Search results

  1. C

    What fish should I get?

    i have 5 ADF's, 1 cory, 1 oto
  2. C

    What fish should I get?

    okay, i know i made the mistake what should i do now?
  3. C

    What fish should I get?

    with the pictus catfish? now i feel really bad..*sighs in depression*
  4. C

    What fish should I get?

    what did i do?
  5. C

    What fish should I get?

    that i do lol, but i love all of them, im starting to see the full picture.. ill get some swimmers in time dont worry:)
  6. C

    What fish should I get?

    hey everyone i jsut got back from the fish store i ended up getting ADF's, corys, otos, and a pictus catfish!! yay im soo excited
  7. C

    What fish should I get?

    good point and i did think about the size thats why i was unsure about the irdigresent shark, as for the pictus i dont have money and i dont want to spend money on another tank right now.. but im in love wiht them so im gonna buy at least one. its alright about the size if it outgrows my tank...
  8. C

    What fish should I get?

    well im thinking of going with some ADF's, pictus catfish, a small pleco, an irdigresent shark, and im not sure what else i didnt take a close enough look im going back tonight to buy them
  9. C

    What fish should I get?

    Okay so i have a 10 gal, and im going to the local fish store pretty song what do you guys think i should stock it with? Im into cool, small, active and intresting fish ex. koolie loaches, ADF's, dwarf puffers etc.
  10. C

    My tank and fish..

    yes i know i just havent gotten a chance to get more yet i will asap though
  11. C

    My tank and fish..

    well its in a 29 right now so i doubt its gonna get much bigger cuz fish grow to there tank size im pretty sure cuz nun of my fish have grown to big the gourmai is my biggest and my friend has one which has grown like to 1 and a half to 2 of my gourmai so i think ill be fine
  12. C

    My tank and fish..

    yes in fact i do...need a new background lol :P more decor :P and the shark yes it does get big if it gets to big though my friends got a 55gal to back me up lol yay :D
  13. C

    My tank and fish..

    all of those fish have been through some hectic times with the green water phase TWICE lol so they are great survivors im proud :D
  14. C

    My tank and fish..

    last one thanks for looking :D
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  16. C

    My tank and fish..

    and another lol
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  22. C

    My tank and fish..

    here they are..
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  24. C

    Worst day ever...

    sorry to hear man..hope everything works out in the future good luck and RIP to the fishes once again sorry
  25. C

    2 of my New loaches. Supposedly rare fish

    pics dont work for me either :/
  26. C

    My water is bad

    wow its all cleared but with only the help of the P-Clear i know it wouldnt be advised to do what i did but i had to so i doubled the dosage twice and its all prefection great looking and up to par now i will buy i new filter pad and be all set thanks alot for everyones help ttyl
  27. C

    My water is bad

    anyone know how long its gonna take that i have to blackout my tank lol cuz i forgot
  28. C

    My water is bad

    wow i dont want to wait lol i wanna see my new fish but ill wait i just have the question on how long it will take (that hurts man that hurts lol)
  29. C

    Ram babies

    wow theres so many of those little guys. good luck wiht the rasing of them hope they all grow up healthy and good ps. nice rams! :D
  30. C

    My water is bad

    well i took the advice from the link and just covered my tank i have had a problem like this in the past and its really annoying so i didnt want to have to blackout the tanks but i guess thats the only really good thing to do cuz i have proof of it working what really is the sad part is that i...
  31. C

    My water is bad

    no the tank has been running for a long time now
  32. C

    My water is bad

    okay so my tank is full of greenish cloudy (more cloudy) water i went to the lfs today and asked what to do so they gave me an item called P-Clear unfornately that didnt work its still unclear just a little less i dont know what to do now
  33. C

    Just Aquired Another Tank!

    kuhli loaches are pretty sweet to have especially if you have that kinda of set up also maybe i recommend some dwarfs puffers that would be fun in a 20 long tank and everything you want is perfect for them all you gotta buy is some snails it would be sweet anyways also you could try to find the...
  34. C

    Im getting worried

    try not to have the lights turned on at all either leave em off for a while thatll help to
  35. C

    Im getting worried

    is she a transparent colour?
  36. C

    Im getting worried

    nothing is wrong with her she just hasnt had the babies yet it usually takes about 30 days more or less for her to have them if she is off course by a week you shouldnt be worried the biggest factor is the bubble on top of her belly try to look for the post i helped with skimpy read through it...