  3. cwa

    Guppy Died Suddenly

    My fish had been in a 16g tank, and the most recent additions were the 6 guppies. They were added less than a week ago. They all have been doing great. Transferred them all to a new 55g tank last night and within an hour, one of the guppies couldn't swim well. He would swim up and then fall...
  4. cwa

    Introducing The New Tank

    I guess I need to put some explanation in my signature or something. I keep having to explain myself. This is a 55g tank, so 4 ft long. I know that is the minimum for the bala, but he has a long way to go to outgrow this tank. The pleco isn't a permanent resident, as the fish store already has...
  5. cwa

    Introducing The New Tank

    So, got the new tank set up and heated. Added the decorations and fish today. Hoping for an easy and smooth transition. Used the old gravel and put the old filter media in the new filter. Will watch the numbers over the next few weeks. Anyway, the pictures show the progress of the setup. The...
  6. cwa

    Background Or Not (See Text And Pic Below)?

    is it bad that I plan on going to buy a $1 roll of black wrapping paper to use as a background for mine? I have no problem taping backgrounds on the tank.
  7. cwa

    Mistake Getting Guppies?

    Well I already have the 6 guppies, but won't be getting more. And if angels don't go well with them, then I will look into gouramis or tetras. Just for curiosity, is there anything that can change the hardness of the water?
  8. cwa

    Mistake Getting Guppies?

    Other than my unreliable strip tests, I have no way of knowing what kind of water I have unless you mean tap or well. I have city water. My last test strips say my KH is 80 and my GH is 30. After the suggestion of gouramis and looking at some of them, now I'm thinking a few of those would be a...
  9. cwa

    Transferring From Old To New

    I got the tank set up tonight and took a few pictures to show the progress. I have the old and new gravel in the new tank, fresh water with Prime, new filter and heater running for a full 24 hours at least before I will move the fish and old filter over to the new tank. Right now, I don't think...
  10. cwa

    Mistake Getting Guppies?

    Went to get some more fish and wanting some bright color, we were talked into guppies. We brought home 6 males in varied colors. Added them to the tank with a bala, pleco and catfish. Upgrading to a much larger tank and will be getting even more fish, but it seems that now I can't get what I...
  11. cwa

    Transferring From Old To New

    OK, so I plan on using new and old gravel, the filter media from the old as well as new. Was planning on setting up the new tank and letting it run at least a day or two before adding fish. I can keep the fish in the old tank for now. Clarification on the filter: the bacteria collects on the...
  12. cwa

    Transferring From Old To New

    Instead of waiting months to save up for a new tank to upgrade my 16g to a 55g, we tried to make a used tank work. After researching it we decided not to chance it. So, my husband let me juggle some money and we went and got a brand new 55g starter kit tank that has hoods, lights, filter...
  13. cwa

    Question About Putting Found Rocks And Wood Into Tanks

    I was just wondering this myself. Planning a trip to the beach and was wondering if driftwood would be a good addition to the tank. I used to sterilize wood for reptiles by baking it. Soaking it seems easier and safer.
  14. cwa

    Tank Questions

    I guess I don't fully understand euro bracing. So would my simple fix of attaching a metal bar across the tank where the original plastic bar work? If it is going to be that big of a hassle to fix it, I may not want this tank. I haven't paid my friend for it yet.
  15. cwa

    Tank Questions

    There is a back strip that lifts up for filters I assume and a large hinged lid in the front that lifts up as well. Looks nice on the tank, but if I can't use my lights with it, I will have to not use it.
  16. cwa

    Tank Questions

    I can rebuild the middle bar. I guess I just don't understand how the oak top works then.
  17. cwa

    My Girls

    Well, might as well show off my dogs. Brittany is a 8 yr old Border Collie and Desi is a 5 yr old Miniature Pinscher. These are my girls. image hosting
  18. cwa


    I was sold an API product to keep ph at 7.0. Is this a good thing? I add some powder every time I do a water change just to make sure. It claims that it will balance it out to 7.0 no matter if it is high or low. Maybe I shouldn't worry as much?
  19. cwa

    Tank Questions

    Instead of waiting months to get my brand new 60 gallon, I got a used 55 gallon for now. It is sitting outside filled up to check for leaks. If my pictures work right, the first one shows the tank and the missing bar across the top in the middle. The second picture shows the oak top it came...
  20. cwa

    Cheap Tank Stand Idea

    Yeah! Dad has the plywood and almost all of the blocks needed. Looks like my stand will cost me either $0 or $3. Now I'm excited. Was anticipating getting a new tank within the next few months and now it looks like I can do it in the next few days!
  21. cwa

    Happy Daze !

    and here I thought my find was a good one! 55 gallon tank for $40, building the stand for a total of maybe $3, and I just need one hood and a larger heater. Great find!
  22. cwa

