What fish should I get?


Fish Fanatic
Aug 26, 2004
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Okay so i have a 10 gal, and im going to the local fish store pretty song what do you guys think i should stock it with?

Im into cool, small, active and intresting fish ex. koolie loaches, ADF's, dwarf puffers etc.
Well, you could have a pair of dwarf puffers, but if you go for puffers that's all you can have in there because they'll happily destroy any other living thing...
Personally, I'd go for a community of 4 or 5 female bettas, a trio of khulis, and a couple of ADFs. You could also have sparkling gouramis instead of bettas, or a pair of dwarf/honey gouramis (bet you can't tell I like anabantoids, huh? :lol:) Badis badis would be another option :)
well im thinking of going with some ADF's, pictus catfish, a small pleco, an irdigresent shark, and im not sure what else i didnt take a close enough look im going back tonight to buy them
A 10G is way too small for any pictus, any type of shark and too small for anything but an otto as catfish really. Not the best stocking, sorry.

I'm sure someone will come along and tell you what size tank you'll need for the pictus and shark soon, because I can't remember at the moment ... I do remember however, that especially the shark, gets quite big.

I recommend you follow the advice Synirr gave you and have a more suitable setup.
good point and i did think about the size thats why i was unsure about the irdigresent shark, as for the pictus i dont have money and i dont want to spend money on another tank right now.. but im in love wiht them so im gonna buy at least one. its alright about the size if it outgrows my tank ill put it in my friends 55gal should be alright in there cuz he has one..but i doubt the pictus will grow very big in a 10 gal.. i have had some big growing fish in my 29 before and it was alright so i think im going wiht that and the ADF's are a must because i love those guys im still undecided on everything besides.. ADF's, pictus catfish, pleco
hey everyone i jsut got back from the fish store i ended up getting ADF's, corys, otos, and a pictus catfish!! yay im soo excited
that i do lol, but i love all of them, im starting to see the full picture.. ill get some swimmers in time dont worry:)
Went against the better judgement and advice of more experienced fishkeepers.
with the pictus catfish? now i feel really bad..*sighs in depression*
I just feel bad for the pictus catfish, i wouldnt like living in a closet when i need a full house to live.
I'd definitely take the pictus back.
How many Corys, ADFs, and Otos did you buy?

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