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    Lap. Fuelleborni

    Hiya, I am wondering if theres anyone who has or breeds fuelleborni's? Im interested in this mbuna! Thanks Ang
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    came to a decision- shellies

    Hey, Brichardi bred at 7.4 :hyper: WOW! Guess the water quality was good! I know its possible to keep tang's at a ph of 8, and thats cool. But, my opinion is, I want to make the tank as close to their natural habitat as possible, so that would mean a much higher ph! I dont just want my...
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    New Tank...Help Us!!!

    Hiya, As far as cycling, you should have let that happen over a longer time period, Id buy the test kit and if the nitrite/nitrate levels go into the unsafe zone, do some water changes(25%)! As for the temp, I keep a discus tank with angels and clown loaches in it, the temp is always 84, this...
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    Thanks Tempest!! Thanks Da_Oz!! I current have golden marbled, white, black marbled, wild and a great chocolate pair I just received I am trying to breed! Ang!
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    came to a decision- shellies

    Hiya, Its sounds stable, thats important! I use a mix of crushed aragonite and 3 dollar kiddie play sand I bought at Lowes hardware! The crushes coral will not cause it to be unstable, but in the slight possibility that something happens to change the water chemistry, I believe it works as a...
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    came to a decision- shellies

    Hiya yhbae, Perhaps when he gets a bigger tank and has some experience with them! I havent even tried mixing my own mix yet! Lord knows that I can NOT replace the fish I have LOL (you become attached to them) Nothing wrong with the self mixed buffers if you know what you are doing though...
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    came to a decision- shellies

    Hiya, I would only suggest mixing your own buffer if you are experienced! The buffers I mentioned would cost about 15.00 dollars and last for a while with a 20 gal tank! Ang P.S. you cant just tell newbies to add epsom salt! :blink:
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    Thanks for the welcome!!! cpowell, Im new to killies to! I bought 6 pairs off (shh in May and June, One pair of Lafias I took to the LFS, cause the owner wanted them, but luckily, they had laid eggs in some java moss for me. I placed that java moss into my molly tank, and low...
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    Hiya My name is Angela, Im a fishnut in NC!! Anything I come across I end up loving! Right now Im breeding Apple snails, sailfin mollies, killis and my leleupis and shelldwellers(brevis and multis) I have 7 tank right now, but plan on getting more! I am looking for a 90+gallon right now! I...
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    Best way to breed snails...

    Hey Petsmartchic, Im surprised they arent multiplying, the kind you are referring to are usually called pond snails, and do not require a partner to breed, they lay gelatin like egg sacs in the water on rocks, gravel, filter intakes, plants.. or anything they can! Once you have a few, usually...
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    came to a decision- shellies

    Hiya Dragonscales, Thats what I have heard! Do you keep the regular or the gold? Someone told me the golds arent as aggressive! I keep the Multies, brevis and hecqui, which arent quite as aggressive, my brevis and multis have bred in my 55 gal within a foot of each other, but my syno's...
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    Best way to breed snails...

    petsmartchic, are they pond snails or apple snails?? Ang
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    came to a decision- shellies

    I understand! The offer is still there, if you change your mind! My email is [email protected] and [email protected], you can email me and I can give you my information if you do change your mind! Good luck on the tank, you will love whatever you choose! Ang
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    came to a decision- shellies

    Well, I have seen them as escargot shells and I have some that were called land snail shells! They are very nice. Well, I wouldnt offer if I didnt want to send them! You wouldnt need to feel guilty, I have plenty of them right now, my leleupi keep laying eggs! Ang
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    came to a decision- shellies

    I think those are escargot snail shells! Those would be safe as well, just depends on the size of the shellies! Those would be great for the smaller shellies (occies, similis, multis) for the bigger shell dwellers I use the 4 inch muffin shells! Ang
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    came to a decision- shellies

    Hiya, dont rush into putting the fish in there just yet.. get the tank set up, the ph and temp stable (if you are using tap water, you may need to adjust the amount of buffer or trace elements you put in there, because the ph may bounce back to neutral due to some type of buffering in some tap...
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    came to a decision- shellies

    Hiya, Ok.. a PH of 6 will surely kill any african you put in there, so that will cost you more money! There are several products you can add to the tank to make the ph higher. I go to petsmart as well, and they do not carry african trace elements or tang buffer! The only thing they have is ph...
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    Best way to breed snails...

