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  1. L

    Heater Broken?

    Oh ok, thanks, will return the heater tomorrow. Let's hope my fish make it through.
  2. L

    Heater Broken?

    Well my room is a bit hotter than the rest of the rooms in the house so I guess it comes in handy this what exactly do I do next time I perform a water change? I sure hope my ram is ok...and I heard otos are pretty sensitive too...
  3. L

    Heater Broken?

    I was just doing a water change and was filling up and I noticed my heater let out a good amount of steam and was like uhhh.....(Im stupid) So I quickly unplugged my heater in fear of electrical shock. I continued filling up and BAM my heaters broken! :X :grr: Is this normal? Im thinking...
  4. L

    my new fully extremely planted tank (come on)

    Your pic is probably too big.
  5. L

    29g planted

    If you're really bored with it and feel you need a change, go for it. It's better to re-do something as awesome as that and still be interested, than to leave it and probably end up slacking of on maintenance because you've lost interest. I don't know what to tell you about changing stuff, but...
  6. L

    rearrange my rocks..

    Hmmm it's ok but I think it you're positioning should be better. I'd move the structure on the left all the way to the extreme left, and combine the two on the right and move them to the extreme right. But that's just my suggestion, haha...
  7. L

    Planted Tank

    Awesome! :thumbs: The plants have filled out nicely, I would add a foreground plant in there.
  8. L

    EEK! What the heck is this on his lip?

    Ugh, mouthrot is disgusting to look at. :sick: I can't believe how bad it looks, mine started from just above the lips and sort of cut down a bit and then the whole mouth was kind of whitish (pale) :sick: The fish spent a lot of time at the surface after that, I wanted to euthanize him, he was...
  9. L

    He followed me home from the fish store.

    I like it :thumbs: One lfs here is charging 15.99 for a halfmoon, which aren't even full halfmoons, more like super delta :rolleyes:
  10. L

    George's Journal

    Congratulations! ;) I like her name ;)
  11. L


    Very nice guppies but please make the pics smaller :lol:
  12. L

    New Forum?

    I'd once again say it's a great idea. As already said, it's not only plants, and the members picture's forum really is not critical enough. The arrangement of decorations and plants is crucial to a nice looking tank, you can't just throw them in. An aquascaping forum would address the more...
  13. L

    New Forum?

    I voted yes, some people are very unhappy with their tanks design and need lots of help, me included.
  14. L

    what do YOU have in your 10gallon?

    Lightly planted w/ rocks and wood, dark substrate and dark background. Fluval 1 hang on filter, no heater, 2*23 watt compact fluorescent lights. Only has 1 male betta right now, I'm planning on moving him and getting a few cories and a female betta, or a few lamp-eyed killis and a female betta.
  15. L

    George's Journal

    Good plan. I think the vallis will be very effective if you make it thick enough. The lawn of hairgrass will look niceif you keep it as thick as you have it now instead of the look where it stands straight up. I guess you're keeping the other plants you have left in that picture? And that will...
  16. L

    My poor little Liza :(

    You could try separating them all for some time then re-introducing them , Liza first and Chloey last. This way Chloey may feel like a stranger and not be so aggressive. Not guaranteed though.
  17. L

    Freshwater aquascaping...

    Any good sites? Anything that tells me about how to plant and trim a plant properly? Thank you :nod:
  18. L

    Freshwater aquascaping...

    Recently I've been interested in beatiful planted tank. I've been messing around with it much, with my anacharis, twisted vallis, java fern, and amazon sword. I have tried many different layouts but I can't seem to get it right. All the moving around of plants and stuff is making all my vallis...
  19. L

    Do I need to do anything special

    I wouldn't try co2 in anything less than 10 gallons. Remember fish breathe out co2, and plants take in co2. In such a small volume of water, if you have live plants then the co2 the fish provide will be enough.
  20. L

    George's Journal

    Interesting change....yes you can definitely notice the difference from dutch style to natural...I like it. I think you're not going to use the driftwood you planned on? The plants look like they're in the driftwood's spot...unless you're putting wood on the side possibly? Looks good so far...
  21. L

    Do I need to do anything special

    They'll probably be ok with enough lighting. Adding any special nutrients will probably be an overdose and may harm things.
  22. L

    finally got fish

    :clap: awesome
  23. L

    My fish and new drifwood!

    Very nice pics...and I don't usually like goldies but I love that pic :wub:
  24. L

    finally got fish

    FULL TANK SHOT! please? :lol:
  25. L

    Would play sand not be the same as

    You'd be better off buying your own. People have walked in that sand, probably dropped things, and things that are in there might change your pH. Buying the sand is best.
  26. L

    Re-Aquascaping my 34 gallon

    Congratulations on the new baby :thumbs: Interesting.... Hmm, well I'm sure you'll have a great looking tank, please do post pics of even the minor changes. When do you plan to get started?
  27. L

    10G tank filter issues

    I heard you could try some panty hose or something but I'm not sure. :unsure:
  28. L

    Thinking about a lighting upgrade...

    One more thing....tear-scar has a 10 g tank with 2 15 watt fluorescents, 18000 k and 25000 k. These are very high and I'm sure 2700k is closer to the recommended 5000-6700k bulbs, at least I think. So wouldn't 2 15 watt fluorescents do better than 2 18000k and 25000k bulbs? This is kind of...
  29. L

    10G uncycled tank for my girls

    You know all your other betta tanks? I'm sure they all have SOME bacteria in it. Take some from all the other tanks. And yes you can add it in after they go in...just not too long after. Good luck on the tank and tell us how it goes :)
  30. L

    10G uncycled tank for my girls

    Also if the plants are live it should speed up cycling a bit Good luck :thumbs:
  31. L

    Pictures I took today in my kitchen.

    What tail type would you say the ones shown are? I have a betta like that and I'm not sure of it's tail :unsure: Silly me :lol:
  32. L

    Dark substrate

    Sand compacts overtime and makes the plants harder to take root....I know some people will argue with me, but this DOES happen. I would go with black gravel. I have estes epoxy coated black.
  33. L

    Thinking about a lighting upgrade...

    Well then....would those bulbs at least grow these plants? : Anacharis java moss java fern twisted vallis straight vallis possibly anubias...
  34. L

    Betta bug relapse-now with pics

    The crowntail looks just like my betta! Except yours has a crowntail :lol: The plakat looks awesome too. :thumbs:
  35. L

    Before and after...

    Looks very good. To improve presentation, wipe off the marks on the front glass. To get better photos, make sure everything is dark in the room, and the only light is the tank light. It looks MUCH better. Very nice photos :thumbs:
  36. L


    So I plan on getting two 15 watt compact fluorescent twisters, "Philips Marathon", but I noticed the kelvin is 2700 k :unsure: Isn't this the same as incandescent? Does it matter? I think that means a CRI of 100 from what I've read....Will this cause an algae outbreak ? :crazy: Can someone...
  37. L

    More rocks

    Excellent example for those who don't wanna use live plants! :thumbs: :thumbs:
  38. L

    Thinking about a lighting upgrade...

    Grr! I just notice that it said available online only! My parents are soooo strict about buying online :dunno: Whatever, tear-scar has a beautiful ten gallon with 3 wpg, I think I should be fine.
  39. L

    Thinking about a lighting upgrade...

    Your profile says you have 26 watts (2 x 13) :sly:
  40. L

    disposing of old lights

    Ummmm....The other day one of my compact fluorescents broke :crazy: :crazy: I researched tritium gas and stuff and it will be out of my body in 30 days if I inhaled any....and won't cause damage....but MERCURY is in that? :crazy: