Worst day ever...


Fish Crazy
Jul 3, 2004
Reaction score
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Well, today was the worst day I've ever had as a fish hobbyist.

I thought it had started like any other day. I woke up a little late, so I turned the lights on in my 5 gallon tank this morning on my way out of the house, without taking the time to look in there. I'm glad I didn't, because my long day today would have seemed much longer if I had.

Because it's winter up here in Canada, I thought I would leave the heater on in my 5 gallon tank, just overnight. I assumed that it would keep the tank nicely warmed, but not too warm. I was completely wrong. The heater must have gone off the scale, and when I got home at 8:00 today, I was horrified. The heater must have gone crazy and heated the tank up to a much higher degree than I'd thought, because both my dwarf puffer and my oto were dead when I got home. It was so sad.

My puffer must have been so stressed out that he'd puffed up before dying...I found him stuck in the java moss, and then saw him float up to the top of the tank. My oto was on the bottom...it looked so ravaged.

I feel horrible.

(P.S. I realize how stupid it was, so anyone who's just going to reply with a negative comment, please just keep it to yourself)

Thanks for reading,
awww :rip:

that really sucks Pete :(

hope everything goes better in fish keeping for you soon :nod:

i know how u feel. I have had 2 fish die since yesterday and am now treating 2 tanks for ich bcuz of my stupidity.
hey man I think it eventually happens to everybody..don't worry about it. I've had 4 fish die..the first two died for reasons I still dont know why of when I first started and I had two of my very nice size balas jump out of my tank..in fact I left the room and came back 15 minutes later and found one dead on the carpet..it was pretty sad.. :byebye:
Oh man, I feel you. If I hadn't had a heater in one of my tanks yesterday, I'd have frozen all my fish to death because the window directly behind the tank was open and I didn't notice. Luckily mine was just a close call... very sorry to hear about your fish :byebye:
sorry to hear man..hope everything works out in the future good luck and RIP to the fishes once again sorry
Awwww..... :-( It's always sad when a fish dies, but especially so when we might have been the ones who caused it to happen. Try not to beat yourself up.. we've all been there and think of it more as a learning experience so it doesn't happen again.

Any plans for new fishies? :)

Sorry for your loss.
Very sorry to hear about your fish. :-( Poor you.
I'm sorry too
I have 2 sick german blue rams and 1 small female betta died this morning :(

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