came to a decision- shellies

I have some hecqui fry that are about an inch and I have some very small leleupi fry, once your tank is set up and stable I would be willing to send you some of both for free!

That would be so nice of you, but I couldnt do that. id feel bad becuse they were free. I got a free gourami, and i felt guilty because the store messed up about my credit with them.

Thats good that the shells being "plolished" wouldnt hurt the fish. I have two 3inchers, and 1 for incher. Ive never seen the escargo ones at my g. store befoer though.
Well, I have seen them as escargot shells and I have some that were called land snail shells! They are very nice.

Well, I wouldnt offer if I didnt want to send them! You wouldnt need to feel guilty, I have plenty of them right now, my leleupi keep laying eggs!

Angjo72 said:
Well, I have seen them as escargot shells and I have some that were called land snail shells! They are very nice.

Well, I wouldnt offer if I didnt want to send them! You wouldnt need to feel guilty, I have plenty of them right now, my leleupi keep laying eggs!

Id love to have one then. leleupi are my favorite african cichlids. I dont really like many of them, but these ones are just diffrent, lol. thats why i wanted to set up a lake tang tank. but mother doesnt let me buy things over the internet or give adress, rrr.

my mom goes to the grocery store every week, and scence school gets out around 12 ill have to go with her and see if they have some. we have 2. ones really bad, never anything good, but always cheaper, lol. and stop and shop. im sure theyd have some. ill have to go get a few this week.
a word on the occellatus, I own 4 of these lil fellas and they pack quite a punch for a little fish. Think Chihuahua x rabid timberwolf and you're headed in the right direction. Occies are extremely territorial and mine constantly flare and nip at eachother during feeding time. They will take on fish many times bigger than themselves if their shell space is invaded, this can lead to occies becoming a tasty morsel. Also, in regards to breeding, the parents will eat the fry after they are dispelled from the shell, so be prepared to pull them out of there if the tank is smallish
Hiya Dragonscales,

Thats what I have heard! Do you keep the regular or the gold? Someone told me the golds arent as aggressive! I keep the Multies, brevis and hecqui, which arent quite as aggressive, my brevis and multis have bred in my 55 gal within a foot of each other, but my syno's usually keep the population down! -_- The last batch of brevis, only 1 survived! Its good in a way that im not overrun, but bad, cause id like to sell them as well!

i dont want ones that will eat the fry. ill probly do just one shellie and the rest julies
wrs said:
i dont want ones that will eat the fry. ill probly do just one shellie and the rest julies
So is your goal breeding julies?
yeah, but i cant get a bigger tank. lol. but i really do want some shellies, because i got some shells and all, and it just seems so cool how they live in the shells,
wrs said:
yeah, but i cant get a bigger tank. lol. but i really do want some shellies, because i got some shells and all, and it just seems so cool how they live in the shells,
I agree with you, that's why I am going to setup either 10 or 15g with only shellies and nothing else. Apparently, Julies are pretty good at seeking and eating shellies fries as well!
oh, but i think thats what my brother wants. i think we will just get diffrent kinds of lake tang fish sutible for the tank, see whick one we like best then breed them.

we just got the tank, filter and filled it, the Ph stuff added. So scence we used stuff from our tank its should be alll cycled. we will test the water tonight when we pick up our heater.

we also have some slate which was outside on a walk way. it didnt fit anywere so my brother wants to use it, but how do we get it clean, like how long to soak it etc. and in hot water because it has been outside?
wrs said:
oh, but i think thats what my brother wants. i think we will just get diffrent kinds of lake tang fish sutible for the tank, see whick one we like best then breed them.

we just got the tank, filter and filled it, the Ph stuff added. So scence we used stuff from our tank its should be alll cycled. we will test the water tonight when we pick up our heater.

we also have some slate which was outside on a walk way. it didnt fit anywere so my brother wants to use it, but how do we get it clean, like how long to soak it etc. and in hot water because it has been outside?
What is that "pH stuff" you are adding?

As for the slates if you want to be sure, just boil 'em! :lol: I picked up alot of rocks from new housing construction areas and all I did was rinse thoroughly in tap water. The only thing I'm watching is if the rocks contain any metal elements such as copper of iron...
the cichlid stuff Angjo72 said to add. the cichlid tanganyika cichlid buffer.

the only problem now is, that the lfs lied, and they didnt have any tang cichlids. they did have one that looked like it would be from there, but i dont really remember the name, m altus? Something like that.
What is the pH straight out of the tap? (well, after aeration?) Personally, I hate adding chemicals to the tap water, especially those commercial buffers. I have no choice in my case as my pH is only 7.2, so I add baking soda and epsom salt, but adding those commercial buffers will cost you a fortune in a long run...

I would only suggest mixing your own buffer if you are experienced! The buffers I mentioned would cost about 15.00 dollars and last for a while with a 20 gal tank!


P.S. you cant just tell newbies to add epsom salt! :blink:

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