

New Member
Aug 31, 2004
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North Carolina
Hiya My name is Angela, Im a fishnut in NC!! Anything I come across I end up loving! Right now Im breeding Apple snails, sailfin mollies, killis and my leleupis and shelldwellers(brevis and multis)

I have 7 tank right now, but plan on getting more! I am looking for a 90+gallon right now!

I post some auctions on www.aquabid.com under the id angjo1972!
Welcome, i only joined this site a few days ago.

I have just 1 community fish tank 30g, and a breding tank, which has my first lot of mollies in (born friday evening) :D

Am hoping to get a bigger tank when i find one for the right price.

have fun.
Welcome to the forums. Hope you can share your ecperience with others here - nice to have a member with so much experience.

Thanks for the welcome!!!

cpowell, Im new to killies to! I bought 6 pairs off (shh aquabid.com) in May and June, One pair of Lafias I took to the LFS, cause the owner wanted them, but luckily, they had laid eggs in some java moss for me. I placed that java moss into my molly tank, and low and behold 2 months later, I notice some fry that did NOT look like mollies, So, I had my first killi spawn!! Some of the killies are easy and some are hard, if you find an easy pair, you will enjoy them! Make sure the water chemistry is right for them and acclimate them correctly, they have very sensitive gills! The ones I bought were "australe orange- 2 pairs", gardneri lafia, gardneri makurdi and gardner mirable mirable! (the australe orange and gardneri lafia and makurdi are all very easy and have matured into beautiful fish) The mirable werent so easy for me, as I lost the female :(

Right now im concentrating on my apple snails (way too many of them) and my 55 gallon african tank (filled with shellies and leleupi and syno's)

Thanks Tempest!!

Thanks Da_Oz!!

I current have golden marbled, white, black marbled, wild and a great chocolate pair I just received I am trying to breed!


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