    Cheap Tank Stand Idea

    I'm looking at less than $15 for the stand (less than half that if my dad has the plywood already). Much better than the $150+ to buy one.
  23. cwa

    Moving From Mature Tank To New [Help]

    Sorry to piggyback on your thread JHR and I hope you are successful in your transfer. I have one more question. Say I would like the new tank to be sand instead of gravel. Could the handful of gravel from the old tank be in a mesh bag of some sort so it doesn't mingle with the sand?
  24. cwa

    Moving From Mature Tank To New [Help]

    This is a problem I will be facing soon. Upgrading from a 16 gallon to a 55 gallon. I was prepared to fully cycle the new tank before moving them, but if I can just use the filter media from the old tank as well as the gravel and not have to wait 6 weeks, that would be awesome! Though the bigger...
  25. cwa

    Cheap Tank Stand Idea

    I really want to upgrade to a bigger tank but budget limits me. I have access to a really cheap used 55 gallon tank, but have no stand or furniture that would hold it. Not caring about looks, I thought about cinder blocks and plywood. Stack 3-4 blocks in 3 columns with plywood shelves in between...
  26. cwa

    Sharing My New Guys

    The reason we got the bala is because it is the only "shark" that wasn't supposed to be aggressive, and can live peacefully in a community tank. He leaves everyone alone and soon will have a much bigger tank. Once the new tank is set up, I plan on adding more glass catfish, angels and maybe some...
  27. cwa

    Brand New To Live Plants

    I have never had live plants in fish tanks. So, after being told that live plants would help keep ammonia and algae in check, I brought home my first fern today. I asked for java fern and was handed a 4" tropica fern. I have gravel on the bottom of the tank and the decorations for now are a...
  28. cwa

    Sharing My New Guys

    Yes, I know. At the moment, everyone is very small and I will be moving up to a 60 gallon by the end of summer. Right now they are in a 16 gallon and there is still lots of room. I won't be adding any more fish until I get the new tank. The catfish, shark and pleco are only about 2-3" each right...
  29. cwa

    Sharing My New Guys

    My images didn't work, I'm trying them in another format. And they still don't work. I have tried Photobucket and Imageshack codes but they still didn't work. Help?
  30. cwa

    How Do I Measure A Bowfront Aquarium?

    Bowfronts are in 16, 26, 36, 46 gallons and such.
  31. cwa

    Sharing My New Guys

    Finally got the chance to go add a few more fish to my almost empty tank. Decided on 6 male guppies of assorted colors. At least now when I look over, I see fish swimming around, not just an empty tank. So, Bob & Tom (the red tails), Chip & Dale (the orange ones) and Beavis & Butthead (the...
  32. cwa


    I had the same thought about cycling until this last episode I watched where they showed them using live sand and special straight-from-ocean water, so the bacteria is already established, right? I also wonder just how much some of those specialty tanks cost.
  33. cwa


    I know the bala and catfish aren't for a small tank. They are young and I am upgrading to a large tank in a few months.
  34. cwa


    I'm not very interested in females. I really don't want fry unless it just ends up as food for the other fish, and they aren't colorful. I would just be interested in 5 or 6 of the males unless they don't do well together. I currently have a bala and catfish. Looking for some color for a smaller...
  35. cwa


    I see Endlers being recommended a lot. I have never heard of these fish. I see the males are very colorful. Are they a schooling fish and do males do well together? I'm not even sure if my local fish place has them, but I would love to find a colorful small fish instead of neons that don't seem...
  36. cwa

    Naming Fish

    All of my pets including fish have names. If I have a school of fish, I find some famous group in that number (a school of 5 could be The Jackson 5).
  37. cwa

    Ghost Catfish And Groups

    As long as I start with very young (small) fish, what would it matter? I have only 6 inches of fish in the tank so far with plenty of room for now. They won't be growing that big within the next 4 months or so. I won't add all of the fish I mentioned into this tank, just a few more.
  38. cwa

    Ghost Catfish And Groups

    Yes, I currently have a 16g and each of the fish are only about 2 inches. I will be moving up to a 55g by summer. He hides in a cave I have in the back. He was the lone survivor of an Ich attack. And I was thinking of only a couple more. This is a fish my husband picked out and we didn't know it...
  39. cwa

    Ghost Catfish And Groups

    One of the original fish we bought when we started out tank was a ghost catfish. After bringing him home, I realized that they are schooling fish. This might explain why this lone guy is always under a hiding spot and almost never out visible. Do you think that if I got a couple more that he...
  40. cwa

    Water Changes And Algae

    Update: Keeping the lights off more often and letting the pleco do his thing has reduced the algae growth. Thanks everyone! But this makes me wonder one thing. How can pet stores have lights on from open to close and still have nice, sparkling clean tanks?