Introducing The New Tank


New Member
Apr 5, 2012
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Oregon, USA
So, got the new tank set up and heated. Added the decorations and fish today. Hoping for an easy and smooth transition. Used the old gravel and put the old filter media in the new filter. Will watch the numbers over the next few weeks. Anyway, the pictures show the progress of the setup. The cheesy pots and neon and octopus things are only temporary until I can afford more plants and decorations for the tank. Had to give them somewhere to hide.

Can't see the fish since there are only 9 of them and they are small, but they are:
1 bala shark
1 glass catfish (will be getting at least 2-3 more)
1 sailfin pleco
6 male guppies

Wanting to add some more color. I wanted angels, but they seem to not go well with guppies. Maybe some colorful gouramis? I know nothing about them. What would you suggest to add some spark and color to the tank?

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Nice tank :) what size is it? As in the dimensions and how many litres or gallons? If its 4 foot long or less it's going to be too small for the Bala and the plec im afraid you could add gouramis if you want. I'd go with pearls as they are less aggressive than the others.
Are all four sides of your tank fully on the table you've made? From the picture it looks like the right side (and possibly the left) may be off the edge a little? I don't know much about these things but I think that can put strain on the tank and cause leaks/cracks. Hopefully it's just my eyes though! And I also may be talking complete rubbish!
Are all four sides of your tank fully on the table you've made? From the picture it looks like the right side (and possibly the left) may be off the edge a little? I don't know much about these things but I think that can put strain on the tank and cause leaks/cracks. Hopefully it's just my eyes though! And I also may be talking complete rubbish!
I was thinking the same. It does look like its hanging over and your right in saying it could cause the tank to crack
I guess I need to put some explanation in my signature or something. I keep having to explain myself. This is a 55g tank, so 4 ft long. I know that is the minimum for the bala, but he has a long way to go to outgrow this tank. The pleco isn't a permanent resident, as the fish store already has agreed to take him back when he gets bigger. And the tank sits fully on the table except for less than the width of the black trim on one side, so I can fix that but didn't really think it would be an issue.

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