    Erised, Just add a few of the pond snails to the tank, and put in a plant or two, and they will take care of the rest!! LOL As long as they have some type of food, they will multiply by the dozens!! I have tons of them in my snail tank too! LOL Ang
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    Snail Orgy

    LOL Mine do that too!! Usually when they are all going after a snail biscuit!! You have some very nice golds there!! Have they started giving you eggs yet? Ang
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    came to a decision- shellies

    LOL Im sorry, but it is the TRUTH.. and.. It is FREE to sell on They do NOT ask for contributions unless the transaction is over 30.00, yet they still do not bill you, it is a contribution, your choice to pay! Just try one kind of juli first. If I see a good deal, Ill let you...
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    Some of my pics!

    Thanks Pointy_kitty!! :P I actually breed apple snails (bridgesii, canaliculata and paludosa!) There are so many colors!! You can find many many colors at aquabid They sell them there :D Ang
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    Some of my pics!

    Hiya, I thought id attach some miscellanious pics I had!! Just a few of some of what I keep!! Ang
  23. picsfortropicalfish.JPG


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    Catfish for shellie tank....

    Hiya, I have 3 of the dwarf plecos (mine are albino bushynose plecos!) Their max size is like 5 inches! Very peaceful and lovely plecos! Well, I know in my tank I have one wild male about 3 inches wide, and he does go over the shells, but most of the shell openings are smaller than he is, so...
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    came to a decision- shellies

    I dont think the julis would interbreed! I dont think its a good idea to try either! Oh, is FREE to bid!! And, after looking at, it does not compare to aquabids 100's of auctions!! LMAO
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    Synodontis Petricola

    Hiya Ben, :kewlpics: I have 4 of those lil buggers, mine too were just shy of an inch when I bought them! I lost some of them :( They are now just over 2 inches and growing!! They do not grow as fast as my Synodontis multis, but are just as cute! The petricola's reach about 3.5 to 4...
  27. tropicalfishforums.JPG


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    came to a decision- shellies

    I agree with Yhbae, Check out and find someone who is selling young juvies.. Once you have them, and they start growing, when you see a bonded pair, you can post the others on aquabid and resell them!! Good luck, and dont give up on the leleupis or shellies! Ang
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    What's your pH?

    Hiya Ron, My well water is 7ph Hardness is 6 My Discus tank is 6.5 (discus buffer) My tang tank is 8.5 (tang buffer & salt) My other tanks are the 7ph my well water is! Hey Ron, I sent you something about your multis, im interested in some, did you get it??? Ang
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    Catfish for shellie tank....

    Yeah, I have 6 of the syno multis(almost 3 inches!), but they do tend to go after my eggs and fry, the parents do a great job of fighting them off, but no one gets hurt (except a few eggs eaten here and there). Now my syno petricolas, which are about 2 1/2 inches (I have 4 of them) they dont...
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    Catfish for shellie tank....

    Hiya, Ph may be too high for the kuhli's! I know you said you had a snail, Im not sure what type of snail(s) you had in there, but my 2 to 3 inch snails never bother my shellies or their eggs! The shellies wont bother the snails, and the snails will clean up any uneaten food, AND the higher ph...
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    came to a decision- shellies

    Hiya, I can understand all of that, but if you decide you want shellies, you will need alot more shells than that :D here is a website for the juli's I have some on order for me, but I havent kept them yet. Check that out, it should give...
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    came to a decision- shellies

    Heya, My intentions were not to breed, I got the leleupi as replacement for some fish that died in transit, I just got lucky that my tank conditions were healthy enough for them to breed. If you want to breed the occies, I would suggest setting up a 10 gal tank for them, and purchasing 1...
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    africans in a 10 gallon

    Uh, Im new here but im in heaven just thinking about all those tanks!! Oh, wanna get married?!?! Cause with all those tanks not only do you have all the fish I could ever want, but you gotta be rich!!! :blink: :rofl: Ang My Shell Page
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    came to a decision- shellies

    Hiya, Im a newbie HERE, but here is my 2 cents!! I love the shellies! I currently have 2 pairs of Neo Multis and 3 pairs Neo Brevis and 10- 3/4 inch Hecqui in a 55 gallon with a BREEDING pair of Leleupis! I love the leleupis as well. My leleupis do NOT live in the shells, but they breed...