New Tank...Help Us!!!


New Member
Sep 5, 2004
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My wife and I just started a new tank, 16 gal bowfront with stand. Set it all up Tuesday night, filled it, started the pump with two air stones and a ship with bubbles for eye candy. Put 160 drops of aqua safe in it as well as the rocks and let it run 24 hours as the pet store said. The next day, we put 4 gourami's in it. Now today (Saturday) we put a small Angel, a loach, and a tiger barb.

First of all my water temp is around 82-84. I know this seems high, but I'm in Hawaii. I bought my fish from the biggest fish store in Hawaii. The buiding has no windows and is always warm inside. I'm sure the fish are used to the warm water. Can anyone advise me on this or comment? Should I ice my tank down?

Next, the Angel is hanging out at the top near where the filtered water is coming in. Is this normal? It is alive and occasionally takes a spin around the tank.

Next, when should I start changing water in my tank? When should I change the filter?

All the fish seem to be doing okay. Although I wish I would have known about this sight first, we did not. So now I have a tank less than a week old with 7 fish in it. They seem okay for the most part and they all love to eat. What can I do to ensure the success of my tank and the livelyhood of our fish?

Thanks for all the responses in advance.

Erik and Nicole
Your petstore told you 24 hours to cycle??? :-( that's bad

Buy a test kit, and monitor your levels, if you report them back on here, that's the only way we can really help

it is obvious the petstore wanted you to buy their fish straight away, that's why they've done this :grr: :grr: :grr:

as for the temp, if you want it cooler, use a spray bar from your filter, this tendds to move the water and help it cool down!!
:hi: to the fourm.

You have to cycle for over a month...

Anyways, get the kit and do a bit of research on cycling, either by asking questions in the beginner's section or using a search engine or book.

The fish you have in the tank right now are not compatible. Specifically, the tiger barb. These fish are fin nippers when not in a shoal (they still are then, but tehy nip each other). Chances are that the barb might start attacking the angel or the gouramis. Check to see if your lfs has a return policy because you might want to give some fish back until your tank finishes cycling.

As for keeping your water cool, you could either get fish that live in really hot water (gouramis and bettas) or you could drop ice cubes into the tank. The latter was an acceptable way to reduce temp in a book I tread, but this could be somewhat unpredictable and dangerous.

Good luck with your tank.

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Not to make it sound worse but good luck with 4 gourami's. They really don't like being that close to each other. Also ading that many fish at one time to a small tank is very dangerious.

Welcome to the group, there is lots of great people here to help. And I hope you enjoy the hobby of fish keeping.

As far as cycling, you should have let that happen over a longer time period, Id buy the test kit and if the nitrite/nitrate levels go into the unsafe zone, do some water changes(25%)!

As for the temp, I keep a discus tank with angels and clown loaches in it, the temp is always 84, this eleviates alot of problems keep the discus and the others seem to be very healthy and active. My barb tank is at 80, and they too are active and healthy. I feel that this temp is quite ok for the fish you stated you bought, and you said you had an airstone in the tank, that shouldnt be your problem! The biggest problem with a higher temp is the lowering of oxygen in it, so keep the airstone in there and I think its just fine!

Oh, and dont feel bad, everyone just starting out falls for those petstore guys! LOL
I remember my first fish were sold to me by a walmart guy (shutup) several years ago he sold me a 10 gal tank and a pacu and an oscar!! :)) That is where my addiction began, needless to say I HAD to get a bigger tank! I raised both the pacu and the oscar til they were well over 18 inches and then had to pass them onto a friend with a bigger tank. You will learn from your mistakes!!

Good Luck

Yup!! Most of us have been there in your shoes!! I discovered this forum the day AFTER I stocked up my brand new tank. :blink: But everyone on here was sooo great in helping me through that first crazy month on cycling (actually took more like 7 weeks).

Go into the beginner section and read all the pinned articles on cycling. Do daily 10-15% water changes and monitor your water levels (amonin, nitrite, nitrate) regulary. You may lose a fish or two along the way... but don't beat yourself up about it! It'll be well worth all the extra work in a month or so!

Good luck! Hope to see you around in here


It is so easy to get carried away as once you get the tank you do want to see the fish swimming around. Now you have got some in there it would be a good idea to change upto 25% of your water daily. And test for amonia and nitrite which should both read 0, when your tank is fully cycled. If you look after your tank in this way for the next few weeks and do not buy anymore fish, you should manage to keep your fish alive. Don't clean the gravel out too much and only clean the filter in already extracted fish water, if you wash filter in tap water it will kill the good bacteria. Good luck.

I have done the same I had some fish in after four days and then found this site, although I had read up before about fish compatibility, I had not read up about fishless cycling.
righty-O, welcome!
you are supposed to change water like once a week(SO i'VE HEARD), I clean gravel at the same time, and you are supposed to change the filter carterage like once a month(about)(I think)


sotsoq like the motto at the bottom of youre reply ireland or germany as for fish change water once a week do 25%
didnt read the other posts so sorry if its already been mentioned but put ice cubes in a sandwich bag and leave it floating and if nitrite and ammonia spike then do about 50-60% water change. everyday it may stress the fish but there is less chance of them dying this way. i was in your shoes once and i lost 3 peppered corys a neon and 2 guppies thankfully mine has cycled fully now. good luck with the fish that do survive ( not trying to sound to negative ;) )

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