came to a decision- shellies


My intentions were not to breed, I got the leleupi as replacement for some fish that died in transit, I just got lucky that my tank conditions were healthy enough for them to breed.

If you want to breed the occies, I would suggest setting up a 10 gal tank for them, and purchasing 1 male and a few females, occies, from what I understand are harem shellies, the male likes to have more than a few females! he will in fact fill shells that are empty in anticipation that more females will come along so he can dig the shells out(kinda like saving places for more females). I have also read that the male will set up a circle of shells around his for his females! IF they breed, be prepared for them to be aggressive (hence me saying to set up a 10 gal just for them) Im not sure if the females will be aggressive towards each other, but again, be prepared to have to move some!

The 20 gal would be perfect to breed a pair of leleupi, in my experience though more than 1 female and 1 male will cause problems once the young are born! My female leleupi was so aggressive, she fought off 10- 2 inch syno's for over a week before I saw lil leleupis swimming around!

Now, if you were willing to go up to a 29 or 55 gal, you could keep these both together on seperate ends of the tank! (but again, be prepared to remove some fish, because the occies will become very aggressive) My leleupis, even after having fry, did not even pay attention to the brevis and the multis LOL I even have had some of my fry get loose and end up on the opposite end of the tank, and none of the shellies ate them! :D

What shells do you have? The muffin shells that are about 4 inches? (polished shells usually do not have polish on them, they are just buffed out and should be ok, unless they leach into the tank) Those are good for the bigger shellies, my multis (which are about the same size as the occies) prefer the turbo shells and the whales eyes (2 to 3 inches) My female leleupi, given the option of all my shells (2 to 4 inches) actually chose a 2 1/2 inch turbo shell to lay her eggs!! The big muffin shells will work though! :D

If you are wanting to breed them, I wouldnt suggest you get just one of each type! You could always start out with a shellie tank and then move up to a leleupi tank! Dont be in too much of hurry, it takes time!

well ill be getting the fish in like 2 weeks, and im not sure what to do yet, i really like the ones listen above, though. but dont want just two fish in a 20. and i cant get another tank bigger than this, because this is all the money i have.

i have some mexican shells, theyre white and pink, lol. and a turbo snail shell, just one, but its pollished, and dont want that to hurt any shellies.

How many Julidochromis' can live in a 20?

I can understand all of that, but if you decide you want shellies, you will need alot more shells than that :D

here is a website for the juli's I have some on order for me, but I havent kept them yet.

Check that out, it should give you some information on temperment!

If you have limited funds and dont want to go by the limited supply of the LFS, check out you can sometimes find great deals on fish on there! (and they have several different types and species)

If you are going to get the fish in a couple weeks, I would go ahead and set it up and get the ph and temp at a steady! Ph should be 8.5 or above and temp 76-78 and steady (with a heater) my africans HATE temp changes and ph changes! Besides, the tank needs cycled!! You cant just set up a tank and add fish the same day :p

wrs said:
How many Julidochromis' can live in a 20?
You should ultimately aim to end up with a breeding pair. Often people start with 5 or 6 young ones and eventually form a pair. Once formed, others will be kicked out towards an upper corner of the tank so you are not going to have much of a choice but to take them out of that tank...
I agree with Yhbae, Check out and find someone who is selling young juvies.. Once you have them, and they start growing, when you see a bonded pair, you can post the others on aquabid and resell them!!

Good luck, and dont give up on the leleupis or shellies!

i really didnt want a breeding pair of them, but i do like the idea of selling them.

my petsmart sells one inchers of them.

but instead of aquabig, id do bid a fish because it would be free for me, lol.

now would two diffrent Julidochromis species or breeds breed?
I dont think the julis would interbreed! I dont think its a good idea to try either!

Oh, is FREE to bid!! And, after looking at, it does not compare to aquabids 100's of auctions!! LMAO
Angjo72 said:
I dont think the julis would interbreed! I dont think its a good idea to try either!

Oh, is FREE to bid!! And, after looking at, it does not compare to aquabids 100's of auctions!! LMAO
DONT SAY THAT!!! lol. one of the oners comes to this forum.

but it isnt free to sell stuff on there. i dont like buying over the net. i dont see how fish would survive the trip unless they could breath air, like bettas etc.

so it would be best to have just the one kind of julies then? Which ones would you say are the best?

the ones my store sells are Julidochromis marlieri. theyre not the prettiest, but the seem very interesting
LOL Im sorry, but it is the TRUTH.. and.. It is FREE to sell on They do NOT ask for contributions unless the transaction is over 30.00, yet they still do not bill you, it is a contribution, your choice to pay!

