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  1. Ahmotorsport

    I Would Like To Add 6-8 Bristle Noses...

    For that many Pleco's to live in the same tank you'd need loads and loads of hiding places. Commons and BN's arent a problem in my experience, but to avoid aggression, lots of hiding places!
  2. Ahmotorsport


    25kg would be fine and you'd have a little left over.
  3. Ahmotorsport

    A2b Aquatics

    Evening. Thought i'd share this with you. I came across A2B Aquatics on Facebook a little while ago now. I've had three orders from them with excellent service and great quality fish, dead cheap! I've had various fish from rams, tetra's, pleco's and cory. (L204 Flash in the background)...
  4. Ahmotorsport

    Opinions On Tank, Ways To Improve

    A school of cardinals would look mega in there, they'd love all those plants!
  5. Ahmotorsport

    Help With Breeding Betta's

    Just noticed this, wanted to ask, when breeding Bettas, i know that bettas can be a bit aggressive to others, surely the fry arent? May seem like a silly question. Cheers.
  6. Ahmotorsport

    My 90L

    Thats a good idea, cheers :) Hi, i added some mature filter media from my small tank into this filter, then got the fish in there :)
  7. Ahmotorsport


    I added some mature filter media from my small tank and put it into my large filter, then went and got fish, that was yesterday. Seem well so far. This was advised to me by a few people. :) Good luck with it!
  8. Ahmotorsport

    Gold Tap-Safe By Interpet

    Perfect, thanks i'll look into that!
  9. Ahmotorsport

    My 90L

    Excuse the poor quality Did what i could with my phone.
  10. Ahmotorsport

    Gold Tap-Safe By Interpet

    I was told pond dechlorinator is good for large tanks as it does more litres per 10ml, is that alright for tropical fish? Thanks.
  11. Ahmotorsport

    My 90L

    As i said in the newbie department, just got this one going with 5 Glowlights. Hope you like it, the blue LED strips are for the night time i've got some white ones coming for the day time. If you look closely you can see the glowlights bottom right (ish) in the last picture. In the blue...
  12. Ahmotorsport

    1000 Us Gal Project

    Thats huge! Spot on mate.
  13. Ahmotorsport


    Hello all, fairly new to fish keeping. Started in late November with a 35L, i've now got a 90L as well for a bigger community tank, only put fish in it yesterday (5 Glowlight Tetra) they're all doing well at the moment, schooling, eating, no odd behaviour and they have more room than they know...