Sharing My New Guys


New Member
Apr 5, 2012
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Oregon, USA
Finally got the chance to go add a few more fish to my almost empty tank. Decided on 6 male guppies of assorted colors. At least now when I look over, I see fish swimming around, not just an empty tank. So, Bob & Tom (the red tails), Chip & Dale (the orange ones) and Beavis & Butthead (the yellow and black ones) join Rocky the bala, Vinny the glass catfish and Hank the pleco (yes, my son insists they all have names). Don't know how you all take decent pictures of your fish, mine all turned out blurry. Any photo tips? Guess I don't know which code to use to post the pictures here.
My images didn't work, I'm trying them in another format. And they still don't work. I have tried Photobucket and Imageshack codes but they still didn't work. Help?
Awesome that you got more fish, but how big is the tank? Ghost cats need large groups, and that bala shark will eventually become aggressive and need at least 55-75 gallons. Sorry if I sound pushy >.<
Yes, I know. At the moment, everyone is very small and I will be moving up to a 60 gallon by the end of summer. Right now they are in a 16 gallon and there is still lots of room. I won't be adding any more fish until I get the new tank. The catfish, shark and pleco are only about 2-3" each right now.
And at that time, I will be adding more catfish. He was a purchase before I knew that they were schooling fish.
The term 'catfish' is a pretty broad name. Your pleco, for instance, is a catfish. ;) But I'd be a little worried about that Bala shark, too. It's the aggression if not the size that they can potentially get to that's on my mind. :blink: I know you're getting a 60 gal but you'll have to be sooo careful that you don't add any/many fish besides the shark in that tank.

I have a friend that has an 81gal tank and he can'thave anything except his 2 Bala Sharks in there (M+FM pair). He's tried but they just killed the common pleco he introduced.
Maybe it's just the individual fish, but I've had a Bala shark for 5 years now and he's never shown any aggression towards other fish in his tank. (He went through a stage of fighting with my Angel over food, but the Angel always initiated that, so I don't think it counts :p )
Best of luck to the OP then. :) I think it's like that with Bettas too, some are aggressive/very territorial and others just aren't!
The reason we got the bala is because it is the only "shark" that wasn't supposed to be aggressive, and can live peacefully in a community tank. He leaves everyone alone and soon will have a much bigger tank. Once the new tank is set up, I plan on adding more glass catfish, angels and maybe some tetras. I have access to a 55 gallon used tank for cheap, but my problem is finding a stand or inexpensive piece of furniture that can hold it. I just came up with an idea for a stand. Cinder blocks and 1/2" plywood should hold it and I can cover it with a cloth to hide the ghetto stand. Sound like a decent idea?
Best of luck to the OP then. :) I think it's like that with Bettas too, some are aggressive/very territorial and others just aren't!
Very true! My betta is so docile I would not be surprised if he didn't attack another betta(but I'm not taking my chances). He has male guppies in his tank and just dose nothing to them.

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