Just try one kind of juli first. If I see a good deal, Ill let you know LOL (J/K)
make sure you have the ph and temp stable before adding any fish, PLEASE! This will help from killing the fishies!!

Just because people on here like another auction site, doesnt mean you cant check out


that other auction site only had 19 active auctions! LOL.. aquabid has hundreds!!


when it comes to shipping fish there are two ways, one is with a kordon's breather bag and the second is by bagging the fish in 1/3 water and 2/3 air/oxygen!

I have shipped many times this way!

I do understand your reluctance to order fish online, I did too, until I tried it, and now im routinely ordering! I have ordered Neo hecqui, Neo multis, brevis, leleupi some syno multis and petricolas oh.. angelfish, snails, bettas, etc etc online, and have received them all fine!! :nod: :p
thats good, but i will stick to petsmart, as its closer, and dont want to get riped off, as some people on here have at Aquabid. Its alos kinda to expensive for me.

And I know about the Ph and temp. I called my lfs about it the other day. Im going to have the water tested before I purchase them, but i think my PH changes, is there anyway to keep it hight? It was high once, but now it seems very low. like 6's. Ill test it again. Would that Ph up stuff work?

Ok.. a PH of 6 will surely kill any african you put in there, so that will cost you more money!

There are several products you can add to the tank to make the ph higher.
I go to petsmart as well, and they do not carry african trace elements or tang buffer! The only thing they have is ph up, but that only raises it to 8.2 which is lower than I would give tang's since of the african rift lakes, tanganyika has the highest ph!

Some products I use are:

tanganyika buffer by Seachem raises and maintains ph at 9.0 to 9.4
this product cost me 7.29 from a local fish store, that was independentally owned.

AF cichlid tanganyika cichlid buffer by Kent does basically the same thing!!
this costs me 6.99 from which is a GREAT website to purchase from! Shipping is cheap and is worth it, because their products and alot lower than even petsmart!!!!

If you have an independent fish store in your area, they will also have some of these or similar products!

I also keep my africans at 78! Get a good heater and make sure its constant!

Ang :D :fun:
would a pleco be okay with these fish? And what about a shark? My brother has a baby bala, that he will get rid of once its bigger, only 1 1/2 inches now. Or would a syndo catfish be best in there?and what about plants? Would they eat them or dig them up? I know it says that they eat vegtables, but i have conflicting information from two sites.

also after looking at this site it makes me really want at least the one shell dweller. I just dont want the polish on the shells to hurt them but alot of shells i see for sale for them have polish. Its so confusing, lol. And Im doing it on Saturday. Well the tank and all, so il will have to know what to make it look like, lol.

dont rush into putting the fish in there just yet.. get the tank set up, the ph and temp stable (if you are using tap water, you may need to adjust the amount of buffer or trace elements you put in there, because the ph may bounce back to neutral due to some type of buffering in some tap water)

Bala sharks ph should be from 6 to 7.5, common plecos ph should be at 6-8!

So those two wouldnt work with the higher range ph that tang's need!

I have 3 different species of shell dwellers! Thats how I started selling the shells! When I started my first shell dweller tank last year, I looked for some decent shells and only came across shells for 4 or 5 dollars! Polished shells dont have actual polish on them, they are called polished because they buffed to be smooth and shiney (i have lots of these!) now, the ones with paint on them would be a big no no, but none of the polished have ever bothered my fishies!

I have some hecqui fry that are about an inch and I have some very small leleupi fry, once your tank is set up and stable I would be willing to send you some of both for free!


P.S. Syno's would do great, but they may try to eat fry!! I love my multis and petricolas!!
I use these kinds of shells:


Not sure about their english names. They are the kinds you can eat so grocery store sometimes sell empty ones, or "filled" ones.
I think those are escargot snail shells! Those would be safe as well, just depends on the size of the shellies! Those would be great for the smaller shellies (occies, similis, multis) for the bigger shell dwellers I use the 4 inch muffin shells!


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