Opinions On Tank, Ways To Improve


Fish Fanatic
Mar 18, 2012
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Hi all, i am a complete newbie to this forum stuff so please be nice. Looking for opinions on my tank and ways to improve it any contributions would be great


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Hi look good from what i can see, you any links to larger photos?
how long has you set up been running?
A school of cardinals would look mega in there, they'd love all those plants!
Its been running about a month as this is my new tank but all the plants and fish are from my previous tank hence the black hair algae on some of the plants which im trying to cure at this time, any help again would be appreciated. im currently trying the over dose of seachem excel as have heard alot of success from it.

heres link to bigger pictures
Currently im stocking
3x neons
2x flying fox
1x chinese algae eater
1x pakistani loach
1x crib
2x pearl gourami
1x blue nose ram
1x ropefish
1x festive
1x harlequin
1x betta
1x danio
1x blue lobster
1x cory catfish

I no some of you will say the festive shouldn't be there but i use to have a silver shark and he use to be 'best mates' alwayws swimming side by side
Your a newbie?! My tank doesn't look as good as that, and I have had fish for years! :crazy:
thats a nice jungle scape there, well done mate!
hence the black hair algae on some of the plants which im trying to cure at this time,

you and me both m8

Currently im stocking
3x neons
1x harlequin
1x danio
1x cory catfish

im no expert but the few above why only 1? there schooling fish
the danio and harlequin was from person who owned the tank before and didnt want. As for the neons i think my lobster is slowly picking them of as i had 11 at one point and now down to 3. am thinking of a school of harlequin as he seems to be surviving alrite? ideally i want a school with more brighter colours

Great looking layout and impressive plant health. If you can maybe add a little red to the greenery, it does look good as it is with the different plant species/ textures.

Is that an Apple snail too I see far right.

Are you aware your Vallis will probably melt, it doesn't like liquid carbon very much.

Great looking layout and impressive plant health. If you can maybe add a little red to the greenery, it does look good as it is with the different plant species/ textures.

Is that an Apple snail too I see far right.

Are you aware your Vallis will probably melt, it doesn't like liquid carbon very much.
Yeah thats an apple snail, i had 6 at one point but they where munching through my plants way too quick and not touching the black algae which i was hoping they would. I read a few articals online that said the vallis would melt and so would the anubias but i havnt seen anything yet today is the 2nd overdose day. The only change i see is the water going slightly cloudy which im hoping is the algae breaking down also my flying fox seems to be sitting on the algae a bit more for some reason hopefully the algae is dying off.
Yeah thats an apple snail, i had 6 at one point but they where munching through my plants way too quick and not touching the black algae which i was hoping they would. I read a few articals online that said the vallis would melt and so would the anubias but i havnt seen anything yet today is the 2nd overdose day. The only change i see is the water going slightly cloudy which im hoping is the algae breaking down also my flying fox seems to be sitting on the algae a bit more for some reason hopefully the algae is dying off.

Ah, I was wondering if they found your plants tasty.

The hair algae I had went brown then red before dropping off the plants, I spot dosed the worst areas too, make sure you don't overdose when spot dosing. I have shrimp which loved eating it when it died. I don't remember any cloudiness.

I found it most effective by doing a large water change, greater than 40%, then dosing at the larger dosage as per the instructions.

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